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inverted nipples


What if inverted nipples are caused by less prolactin action compared to estrogen? Prolactin causes areola and gland lactation development, while estrogen causes forward mammary gland growth.

If so, I wonder if long menstrual periods and short luteal phases or other menstruation discomforts are associated with this.

Thank you!!!
Yes..during puberty I had acne, lot of hair and a loong periods...maybe some ormonal trouble could have caused inverted nipple? maybe!

When I had my son 2 years ago, the lactation consultant was actually the one who pointed out my inverted nipple (didn't even know that's why it looked like that, with the line across it). It was interfering with my breastfeeding since when he attached, his suckle closed off the milk flow on the inverted nipple. She told me that the breast pump that I was already using would be enough to pop it out. It did, but it's gone back now. I'm interested in learning a way to fix it again.

I have inverted nipples grade 3.
But there's nothing bad about it. Smile

One of my nipples wa inverted also. Breast feeding fixed it, it was super painful though but that breast was my babies' favorite one for some reason. It is permanently fixed now. So I think suction should fix it. I like the post above where the brava system helped but I'm sure noggle would work etc. it was painful with breast feeding though hopefully it will be less so with a pump

I have no babies and for now I would like fix the problem naturally, but niplette and even the nipple piercing didn't work!It's not simple, in my case!
I was self consciuos about them with my partner, although he never ever mentioned my "problem". Ok, I could accept that as a "normal" possibility on how a nipple can be (and I have read a lot of women and men have inverted nipples), but It's annoyng even keeping them clean, when I put them out I feel some pain Sad
Have read that acupressure could do something, but here where I live there isn't that possibility!
Anyway, I find this extremely ineteresting..

I think breastfeeding fixed it, because it stimulates prolactin, which causes nipple development (see post #11) and also puts menstruation on hold. Nipple stimulation, breastfeeding and mood stimulate prolactin.

"After the baby is born, prolactin stays high if you are breast-feeding. In women who do not breast-feed, prolactin levels return to normal soon after they give birth."

"Stimulation of the nipples can raise prolactin levels."

"The highest [prolactin] levels occur during sleep and shortly after you wake up. Prolactin levels also get higher during times of physical or emotional [eu]stress."

The free and natural way may be nipple stimulation/massage. Herbs known for breastfeeding too.

Perhaps its galactogogues that help. Prolactin actually causes alveolar (milk lobule) growth, which I mistook for areolar growth. Still, it's the milk lobules that secrete the hormones that help with nipple and areola growth. Also, past hormone imbalances can be an indicator of inverted nipple. I theorize that milk lobule size is proportionate to nipple and areola size.

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