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New, seeking inputs on simple HBE program I've put together


Hello All!

I'm soooo glad I found this forum! Been lurking the site for hours each day over the past couple of weeks just researching the various NBE methods, and I've decided to give herbs a go.

I've always been self-conscious about the size of my boobs even though they're actually okay looking on me - on the small side, but I'm petite so I don't look completely flat. I live in Asia so there are many small girls which makes me feel normal. However, that doesn't make me less self-conscious about my small chest. I started dieting at the age of 13, and as a result I've barely grown since then.

It's just so frustrating and embarassing whenever that my bf (who is much bigger than me) touches me and there's nothing to "grab on" to Sad I know he loves me the way I am, but still...

Anyway, here are my stats:

Female, 25, Asian
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100lbs (I don't look malnourished!)
Bra Size: I fit into an Asian 32B but in American size I'm a 32AA-small A Sad
Starting measurements:
Overbust: 31in/78.5cm
Bust: 32in/81cm
Underbust: 27.5in/70cm
Waist: 23.5in/60cm
Hips: 34in/85cm

My goal is to reach 84inches/fit into a 32C! Smile

Currently on Day 9 of my Cycle but I simply CANNOT wait to start so I have decided to start slow on the ramp up method. I found fennel (seeds and powder) and fenugreek seeds at my local supermarket for REALLY cheap, so I decided to go for raw seeds instead of GNC Fenugreek caps.

Here is the first version of my program that I intend to follow from now through my first cycle. Any input/advice you may have would be GREATLY appreciated!

1/8 tsp Fenugreek seeds (swallowed with water)
1 tbsp gelatin mixed with water/juice
Massage with heat + Boobie Batter/Dry massage

1xFenugreek tea (1 tsp Fenugreek steeped in 1 mug water)
Dry Massage (Fengshui)
*will eventually add another 1/8 tsp FG seeds here, bringing the total dosage to 1000mg daily*

Taken just before bedtime, because I read on beboards that HGH levels are highest during first 90 minutes of sleep, so you should take your last dose of estrogen then

1/8 tsp Fenugreek seeds
1xFenugreek tea
Massage with heat + Boobie batter

Luteal Phase Additions
Vitamin E (still researching the dosage)
Add 1tsp fennel to tea

Homemade Boobie Batter for Massage (while EVOO + FG batter is steeping in closet):
Fruit of the Earth Cocoa Butter w/ Vitamin E mixed with homemade Fenugreek concentrate (I'm thinking 1tbsp Fenugreek seeds steeped in 1/2 cup water?)

I have a handheld body massager with heat function so I am using that to do my Chi rotations (360 on each breast) at night! Big Grin

Other things of note
Here are some things I feel COULD affect my program, but I simply cannot do without:

- I exercise about an hour 3-4 times a week (Cardio + Pilates. Health > boobs IMO, and exercise increases HGH levels right?)
- 1 cup of coffee in the morning (I CANNOT live without it)
- I drink 3-4 liters of water a day

Let me know what you all think!

My idea is to start with small doses and as little herbs as possible to keep things simple. I am thinking of eventually adding SP to my program, but for now I would like to see what plain FG + Massage can do for me.

I measured that 1g (1000mg) of fenugreek seeds = 3/8 tsp, so I will start at 1/8 tsp (375mg) 2x a day (750mg daily), gradually ramping it up until I start "feeling" growth sensations.

Also, would anyone happen to know if FG seeds are equally as effective as powder? I just have this notion that the powder may be easier for the body to absorb even though 1g of Fenugreek seeds and 1g of powdered Fenugreek seeds are pretty much the same thing (cost-wise it's a lot of difference where I am).

Sorry for the lengthy post! I wanted to provide as much info as possible to save everyone's time. Any ideas/inputs/suggestions are very much welcome!


Hi LittleMissTiny,

I tried both FG seeds and powder, and they have the same effect. I steep the seeds in water for at least 1/2 hour to soften them for chewing. The price difference here is small: 250 g powder costs € 0.93, seeds € 0.89. I've read some people use a coffee grinder.

I steep FG powder in just enough olive oil to just cover the powder. I tried alcohol, but then the extract is more smelly.

Hi Isabelle,

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, and for sharing your knowledge so generously with everyone. I'm still halfway through reading your program thread, but I've learnt so much already!

I'm actually a little confused about fenugreek so maybe you could help me out? I read in some threads it's a phyto-estrogen and in others it's not (been running between threads/forums like a crazy person so I'm afraid I can't remember the sources), that it increases prolactin but is not a phyto-estrogen? Sorry, haha overwhelmed noob here so I would really appreciate your help on this.

Do you think it will make a difference if I swallow the seeds whole instead of chewing (wonder if the enzymes in saliva have any effect on FG)? I tasted one earlier and it was bitter! Blergh!

As for the extract, thanks for your advice! I'll stick to the EVOO since I'm allergic to alcohol (saddest thing ever!). Sucks that I'll have to wait another 1-2 weeks before I can use it! Will just have to make do with Cocoa Butter + Vit. E for now I guess.

I think I may be imagining things, but I accidentally took 1/2 tsp of fenugreek (1500mg) this morning instead of 1/8 teaspoon (375mg), and followed by my afternoon FG tea. My boobs have been feeling warm and numb (I don't know if it's considered tingly, like teensy pins and needles) on and off. My face and body feel warmer than usual too (which is fine because I have cold hands and feet) Is this normal? It's only day 1 though so it should be too early to have any sensations right? I won't be taking anymore FG tonight since I've already OD-ed, but will still drink my tea and massage before bed. I want to start with the bare minimum to avoid stalling!

Hi LittleMissTiny,

Yes, it can happen. Fenugreek increases prolactin. Prolactin actually starts milk production, so it causes swelling within hours. Don't worry, if you don't breast feed, the milk will just be reabsorbed. Swelling is gone after 12 hours, unless you take fenugreek again.

Fenugreek also stimulates the pancreas to release insulin. If your blood sugar was high enough, but you lacked insulin to make energy from it, you can get a temporary warming effect.

Fenugreek is not a phyto-estrogen, so you can't stall on it. In people who take it, prolactin and progestrone increase. Estrogens increase too, but only a little.

About swallowing whole seeds, I don't really know. My first guess would have been no, but when I steep seeds in water, it does color brown. You have the opportunity to do the experiment now: swallow whole seeds, and check if you get the feelings again.

(03-11-2011, 10:15)Isabelle Wrote:  Yes, it can happen. Fenugreek increases prolactin. Prolactin actually starts milk production, so it causes swelling within hours. Don't worry, if you don't breast feed, the milk will just be reabsorbed. Swelling is gone after 12 hours, unless you take fenugreek again.
I am liking this instant gratification thing! Big Grin My bra felt tighter when I put it on to go out in the evening.

Steeping my boobie batter and waiting on my tea as I speak. No more FG for today. I am also trying to ward off any potential side effects from FG overdose by letting my body get used to the herb (had a slight tummy upset in the afternoon).

I'll try the seeds again over the next two days and see how it goes. Looks like I won't be able to get powdered fenugreek anywhere except in GNC caps, so my next option would be to put all the seeds in a ziploc bag and hammer the $#!+ out of them since I don't own a coffee grinder or pestle and mortar Big Grin Btw, after conversion, a packet of fresh 50g seeds cost me about US$0.18 while a bottle of 100 caps from GNC (600mg) costs US$18 (they're half the price in the US, we get ripped off here in Asia Sad ).


Update: I'll be adding 1000mg SP (once I get my hands on some) to my routine and cutting out EPO (will try to hunt for borage oil) after re-reading Isabelle's list of herbs/functions and Wahaika's reply in hope's thread about SP being an anti-androgen and trying the herb out to curb acne.

I've been battling oily skin/acne since last year. I've always had combination acne-prone skin, but never as bad as this. My scars never get a chance to heal because I always get new zits Sad

Tried pounding the fenugreek seeds with a pestle and mortar AND a hammer today, and all I can say is man those seeds are HARD! So I've resorted to Isabelle's method of soaking the seeds in water beforehand and chewing them. Isabelle I have to take my hat off to you - the seeds taste nasty! They're bitter and smell like grass!

Still no signs of smelling like maple syrup even though I've bravely upped my intake to 1/4 tsp 3 times today. No warm feelings either, but experienced ocassional prickling sensations (like random sharp pin pricks) on the breasts. They're a bit itchy too.

On another note, I've noticed that I feel more bloated than usual, and Fenugreek makes me feel really sleepy throughout the day. It knocked me out last night and this afternoon too (had to take a nap).

Hi LittleMissTiny,

Think of peas: they taste a lot better with a little honey and thyme in the water Big Grin

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