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Anyone on PM and Hops???


Ok, so I'm another one with deflated boobs and starting to feel really discouraged, I've had no growth or fullness for quite awhile now (even in luteal phase Sad ), not sure what has happened Huh

I think I need to change my programme, but I'm really not sure on where to start now. I've been on PM, WY, SP and FG.

I would really like to stay on PM for all the other benefits and experience with hops, goats rue, fennel and spearmint tea, just really not sure on how to incorporate them into a programme like when to take them in the cycle and how much. To be honest I really don't know if thats a programme that is alright for someone to follow or not, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I've also been noogling for 1-2 hours a day for the last 2 weeks or so, early days still but would like to get my herbs going to compliment the NB for some results (sigh, so sad) Sad

I take PM and hops. I take just PM until I hit the week of my period (I'm on the pill) then I switch to hops and fenugreek for that week. I used to take hops all month long but I think it was starting to make me depressed so I decided to only take that one week a month. Becareful with hops. It cause some nice swelling but if it does cause depression too then it's not worth it.

Thank you so much for replying Smile I've just started taking Ainterol from day 1 until day 13 then stopping in luteal phase. Before I was taking it from day 5-13 then 18-24 and WY, SP and FG in between, but nothings been happening, its been 9 months already Sad

I think I read somewhere that you take your FG with your PM and have had good results, so I have done that for this cycle. Today is day 13 so I'll be stopping my PM and just taking 3000mg of FG and maybe keep going with my WY since I still have some.

I'm thinking of when I finish my FG to try GR instead since FG didn't seem to be giving me any swelling Sad I wan't to try something simple like your programme, but I am not on BC so I will be cycling around ovulation etc.

The hops that you take, is that in tea or capsules and is that the root or the flower?? have you tried GR and how and when do you take your fennel?? sorry about all the questions Blush

I'm pretty much lost now, although I go on this forum every nite, its just so much information to intake and very confusing in what each herb does to your body and when to take things, I really envy all of you that have nailed a good programme to follow with results, I hope I can be one of them soon too Sad

Yeah I was taking fenugreek for awhile with my PM and I did notice results but after awhile I felt like FG wasn't having any effect. I didn't even smell like maple syrup any more so I took it out and now only take it during my inactive pills along with hops. I took hops in capsule form. Not sure if that's the best way or not and when it comes to fennel I didn't take any this last month. I didn't really notice any difference when I did take them. It can be kind of tricky finding something that works. I'd focus on PM if I were you and keep up with the fengureek. You could also try taking PM a lil longer then two weeks and see if that helps. The herbs you got work you just gotta figure out when it's best to take them for your body cuz we are all a lil dif. Make sure you drink plently of water. Get enough sleep. Eat healthy whenever you can. Protein supposed to be good for NBE. When it comes to WY I don't know much about it or if it actually helps with growth.

I really want to focus on PM too, but seems like its not having much of an effect either, not sure how I can take it for longer than 2 weeks if I'm cycling tho Huh I might try taking a weaker phytoestrogen with my FG during my luteal phase and see how that goes.

Do you think hops would be a good choice? I think I need to go back and find that list that Isabelle so kindly listed for us to see what other phytoestrogens I can choose from.

Thank you for all your advice, I really appreciate it Smile I have been trying to increase my protein intake, not quite sure how much I'm getting tho, hopefully it will be enough.

I've also been noogling for the last 2 weeks, no swelling yet, hopefully its just becoz of early days and the awesome swelling that everyones been talking about will come my way soon too Tongue

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