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well, i have been taking UB for about 3 months now. have been noogling for the same. started out loose 34B. am nearly a full 34B now. have noticed more fullness though not really much of an increase in size. anyway, i have been noticing the past two months that during my cycle, i have been increasingly moody. a little weepy, but more agitated that normal. have been reading that this could be due to the BO. am unsure as to whether i need to stop taking altogether? and if i do so gradually? have also read of taking DIM with it, but have no idea as to what that is? just tired of feeling this way. Sad
would love to have a bigger bust...but can so live without these horrible mood swings! any help would be greatly appreciated! Smile
More than likely the fluctuation in hormonal moodiness is due to the 2nd puberty you are now in. BO does that. It puts you into puberty again. Yes I heard DIM is good, I forget what DIM stands for, sorry, but I know it's something you can buy at a health food store. As far as getting fullness in 3 months, congrats! That's what happens BEFORE growth happens. The breasts have to fill in any "emptiness" before they can grow further, make sense? Mine had to fill in first as well. Sorry about the menstrual mood issues :/ have you tried anything over the counter like midol? Hope you find out something that will fix it, good luck!
thanks for the input. Smile i couldn't find what DIM stood for either. will keep searching. Smile just saw that a lot of people were using it with the BO. i haven't tried anything over the counter as of yet. i can't take midol. the last time i tried a couple years ago it made me real jittery. Dodgy
well....guess i will continue taking it and see what happens. thanks again.