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Boob newb looking for advice!


Hi everyone! I'm new to NBE and was wondering if some of you veterans could give me some advice! I'm 22, 5' 1.5", about 107 lbs, a 32A and have been for as long as I can remember. I thought I'd just have to live with it, but after doing some research I thought that my small breasts might be due to excess testosterone (excess facial and body hair, abdominal weight gain) so I decided to take a hormone test before taking any herbal supplements. I took the saliva test and my results came in a few days ago. According to the test my testosterone was normal (surprisingly), but my progesterone is low and my estradiol. It also says that my progesterone to estradiol ratio is consistent with estrogen dominance. Is there anything I can do to balance my hormones AND grow my breasts at the same time? Or should I focus on one then the other? Thank you all in advance for your help!

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