Poll: Should she stay or should she go? Let our voices be heard. - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
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A Message to the Admin


Hello Admin and everyone, we have a particular member who decided every message she posts is going to be filled with childish rudeness and insults. Every post she makes is an insult to someone completely unprovoked and for some reason, she feels the need to present herself as a valid source of knowledge despite a severe lack of reading comprehension, mastery of basic grammar, posting fictious information (such as brain size being correlated to breast size and phytoestrogens having no effect on our hormone levels), and just being the most catty and uncouth being in this forum. I really don't need to say her name, we all know who it is. If we're lucky, she'll come in here and make it obvious. Big Grin Actually scratch that, she will. I promise you. XD

Anyway, it's evident this member's presence is not needed here. She's more of a pompous nuisance than a fellow member. Although people are entitled to the freedom of speech, they are not entitled to the right to abuse which is exactly what this member is doing. Big Grin

So let's take a vote. Do we ban this particular irrational member or have her stay to continue the disrespect?

I don't think I've every been more in favour of anything since smiles on babies.
Trolls are not deserving of our mercy!

Just noticed the member has been banned.

Thank you very much Admin, your actions are greatly appreciated by everyone here! <3 Peace and respect is how we roll~ Cool

Thank you so much Heart! I was wondering why she had suddenly left us alone, haha.

WOW, thank you soooooo much Admin! I finally feel at ease again on the forum. All the negativity was getting me down =( and my boobies were noticing it too. Dodgy

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