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Need your help


Hello, (posted this in the underdeveloped forum too, but here it goes again)

I am new here and I have a few questions regarding my breasts (pics below)

The first picture is the natural state of my breasts, second one is if I massage them for a few seconds. They appear rounder and better in the second picture, but that does not last long. Is this common?

A bit of background on me:

Got my period at 14. At 16, I had gained some weight, but breasts were still not developed. At 17, I had an eating disorder that I resolved 3 years later. Probably this contributed to many of my problems.

Now I am 25, 130lbs, 5'3 suffering with amenorrhea (lack of periods). My endocrinologist thinks its a combination of PCOS and hypothalamic amenorrhea (coming from my eating disorder) Ugh, I am a mess. I have no confidence, and due to my low self esteem I have never had a partner and still a virgin.

What do you suggest I do? I massage a bit daily and only use goats rue for now. I fear of using pumps because it might make my breasts more tuberous and give me stretch marks.

Please help

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Hi hon, I'm not very versed in underdeveloped breasts or any of your other problems, but I just wanted to say you and I are in similar situations where our confidence is concerned. Mine is very low, I have no self esteem, and I've never had a boyfriend, either. So please know that you're not alone there.

If your breasts are responding to massage, then you're on the right path. Over time, that temporary swelling you get should turn into growth, so keep at it!

They look very nice if you are very slightly tuberous you still have nice breasts so you shouldn't feel so bad.
You could look into bovine ovary and noogling, maybe a little progesterone these things help normally for tuberous or underdeveloped.
Also continue to massage your results look great already.

Wow! Your breast really shows the difference after massage!! really good, I think you will have great results, but you should massage regularly and work on your self esteem and beliefs!
I am here because yes..I would like to look nicer, but above all I want to love myself more and resolve issues with my past!and that's amazing..the process of re-connecting with my real self!
All is possible, be faithful! Smile
We are all here to share our experiences! I'm working with massage, bach flowers and hypnosis, and what works for me may not work for others! Never give up! and find your own path.
p.s I've been virgin until 29 ! don't worry about, You only will blossom a little bit later! (look at my avatar!! Wink) I wish you all the best! good luck!!!

This is very encouraging! Thank you all for your kind words.

After three months on metformin, I was hoping to see an improvement of my hormones, but no luck. I just got back my blood work from last week, and still the same as all previous levels:

Estrodial 21
FSH 5.3
LH 6.4
Progesterone 0.6
TSH 1.2
DHEA-s 296 (normal high)
DHEA 10 (a bit high on the range provided)

The doctor recommends the birth control pill, but I just don't think it will solve my problems, just a bandage on my hormonal issues. Any advice?

WB & BB. I see no reason why either of you can't get a boyfriend. You just walk up to one you like and start talking with him. If he doesn't go for you, just try another one, maybe he was attached.
I know of two women that are actually a bit scary-looking, but they both got boyfriends!
Just so ya know, I was a virgin until I was a few weeks shy of turning 25!! But, to this day (okay, until a few weeks ago), I don't consider myself ever to have had a girlfriend. :-( Every one of them is either spoken for, or not at all interested!!
Trust me, it's a LOT easier for a girl to get a guy than vice versa!!
Take care!!

That's very encouraging Missedmiss Smile and yes..things are actually simpler than our minds figure out...The hardest thing sometimes is to convince ourselves of our possibilities!Smile
Weirdbreasted.. I'm not an expert, but I can say what I would do if I was you..I would try the homeopathic treatment, since I think that the birth control pill will not treat the imbalance. Whith the homeopathy I got rid with ovary cystis and other problems of allergy I had..
That is an example I found in the internet, It's just an example of what I mean
You can also massage your breast with oils containing vegetable hormones..

(13-06-2014, 22:46)Missed Miss Wrote:  WB & BB. I see no reason why either of you can't get a boyfriend. You just walk up to one you like and start talking with him. If he doesn't go for you, just try another one, maybe he was attached.
I know of two women that are actually a bit scary-looking, but they both got boyfriends!
Just so ya know, I was a virgin until I was a few weeks shy of turning 25!! But, to this day (okay, until a few weeks ago), I don't consider myself ever to have had a girlfriend. :-( Every one of them is either spoken for, or not at all interested!!
Trust me, it's a LOT easier for a girl to get a guy than vice versa!!
Take care!!

Thank you so much Missed Miss, this is very encouraging! People don't realize how many people don't lose their virginity until they're well into their 20s.

I've actually had guys interested in me (and in fact there's one interested in me right now), but I'm a late bloomer and wasn't interested in a boyfriend for the longest! Since I HAVE been interested, I've been attracting guys I'm wary of (and rightfully so; turned out this one guy who was convinced I was meant to be his wife has STDs!!!). And I live somewhere where there are no available guys (even my married friend agreed with this). I'm very religious, and I want to date a guy who shares my faith, so that narrows it substantially. So for me, it's not fully a matter of me not being confident enough. Sigh...

And I actually don't mind being a virgin. I'm proud of it. I want to wait until I'm married.

WB, do your best to avoid the pill. I'm extremely wary of it because we believe one of my dear aunts got breast cancer from being on it from a very young age. Try to see if there are alternatives. You're right to be reluctant about going on it.

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