Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Kieyah's maintaining boobs while losing weight program
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It didn't seem that complicated to me or really all that different from some of the other massages out there, just time consuming. The main difference is that they focus on "lobes" which I think might be similar to the tiger lily massage but referred to as "blockage in chi".

I had had an idea but never tried it to find if this could be turned into permanent growth by incorporating chicken feet soup. If so, might be worth all the trouble.
Ok so I got sick for a couple weeks and lost weight but didn't do anything to keep my boobs so it now looks like I did lose some. Oh well. It still looks totally great so I won't complain but now I really need to start using BB again.

(I don't know how to insert pics on this new site. So this may not show up)
Yeah it didn't show up. Can anyone explain how to post a pic on this new site? It says the file size is too large
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