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Some help please with bulk herbs, how do I measure?
June 11 2009 at 5:45 PM Haley (Login prettypurplekao)


Okay, so I've had these bulk herbs sitting in my closet now unopened for two weeks now waiting for this $25 kitchen scale that I ordered to get here. It gets here yesterday, it can measure grams (not mg or kg), so I'm thinking that's fine. Well, maybe not after all, it's WHOLE NUMBERS. It goes straight form 0g to 1g with nothing in between. How am I suppose to use this to measure my herbs??!?!? I need some help. I've waited long enough, I want to start taking my other herbs! I bought Fenugreek and Wild Yam in capsules but all my other herbs are bulk for the price and availability! Please, anyone who uses bulk herbs, tell me how you measure them! Do you use a kitchen scale? If so, does it measure mg? Where did you get it?! I need a link please! Right now I'm going to try measuring everything to 1g then dividing it into equals portions, IE 400 mg would be 2.5 portions. But this is going to be really confusing. I wish I would have just bought them all in capsules now as this is starting to seem impossible!

Author Reply
(Login diamarena) Re: Some help please with bulk herbs, how do I measure? June 11 2009, 6:53 PM

I also have a small scale but it only measures grams also, so what I do is divide in halves until I have something close to what I need.

I buy bulk herbs but in 100-gram bags, so I have an idea how long they should last if I'm using correct dosages.

(Login prettypurplekao) I did try this... June 11 2009, 7:08 PM

I tried to do this but it ended up taking me 30 minutes just to get 5 capsules and I gave up! It'll take me a century to make a 6 month supply! Isn't there a better way?

(Login OptimisticGirl)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Some help please with bulk herbs, how do I measure? June 12 2009, 7:39 PM

I have the same problem with you and I'm trying to figure out how to solve it because my herbs will arrive soon. I found some kinds of scale to weigh mg (the ones they use in laboratory), however, they are quite expensive.

Sad Sad Sad a little bit regret not buying herbs in capsule now...

(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Some help please with bulk herbs, how do I measure? June 12 2009, 8:09 PM

I use a kitchen scale just fine, I just split 1 gram in 2 to get 500 mg for example. Often I don't even weight stuff anymore but just measure to dose on the eye. I have some practice tho. It's not like you have to take to mg precise dose.