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I feel really discouraged right now :(


I feel so dissapointed right now. I have been using the Noogleberry system for about 1 month and a half now and at first it seemed great because I could actually feel a big difference and see a little difference too. I have no breast at all. I'm not even exagerating about it. I honestly have NOTHING. My chest looks like the chest of a 10 year old boy...All i can see is 2 nipples. Just yesterday when i would feel my breasts they felt a lot fuller and i actually had something I could hold onto. When i looked in the mirror I didn't really notice a huge difference, they just kind of look "puffier" but i was happy that i was starting to FEEL the difference. In the last couple if months I gained about 7 pounds and It shows a lot..Especially on my legs and my face so It's been 2 weeks now i've been trying hard to lose weight. I think I already lost 1 or 2 pounds...or maybe it's just water weight....But last night I felt hungry before going to bed and I thought that it must just be because I'm not used to the food changes but i kinda felt a little thinner also. So i started feeling my breasts and there was honestly nothing there again..Nothing to feeling, nothing to hold, nothing to squeeze...I was thinking are you serious? What happened? So then i go look in the mirror, and they looked just like how they looked before I started the Noogleberry system. I couldn't believe it! Earlier that day I pumped for 2 hours and my breasts felt the fullest they ever felt and I was getting really excited and then all of a sudden right before going to bed everything was gone? And i know that it's not because the swelling went down because i've pumped for 2 hours many times and i only get a tiny amount of swelling and when it goes down I can still feel the difference In my chest, even if I don't pump for a full day, they usually stay the same...

Has this ever happened to anyone else before? Why do you think they did this?

Thank you for the help!

Try not to be discouraged. Congrats on losing the weight, but just remember it takes time and persistence. What I am noticing a lot about people using the noogleberry system have been doing it for quite some time and do it frequently. 1 month is a good start, but it may take a lot longer to start noticing visable results. Your tissues need to expand, blood flow has to continually be drawn there and that is when things start to change. Don't give up, keep at it. Also in conjunction with the noogling, a lot of people seem to be getting great results with added herbal supplements too. Just a suggestion to do some research. Some patience & time will make a difference for you.

(06-04-2013, 16:39)Shortcakekate Wrote:  Try not to be discouraged. Congrats on losing the weight, but just remember it takes time and persistence. What I am noticing a lot about people using the noogleberry system have been doing it for quite some time and do it frequently. 1 month is a good start, but it may take a lot longer to start noticing visable results. Your tissues need to expand, blood flow has to continually be drawn there and that is when things start to change. Don't give up, keep at it. Also in conjunction with the noogling, a lot of people seem to be getting great results with added herbal supplements too. Just a suggestion to do some research. Some patience & time will make a difference for you.

Thank You Smile

If you can stand it, I'd also say try to embrace the extra weight. The more tissue you have in your breasts, the more effective the noogleberry is. I have gained ~15 lbs. since starting NBE. Most of it went to my butt and hips, a little to my tummy and barely any to my breasts. However, it did give me a little more to work with. I've been pursuing NBE for almost 3 years now, using the noogleberry for ~7 months now. I have only grown ~.5in since the start of the noogleberry, but the feeling of my breasts has changed immensely. I am now working on losing around 5-10 lbs because I feel as though I can lose weight without significantly losing breast tissue. Dieting and fasting can make your boobs shrink, for most women the boobs are the first to go because the fat is extraneous. The repro system always shut down first. If you can embrace the extra 5 pounds, I say do it! If not, then just keep plugging along and don't get discouraged. It does work, it just might take a year to see significant results.

(06-04-2013, 21:56)Run.Rabbit Wrote:  If you can stand it, I'd also say try to embrace the extra weight. The more tissue you have in your breasts, the more effective the noogleberry is. I have gained ~15 lbs. since starting NBE. Most of it went to my butt and hips, a little to my tummy and barely any to my breasts. However, it did give me a little more to work with. I've been pursuing NBE for almost 3 years now, using the noogleberry for ~7 months now. I have only grown ~.5in since the start of the noogleberry, but the feeling of my breasts has changed immensely. I am now working on losing around 5-10 lbs because I feel as though I can lose weight without significantly losing breast tissue. Dieting and fasting can make your boobs shrink, for most women the boobs are the first to go because the fat is extraneous. The repro system always shut down first. If you can embrace the extra 5 pounds, I say do it! If not, then just keep plugging along and don't get discouraged. It does work, it just might take a year to see significant results.

Thank you so much! I appreciate it.

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