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i have saggy breast.......will the brava help them not to sag


i have saggy breast.......will the brava help them not to sag
January 26 2007 at 9:34 AM abby (no login)


hello, i am 20 years old....i had a little girl.....i was a 36 b before i was prego and after the pregnancy i am a 34 b sometimes 36 b depending upon the bra....i was just wondering if the brava will make my breast thinking about buying it.............

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(no login) Re: i have saggy breast.......will the brava help them not to sag January 26 2007, 5:57 PM

Some women claim that Brava has CAUSED their breasts to become saggy. In fact this is one of the most common complaints about brava, that it causes sagginess.

(no login) then they are not wearing it right January 26 2007, 7:54 PM

i am 26 and have nursed two children. my 36 b's looked terrible, saggy. if the brava has done nothing else for me after 10 weeks (they are bigger, just not huge) it has given me back my perky boobies. thank you brava.
good luck

(no login) Not on me January 26 2007, 10:25 PM

I have not heard of Brava making breasts saggy, and it is certainly not doing it to me. Mine are much fuller and perkier. I have been wearing brava for 10 weeks and I am happy with the results with that part of it, I just wish my breasts were growing faster.

(no login) Re: i have saggy breast.......will the brava help them not to sag January 28 2007, 4:21 PM

There are definitely women who say that they suffered sagginess after using brava. I don't think any of the women saying this were talking about the first 10 weeks. I think it took longer than that for the problem to develop.

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(no login) Re: i have saggy breast.......will the brava help them not to sag January 29 2007, 3:40 AM

Julie, did these women see the sagginess while they were using brava or was it after they quit? I would like to know if I am safe if I don't see this while using it. I sure hope it does not happen to me because that would be exactly like I started out saggy and flat and it would mean I wasted all this time for nothing. And I was planning on wearing this for many weeks longer too!

I know what I see now is not what I will end up like after I quit using brava, but I am hoping that they stay fuller than they were before.

I would like to hear the results from women that wore Brava like you are supposed to, you know for the required hours and weeks.


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(no login) Re: i have saggy breast.......will the brava help them not to sag January 29 2007, 12:07 PM

I think the problem only became apparent after they stopped using brava and all the swelling had completely gone away. Incidentally I noticed that some of the websites selling brava advise women not to use brava at all if they already have above average sagging.

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(Login annieboobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Abby January 29 2007, 12:21 PM

Hi abby i'm just as you thinking of trying brava, but was thinking if it make saggy boobs saggier or if i'll get alittle lift from it.

I breastfed my daughter as well and after that my boobs have ben saggy ever since.

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(no login) Helped Me January 29 2007, 11:11 PM

I tried brava for over 14 weeks and the results were lasting after i used it (now 1 year later) after breast feeding 2 children over the past 4 years. It did reduce my sag, and gave it a bit of lift besides reducing the sag. It seemed to make my breasts a bit fuller in size as well.

I hope this is helpful.

(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER THANK YOU MARY January 29 2007, 11:29 PM

I was getting so discouraged hearing all the negative and no positive. thank you thank you thank you.

I just read a post about sagginess!????
February 10 2007 at 1:45 AM Jen (Login jennifer1974)


I'd like to start another thread regarding sagginess from Brava. Are there any long-term users of Brava (over one year) who have experienced sagginess?

Author Reply
(Login jennifer1974) from another blog on breast enhancement: February 10 2007, 1:50 AM

Consider this... if you are putting a pump on yourself it may cause 'swelling' because you are essentially damaging the tissue. Also that same damage will heal and go back down, but the effects the pump had on your skin will never go away, talk to any woman who has saggy breasts from having kids. skin stretches and most times it doesn't stretch back. so you will have bigger boobs (if it works) but they will go away and what you do have will be saggy.... MORE than a bad idea.

(Login solitairian)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I just read a post about sagginess!???? February 10 2007, 7:14 AM

I'm certainly not an expert on this, but brava works by stretching the skin doesn't it? Or by stretching the tissues including the skin? So it seems to me that there must be a danger that it would cause sagging.

(Login jennifer1974) but tissue is resilient February 11 2007, 7:15 AM

i'm not an expert, either, and i initially had the same reaction, but then i considered that skin and tissue are resilient, depending on how healthy a person is and if they work out and such.

any thoughts on that?

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(no login) Re: I just read a post about sagginess!???? February 11 2007, 1:27 PM

Well it can't be that resilient, otherwise women who have babies wouldn't get stretch marks.

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(Login jennifer1974) you're right ... February 12 2007, 11:26 PM

yah, you're right. i talked to my doctor today, and she said that her impression of this product is that it probably does cause sagginess, as it does stretch the tissue for 10 hours per day every day for months.

well, i think i'm gonna pass on it for now ...

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(Login Jenneelle)
EVE MEMBERS Re: I just read a post about sagginess!???? February 13 2007, 12:45 PM

I might have given Brava a go at sometime, were if not for the fact that I've always been suspicious about the effcets of stretching the skin for long periods. I totally believe the woemn who say that after Brava they have suffered from sagging, as it seems to me that sagging from using Brava is an obvious possibiity (I say possibiity because I'm not saying it happens in all cases, but there's always a danger of it happening).

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(no login) Re: I just read a post about sagginess!???? February 28 2007, 8:29 AM

i never had any sagging at all. in fact i saw a positive thing which is that wearing them somehow makes the skin softer. admittedly it does make the nipples look different though... i can't deny brava has made my nipples look droopy, maybe like you've nursed 6 kids.

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(Login Glamma)
SENIOR MEMBER To Jennifer February 28 2007, 12:57 PM

As soon as I get over all the other negative stuff about brava I hear another that scares the life out of me 'brava makes your nipples look like you've nursed 6 kids!! ahhhhhhhh!!! That's scared me Jennifer! Have you breastfeed before or is it all down to brava? Anyone else experience this?? It's good I'm hearing all the positives and negatives but as soon as I decided to buy brava someone makes a negative comment that makes me slide right back down the ladder.

(no login) no sagginess! February 28 2007, 1:11 PM

as a person who has nursed two children and watched my small B's start to point right down to the floor - i can honestly say that Brava has given me BACK my perky bouncy boobs. i have once again filled in the top part of my breasts, essential for cleavage and correctly filling out a bra. i feel bad for my nipples - they went through hell when i nursed - they were already bigger and darker from that. brava puffs them up - so after i take off the system they look hilarious and hurt for a few hours - after that they look just like the did before - and i have been wearing this thing 14 weeks! GETTING THE PERKY BACK IS THE BEST PART OF BRAVA

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(Login Glamma)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I just read a post about sagginess!???? February 28 2007, 4:48 PM

I'm climbing back up the ladder again, thanx nikky! My boobs are small but perky and to become small and droopy because of brava would be heartbreaking for me. As if spending £1000 is not stressful enough it has to have bad side effecs as well, that's not right! I think people should be able to use brava and the only problem that they may encounter is sleepless nights but reports of rash, blisters, sagginess and swollen nipples makes me think whether or not I should buy this thing and why it wasn't designed to be more comfortable. I think its time they improved it! Im not totally sad though because I happen to believe that brava would work and I reeeeeeeeally wan't to buy it if I can just push the negatives aside and try and stay positive!

(Login Epiphany.)
EVE MEMBERS Re: I just read a post about sagginess!???? February 28 2007, 6:33 PM

I've heard of lot of women say that Brava is really tough on the nipples. Didn't someone say you could tape them up to stop any damage? I'm sure someone said you could put tape over the nipples to protect them.

Brava doesn't cause sagginess
March 4 2007 at 10:17 PM Glamma (Login Glamma)


There's a thread about whether or not brava causes the boobs to sag which worried me for a while until I recieved my brochure from brava. Brava say's 'With brava the growth covers the entire breast area. Brava was designed to grow breast tissue in every direction, whereas gravity's effect is soley a downward pull causing the breast to sag. Reading this I don't think brava causes the breast to sag if anything it will make saggy breasts perky and make perky breasts grow bigger without sagginess

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(Login tms81) Re: Brava doesn't cause sagginess March 5 2007, 6:09 AM

well i would hear what brava users have experienced not what brava them self are saying, companies always lie to sell there product. In my case, after i stopped nursing i lost the upper portion of my breasts, and with the brava i got some of it back so i am very happy with that. Bigger breast always sag a little more because of gravity but not in a bad way. I cant really understand all this worry about saggines.... The only thing you can worry about is your skin, that is where the problems are. Take very got care of it and be VERY strickt about the weartime. Dont miss a single day.
Good luck.

Vicky A
(Login VickyA) Re: Brava doesn't cause sagginess March 5 2007, 7:52 AM

Yes Brava are known to say anything to sell their product, such as their claim that Brava is FDA approved. The fact is that some women do say that Brava has caused sagging, which should of course not surprise anyone. The problem is that Brava may make your skin grow, but maybe not your adipose and granular tissue. It's the growth and enlargement of adipose tissue in the breasts which give them desirable shape and firmness, and with Brava this is very hit and miss. The theory behind Brava is tension-induced tissue regeneration, which is a scientifically grounded idea, but unfortunately the usual application of this concept is for epidermal tissue regeneration. This means that your skin may grow (or stretch) by wearing Brava, but the growth of the tissue inside is a different matter and what happens here is hard to predict because the body's response is so individual. What you need to hope for is that as the skin expands your body allocates fat storage to the breasts rather than the other part of your body, as that is your best bet of avoiding any possibility of sagging.

(Login lilmama40) Re: Brava doesn't cause sagginess March 5 2007, 8:20 PM

Just a thought.....I don't know much about Brava. But with breast enlargement in general regarding sagging, I think that partly when you have small breasts and they are "unsaggy", maybe it's related to the small size? Not much volume equals not much sag. But the bigger they grow, I think some just naturally tend to sag not per-say because of Brava, but because of the gain in volume. Especially if we've already had children and are a little older. Possibly? Mine are growing and I wish they'd fill in more up top but I do have to face the fact that I may just end up with bigger boobs that sag a bit since I'm 40 and I've had 5 children. Not that I'm complaining! :-)

(no login) Re: Brava doesn't cause sagginess March 7 2007, 10:37 AM

You are correct, Brava does not cause sagginess. Definitely it does not cause sagginess. It does however give you stretch marks and misshapen nipples, and if you're unlucky you might get scars from skin infections.

October 5 2008 at 1:58 PM Siobhan (Login xxcosmopolitanxx)


hi! this is my first message and havent actually purchased brava yet. im a C cup and am more interested in using brava to achieve more fuller perky breasts, i was wondering whether anyone could testify whether brava could help me achieve this and to what extent? thanks x

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Sagginess! October 5 2008, 10:56 PM

If you're quite skinny it may help, I'm a 30D (but I've got a big butt and chubby arms and legs so I'm not in proportion) so even though I'm more than an A-cup I'm still getting growth. If you're bigger than a 34C you might fill the domes too quickly to get much benefit.

In terms of sagginess, most people feel their boobs get fuller and 'fill up' esp after breastfeeding. I think a couple of girls have got saggy from Brava but most find it helps. I don't think I've got saggy even though I have grown and I've had absolutely massive swelling.

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Siobhan Poole
(Login xxcosmopolitanxx) Re: Sagginess! October 6 2008, 1:53 PM

thanks for replying, so basically if ur breasts are already slighty saggy then it would prob not be best? were ur breasts already saggy and then firmed up? xx

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Sagginess! October 6 2008, 6:26 PM

No, mine weren't saggy just small ang getting smaller with weight loss. I think it's a personal thing whether suction gives you sagging and some people have even reported stretch marks but both of these are rare. Usually the case is you are small and or saggy to start and a bit bigger, rounder and firmer after. I don't think anyone who was saggy to start has said they became more saggy, most people found they became less saggy and some people found no change.

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(no login) Re: Sagginess! October 7 2008, 5:49 PM

My breasts did not get fact my breasts were so shriveled up from nursing my son for 1 1/2 years that even though they were only small B's at best, they hung flat against my chest. Brava definitely "fluffs" them up.

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(Login xxcosmopolitanxx) Re: Sagginess! October 10 2008, 12:06 PM

thanks very much for your comments, thanks to them i have decided to purchase brava! i look forward to this sites ongoing support! this is a great forum girls thanks xx

(Login xxcosmopolitanxx) Re: Sagginess! October 10 2008, 12:15 PM

oh and also if anyone else has had saggy breasts that have firmed up with brava i would love to hear from u, or perhaps the opposite i would also appreciate those comments too, thanks xx

saggy breasts
October 9 2008 at 2:59 AM sheep (no login)


my breasts were a 32 aa and mayby a sumwhat full b while breast they are flat (like nothing is in tem)with stretchmarks and wrinkled nipples and one that is slightly bigger than the other has a wrinkled skin if i wear a tight fitting bra.Its like their just skin wil brava help this?
i tried herbs and booby food/massage nothing helps.
im 5 3 and 102-105 pounds
i wont get implants because i think youd be able to see the implant as i have very little breast tissue and absolutly no cleavage
my self esteem is so low-a firm b with cleavge would be a dream come true.

Author Reply
(no login) Re: saggy breasts October 9 2008, 2:29 PM

I also breastfed and was "deflated" so it made my areolas look saggy and dented in and my breasts flatter on top so that you could even see my pectoral muscles. I thought they were stretched out but after using Brava I think the emptiness underneath the skin made it appear that way. Brava definitely helped fill me back in but it is a slow process and your have to be very patient and know that you need to commit a lot of time to it. Definitely take before pictures or you'll forget what you looked like. If you are like me, with very little upper body fat and little breast tissue, you will probably find that you are a slow responder. It is easy to get excited about the instant morning swelling because your skin has already been stretched so you may think you will be a fast responder like I thought because of breastfeeding and pregnancy. After reading what Brava says qualifies you as a fast or slow responder, I would have fallen into both categories. Fast responder because I've lost weight, breastfed, been pregnant. Slow responder because I have dense breast tissue and very little upper body fat with very thin arms and waist. When I do gain weight, it's on the hips, thighs, knees. After using Brava in the first few weeks, I thought I was a fast responder but I am a fast responder to IMMEDIATE SWELLING because of those reasons such as breastfed, etc. but I think in truth, for me, I am a slow responder to PERMANENT GROWTH because my body just doesn't store any fat in the upper portion: face, arms, breasts, waist, etc. I put in a lot of hours (total of 2628) over two cycles and did not miss any days during my first cycle of 11 weeks and then during my second cycle of 20 weeks I used 14 weeks consistently and then 6 more weeks on and off due to rib pain. I did get some permanenent growth - not quite a full cup size. Noticeable to me and my husband because it filled in the emptiness from breastfeeding but no one else would be able to tell. Brava takes a commitment of a lot of hours and time and it is my personal opinion that women who add fat all over or to their upper body will have more success than the person who does not store fat on top just because it stretches existing fat cells so if you have less to work with, it's going to take longer. The immediate huge swelling is wonderful but I think the best results depend mostly on your body type and where you put on fat even if you are thin or average-sized. It does feel uncomfortable at times and it is hard to sleep on your back the first week but you get used to it. Also, the domes are MUCH BIGGER than Brava shows on their model and you will look ridiculous so you cannot wear it outside the house or pick up a child and hold them. I wored mine from evening through overnight and would take them off later in the morning. It is easy to sit and watch TV, do paperwork, read, or work on a computer in them, but not picking up kids and doing active things. I could fold clothes, straighten the house, load the dishwasher, etc. - simple things that didn't require a lot of movement. Cuddling is near impossible as well as hugging and close contact, but if you are creative, it can be done. Just remember, although it can be a hassle while you're wearing them, when you're done you probably won't give it a thought and then you can be happier with your breasts and put it behind you. I don't think it is possible to get the same look as implants as far as size, but I think it really depends on the person and how much time they put in and their body type. Of course, everyone is different and I do believe if you put in the hours and are realistic, you can see some results. Good luck.

(no login) THANKS LIVIN ON PRAYER October 10 2008, 1:50 PM


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