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Pueraria Soap
April 4 2007 at 4:51 PM Baste4562 (Login Baste4562)


I've just started using Blossom-s soap, and I am definitely feeling some discomfort. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing. I wondered if anyone had any information regarding this for me. Thanks!
Baste4562 (Cynthia)

Author Reply
(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 4:57 PM

Hello cynthia!

It depends what kind of discomfort you're talking about. If it's surface itch or rash, you might have a problem. If the itch is "inside" your breast or tingles or aches or throbs.......You've hit gold, girlfriend!!! Smile

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 5:05 PM

Cool! Thanks. Fortunately, I am feeling the ache/burning kind of feeling. So at this point, how long, more or less, before I see results. Keep in mind I have just used the soap twice. Not to impatient, am I? lol

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(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 5:26 PM

Ha! We all struggle with the whole patience issue, by times! I can't say how long it will take or how much you will grow.......but the sensations you are describing sound like it's most certainly doing SOMEthing Smile Keep at it and try to just make it routine and let the days float by... you know the whole "watched pot never boils" adage?
....Give it time and be quite pleasantly surprised! (I'm trying to put my $ were my mouth is....being anxious really is detrimental to growth).

Congrats with aching boobs!

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 5:32 PM

I know exactly what you're saying. I will do exactly that and try to be patient. lol I have a fairly positive attitude, so hopefully that will help. Is it safe to use this soap on any part of your body, like your face, or should I keep in under lock and key for boobs only?

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(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 7:16 PM

If you want to see even more encouraging news about the blossom-s soap, Do a search for Blossom-s in this forum....Lots of information has been posted by Deborah in particular. She's put up a lot of the specifics and benefits, and seeing how excited some of the others are with it could give you a boost in spirit when you're needing it! Quite a bit of excitement surrounding this oneSmile

In regards to using it all over? Yes, it is fine to use as a body soap as well for it's skin smoothing and tightening benefits......I use it on my tummy to help with krinkly skin from birthing little ones Smile and like how it feels. The only con is that you use up your soap a lot faster depending on how often you use it all over and just how much space you're trying to work on!!!Lol!!!
On average, if just using on breasts 2 times a day, a bar is likely to last 4-5 months, which is quite a while, so it's really up to you.

I don't see it marketed particularly for face, but noticed it mentioned (trying to remember where...?) that it was found to be "gentle for the faces of many girls in Tailand". Depending on how you react to fragrance and any additives in the soap would be the only potential drawback I can see. As long as it doesn't irritate your face and you want to use it there, I'd say go for it!

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 7:50 PM

I'm sure I saw it somewhere used for acne, but I really can't remember where either. Since I've hit these wonderful menopausal years, all sorts of interesting events are happening to my body, and it certainly isn't fun. Acne is one of them. I will search around for more information and thanks so much for all of your help.
Are you also using the breast cream as well? I'm waiting for that to arrive. If you are using the cream, do you find the same effects following use?

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(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 4 2007, 9:25 PM

It would appear we're in the same boat concerning the cream! I'm expecting my St. Herb Nano any day now. You would not believe the worn out path between my door and the mailbox!!!lol!!! Very excited to add this into my daily routine!

I'm not at menopause yet, but as a teenager I was the one always told what beautiful skin I had......then i had my kids and acne moved in shortly therafter....NOT impressed Sad To survived adolescence relatively unscathed then be bombarded as an adult seems a cruel twist does it not? If you do find out anything regarding the soap and facial scourge.please pass it on!

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(Login Sarabell239) be careful with you face! April 4 2007, 10:26 PM

I also love my soap ladies, have had it for about 2 wekks and am veryy pleased. Bowever, I thought I could use what was lathered on my hands on my face and got a breakout. I have terribly sensitive skin, and must have gotten the reasction from an additive. Maybe it's just me, but maybe you should try testing it before going all out like I did. Took me a bit to realize it was the saop too, cause I thought it was from adding more funugreek. But the day I stopped, my acne started to clear. Have fun girls! The saop is really a terrific addition to NBE Smile

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(Login BObabe) be careful with your face April 4 2007, 10:47 PM

Thanks for the advise, Sarabell! Sorry you had a hard time figuring it out.....hope it clears up for you asap Smile

I'm sticking with boobs and belly....My blossom-s is a selfish mistress and doesn't want to share with the rest of me anyways!lol!

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(Login Lillea)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 5 2007, 7:30 AM

I'm using Blossom-s too, and really love it! The smell is lovely and mild. I have chemical sensitivities so many perfumes give me migraines, but not Blossom-s! I am fuller already, and I've been using it twice a day for 4 days.

My method: I cut off a 1/2" piece and slice it into small flakes. I then dissolve the flakes in filtered water, stirring for a few minutes to break up the bits and create a soft pink goo. I then put on vinyl gloves and massage my breasts for about 5-10 minutes. I leave the suds on for at least 1 hour. They dry nicely. Then I wash off. I do this twice daily. So, 1/4" or less of soap per session.

Aside from that, I take Greenbush fennel extract internally, but not much (maybe 3000 mg a day, and that's more as a digestive aid).

I'm thinking of taking St. Herb capsules but feel nervous about weight gain on other parts of my body.

(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 5 2007, 4:00 PM

I have tried the soap on my face, mostly on my chin and forehead where I do break out. It does leave the skin on my chin feeling healthy, not dry, not sensitive, just pleasant. I did notice that the breakout areas are drying quicker than if I didn't use anything, and with less pinch and pull than if I did use an acne medication. I try not to use too many products on my face, because I too had beautiful skin as a teen, escaped the breakout years without a scar, and hit age 45 and hello zits... Now that I'm 49 the last thing I want along with heart palpitations, grey hair, and forthcoming wrinkles is zits... So I'll try a little soap on the problem areas and watch what happens. So far so good. I'll keep everyone posted on the progress. I will say that I am not skin sensitive and I would be considered olive complection, and usually creams, makeups etc... do not bother me.

I don't want anyone to think I'm nuts, but I do feel a little fuller, not noticably so, but to me, it feels as though I have gained some fullness. I am experiencing a couple of things that I would love feedback on. I have broken out with a rash under one breast where the underwire of your bra would sit, and in the center, not all over and not on the other breast, is this a normal reaction? I did have a cat scratch in the center of my breasts from trying to administer meds to one of my cats. I wondered if maybe that had something to do with it. Any advice would be very much appreciated. I just put a little hydrocortisone cream on the rash and wore a cotton sports bra hoping that would help.

The other issue I am experiencing is sore nipples! Anyone else feel that? I had two children and breast fed them each for a complete year. At first I was sore, but after a few weeks, they turned to leather and breast feeding went fine. It feels like I'm breast feeding again. Any help here would really be appreciated. Just don't tell me I can't use the soap! lol

As far as taking any supplements, I'm very afraid to do this. I am an insulin dependent diabetic, and have been for 45 years. For the past 5 years I've been wearing a pump, which has been wonderful - gives me good tight control, therefore I stay healthy. I'm in great shape healthwise due to good old fashion strict care, and I'd like to keep it that way, so supplements that I or the FDA know little about scare me. I have to be very careful of weight gain as well. I would be grateful for any and all news and information on this.

Thanks everyone, I look forward to hearing from you. :o)

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(Login BiggerBoobsPlease) Re: Pueraria Soap April 5 2007, 5:48 PM

Thanks for postings about your experiences with the soap ladies. I am still waiting for mine to arrive but I am very excited to hear that you all are really liking it. Does anyone know if you can acheive actual growth using the soap alone?

Breast wishes, Betty

Ask, Believe and you will Receive

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 5 2007, 8:31 PM

Hi Betty,
I just started using this soap, and I, so far, do believe that there is some development from using the soap. This is just the beginning for me, and it's only been a few days, but I swear I feel a difference. To reiterate one of the other ladies responses, there is definitely a path being worn out from the house to the mail box waiting for the cream to come in too. I can only hope this works and I hope it works for you as well. Good Luck.

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(Login BObabe) pueraria Soap April 5 2007, 9:55 PM

Hi, Cynthia

In regards to your rash, I have no idea what is causing this....Not a new bra rubbing the wrong way? Except that you mention you're not skin sensitive as a rule, I would wonder if you're not reacting to something, an additive in the soap or laundry detergent, etc. Aside from making sure to rinse everything off well when done with the soap, or breaking for a couple days to see what happens, I'm not sure what your best bet is. It could be kitty related and have nothing to do with soap at all. Smile

Now, sore nipples I understand!!!!!! You think you're through after putting up with mini-monsters tugging and biting in their greedy desire for full tummies, then we voluntarily put ourselves through it!!!!!!! Ah, the complexities of being a woman! I aften leave the soap on during the day, but have started to make sure I clean off my nipples to see if it makes a difference, but they just feel sore always, and I've taken to being sickly pleased with the discomfort...constant reminder that SOMEthing is going on. Beyond reassuring you that you're not alone in this reaction, I'm at a loss as to if they "toughen up" or if it's all par for the course.Smile

Time will tell Smile

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 6 2007, 2:28 PM

Hi Katherine,
Whew, glad I'm not alone, and I'm not one to give up easily either. You know, I can relate to how you feel regarding the pleasure/pain feeling. I'm definitely with you on that one.

I think you're probably right about the cat/new bra theory because today it's better, and I haven't stopped using the soap. The funny thing is the rash isn't the issue that bothers me, the nipples are more sensative. I can handle that one too. lol I do remember the little darlings doing their thing while filling their little bellies, so again, this is not an unusual or hard-to-handle feeling. I'll hang in there with the rest of you and see what happens.
Cynthia :o)

(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 8 2007, 1:14 AM

Hello, again to you, Cynthia!

We must be doing all of this at the same time! I've been waiting a week and a half for my cream, and was hoping it would be here as the soap arrived so fast. I'm not sure were you are, but I know Deb's said that, due to customs having to go through everything, it really depends on how long they hold things up at the border. Could be 15 days or as many as 30 (but I keep my fingers crossed that surely NOT this long). I'm driving my mail lady nuts as it is..."are you SURE there's no package for me today?!?!" My whole family, heck the whole neighborhood, probably thinks I'm off my rocker!!!lol!

So, I'd put $ on the fact that it is en route....Some bored immigration officer is staring at the stuff wondering about the desperado waiting for it on the other end! Smile Cruel World!
From one pacer to another,

(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 9 2007, 5:38 PM

I guess I'm just going to have to wait. Patience is not one of my stronger virtues.:o) Does it take this long every time we order the PM? I'm just wondering how soon I should order the next tube before running out, or maybe I should have ordered two at a time. So am I right to guess that the product comes from Thialand, then to CA where Deborah is, then shipped to us?

I have to chuckle at the thought of some person's face or thought process at customs checking out all these products coming to the US! lol

Has anyone ever used the face cream or eye serum? Bags, I hate under eye bags they have to go... lol



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(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 9 2007, 6:32 PM

Hello cynthia.

Oh it's so much fun isn't it? Sweet anticipation!

When it comes to St. herb, Yes, it is most likely that you will have a wait each time (2-4 weeks) so if you want more it might be good to just plan on doing it a month ahead. I'm glad I did the buy 2 get 1 thing, that's for sure! I'm contemplating a swith from BO to PM internally sometime in the Future (In 2-3 mos, unless something starts happening) and was thinking I'd order it now to have on hand for whenever I do make the switch. Especially when internally you have to start on day 1 of cycle, so don't want to make up my mind, wait another month to arrive, then wait ANOTHER month before I can start. Once I've made up my mind about something, patience is NOT my forte, either!

Off to check the mail box again!!! Oh, Drat, the post doesn't go on Easter Monday, does it?!?AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap April 9 2007, 7:41 PM

Hi there!
Torture! Waiting to me is torture! We must have ordered around the same time, so when you get yours in, let me know, and I'll do the same for you.:o)

You were smart to get the buy two get one. I had never heard of this stuff before, so I wanted to be sure I was investing my money into a sure thing. I'm really afraid to try the PM internally. My system is on such a trip right now with the menopause and hormones etc... Such fun. Cycles? What is a cycle? I haven't any cycles anymore. lol

Part of me would love to try it, the other part says "don't fix it if it ain't broken"... So, I guess I'll have to just wait and see what the creams, soaps do. I truly do hope they work. I'd like to add a little lift and fill out what my lovely children have taken away. lol

We got mail today, I hope you get mail too. At least I think we got the mail, I'm in the office right now, and we got mail here. If you don't mind me asking, what state are you from or am I not suppose to ask that? lol

Cynthia :o)

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(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 9 2007, 9:20 PM


You bet, I'll let you know asap! By the time it gets here I think I'll be shouting it from the roof tops!

I hear what you're saying when it comes to investing in something new...when I liked the soap (I'd been hemming over the cream for a while) I decided to go for it. In for a penny, in for a pound as some impulsive soul once said! (OR was it a sucker is born every day?!)

Oy! Can hardly wait for the joys of the dreaded meno-years...better not be anytime too soon!

Nope, no mail for me today. I'm actually in Ontario, Canada, and our government takes days off VERY seriously! Though I DO have to buy a new mailbox..Some horribly bored young hooligans (I presume) decided to take a sledge hammer to my very sturdily hand built, hand carved and painted mailbox! :[ NOT impressed at has been reduced to a pile of toothpicks and that had to be quite a job. My little (6'9"!) brother-in-law made that for me as a wedding gift so it's quite sad to replace it with a Wal-mart jobbie. C'est la vie. Not what I was expecting to find this morning, anyhow.

Maybe the new one will bring good news tomorrow!

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(Login BObabe) Pueraria Soap April 10 2007, 7:00 PM

Got a parcel slip in the mail today...Can't pick it up till 5:00 though and I'M GONNA GO BONKERS!!!!!! You know what this means, right? MY CREAM IS HERE!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!
Sorry, that's as close as I can get to rooftops!


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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Yeah! April 10 2007, 8:45 PM

Hi there,
Ok, tell me its in! Yes? I'm dieing to try mine. I do have to say, the soap is great, but man it's doing a job on the nipples. How do you avoid those little suckers when you use the soap in the shower? Do I surround them with vaseline? I itch! I scratch, I have pain, I stop itching and put hydrocortisone cream on them... :o( Whew, what a cycle! I have to say, I do feel like they are drying out. Help! What ever is in this soap has to be powerful because I never ever have skin alergies, or sensitivities to any thing I try.

The face, on the other hand, is doing really well. I'm only using it on my chin. I can't even begin to explain how good it looks and feels. I never had skin issues before I hit my late 40's. I'm gathiering that you're not there yet, at the wonderful time in your life where suddenly you have a mustache and a lovely goatee, and the only way you can find your eyebrow hairs in between is to feel for them, cause they have suddenly turned grey, no white! lol Ah getting old is such a wonderful thing. lol

It never ceases to amaze me how younger people today can find the most idiotic ways to entertain themselves. Now tell me, what pleasure did someone have in destroying your hand made mail box... Just is too scary that these kids will be holding down full time jobs, raising kids of their own, and maybe even becoming involved in politics. Very scary!

Ok, I'm ready to hear all about the cream, so please keep me posted. Let me know if you feel any sensitivity too.

I'm actually not too far from you, I'm in that little, tiny state, Rhode Island. lol I mean we're talking small here. Sometimes I think we're still using Pony Express for mail delivery. lol Lets see how long it takes to get mine now.
Cynthia :o)

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(Login BObabe) LMAO!!! April 10 2007, 10:48 PM

Oh girl you make me laugh!!! But do you do fun things with your goatee...french twist, perhaps!!! Sorry, I'm 28 but one of my best friends is mid-40's and in the midst of such cruel fates, so I do get to witness up close what I have to look forward to.!

FINALLY!!!!Yes, I have my cream! And have already applied. Alas, no lightning bolt from the heavens or voice of God or angels singing......They do feel tighter however! Now I have to be patient to see what comes next. again, Not so good at this part!

As an aside with the cream, I got the Nano cream (15ml) at buy 3 get 1 free dealio...I'm glad I've since ordered just the regular (read LARGER) breast cream from them, cause let me tell ya, This stuff is not going to go far. I know 15ml is not very big, but it's more than that : PUNY! Oh, well, I just wanted something to give the idea a try, but if you were to use JUST this stuff twice a day I hope you've got a sugar daddy close at hand!

Pony Express, eh? No wonder you're having to wait so long! I haven't visited Rhode Island, though I hear it's beautiful....They're lucky to have you! Eh, some people think we still depend on dog sleds to pick up our weekly bison ration at the trading post. Must remember to put blubber for the lamps on my list....Smile

May your package arrive swiftly...Here's to fresh horses!


(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER I believe it's here! :o) April 11 2007, 3:16 PM

Well, I believe I finally got it. Yesterday when I got home from work at 1 minute past 5, I noticed a yellow slip on the table from the post office. I called to see if I could pick it up and to my disappointment, they were closed, and exactly at 5. Ah well. fortunately I was able to speak to someone, and instruct them to leave the package between the doors. I guess the post office uped their grade of Whoo Haaa! I'll keep you posted on progress!

I do know what you mean when you tell someone where you're from and they look at you funny, "like where???" You mean they still have life in that place. lol As far as I'm concerned, Canada is beautiful. A very good place to be when hot flashes occur. lol I think... :o) I love the cold weather incase you didn't figure that one out. Especially now at this time in my It hasn't gotten cold enough in Lots of relatives there too.

Katherine, I remember being 28, and I had just given birth to my son. Seems like yesterday. Sometimes I look in the mirror and say, who the hell is that, Oh my God, it's me... lol In any case, 28 was a wonderful time, but man, am I glad it's over. lol Funny, as much as we complain about growing old, I, would never go back and do it again. No way! Now he (my son)is having children, and the smile on my face when his little boy turns the computer and TV on, off, on, off, or climbs on the chair to the counter to play with the microwave, or when the little darling gets into the toilet to play with his boats, well, the feeling I feel at such delight is just beyond verbal description. lol What is that phrase, something about payback, ha! I love it.

I think I figured out how to avoid the nipple discomfort, now don't laugh, but I put Desitin on them. You know that diaper cream that's used for rashes on babies butts. Well, it's waterproof, so the soap can't penetrate to the nipples, or even run onto them. lol Necessity being the mother of invention, it worked! Of course the smell is another issue, pu, like cod liver oil. So, now I used vaseline to get the stuff off. Hey, it worked for me. lol

So, now what am I in for? I believe I got the LARGER, lol, one, but I just got one. If I see some results, I'll order another one real soon.

I have a question, I am taking 2mg of Estrodiol now, for obvious (menopause) reasons. How is this going to effect the cream and soap, or will there be no effects at all?

Katherine, how long have you been using the soap? We probably started around the same time... Did you measure before you started, and have you seen any measurable difference yet? I haven't measured my self, but I really think I should before too long. Keep me posted on progress, I will do the same, and I'm off to buy a tape measure. lol

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(Login BObabe) Cynthia April 21 2007, 2:37 PM

Sorry I kinda dropped off the face of the earth there! Ended up going to El Salvador last minute with my hubby and another to the ariport and realized I forgot my boobie stuff :< so I had an unintentional break from everything for a week. Grrrr!

SOOOOOOOO happy to hear you FINALLY got your Cream! That's awesome! Have you been having good times with this so far? You'll have to bring me up to speed on how it's going for you.

Hubby was bugging me over if I was going to go into withdrawl over not having my boobie routine to focus on, or not being able to communicate with you guys, more. What a sweetie! Smile (But somehow, not a bad question!)

Keep me posted!


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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Serum April 23 2007, 3:47 PM

Hi Katherine!
I was getting worried about you! lol I hope you had a great trip.. Wish I could go and visit a place like that, must have been wonderful.

Well, I have been using the Nano Serum, and to be perfectly honest, I really haven't noticed anything yet. I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. lol The soap had a powerful punch, but the serum hasn't done anything major yet. Unless it is, and I'm not noticing it... :o)

All in all, I am tender, and a bit fuller, but not nearly as full as I'd like to be. lol As usual I'm being an impatient woman. lol I'm guessing that this is going to take time? Right? I just ordered more soap from Deb's site. At least I'll have it on hand, and I won't run out. The soap didn't last as long as I thought it would, about a month, so I figured I'd stock up. lol

One major discovery I made was that this soap is great on my chin, where I break out. I found the scaring going away, and the discoloration fading fast. So, if I'm disappointed and the soap doesn't help my boobs, it's doing a great job on my chin. lol If you have any suggestions as far as product, routine and such, please let me know.

Tell me, did missing a week affect you in any way? I'm curious if you noticed a difference. Are you taking the pills too? I'm just a little afraid to add anything else to the medication I'm taking already.

Well, Katherine, it's nice to know you're back and to hear from you again. Talk to you soon.

Cynthia :o)

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(Login BObabe) Back again!!!!! May 2 2007, 6:49 PM


So sorry to be gone again....I swear i've had the jitters from lack of communication. Nothing exotic this time aside from my hard drive biting it hard. Spent 3 days trying to find out why I couldn't make anything work on the ole PC and turns out I fried my motherboard. So, as it was going to cost $500. to fix, decided to get a new one and get EVERY bloody waranty possible....if I get soap lather on it it will now be replaced, no questions asked, for 5 years....I'm NOT going through that again!

Ah, back to the old patience routine is a stern task master indeed! I likewise did not get the whole "WOW" with my nano (immediate improvement in apperance...maybe my eyes need checking!) but, i figure if everything else has been slow with me, this probably will be no different. Have you noticed anything new in the week+ that you posted your lack of being blown away? Fingers Xed for ya!

I did remember to take my internal arsenal of pills with me for that week, but found all sensations stopped. Could be lack of soap/lotions/potions/eye-of-newt, but things had slowed down a couple of days before I left, already, which I chalk up to the arrival of Clifford (the big red dog!) I started right back up with EVERYTHING as soon as I got home and I'm now starting to get a bit of tingle back. The one house guest that never wears out it's welcome and really are so sad to see go! Don't really know for certain if it's because I'm back at everything,or if I'm in the 2nd half of my cycle....apparently this can be a common pattern leading to the luteal swell and then recession that gets bandied about. Irregardless, I am not about to experiment with that one a whole lot. Figure I'll keep at it with the soap cream for sure and when the next cycle gets here, If tingle goes again I'll have a more enlightened answer to that one. (If it stays, it's a pretty good indicator that soap/cream really does deserve credit here, too!) Time will tell. Smile

Very happy you're getting such an improvement in the chin department...take the bonuses were ever you can! I just might have to give it a try. Have a tan right now from the trip, so I'm a bit hesitant to use it on my face in case I get Nipple lightening on my nose! LOL! Wouldn't that be a hoot!

Speaking of, your nips back to normal? Still using your arsenal of secret weapons as a defense or did everything level out?

Look forward to hear how you're doing and some more consistent Booby-love is coming your way!


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(Login tugba1905)
SENIOR MEMBER not working! May 3 2007, 10:56 PM

I've been using the soap in one month now. At least once a day! I leave it on 5-10 minuites... what am I doing wrong? Why dont I see any difference =(

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Hello again! May 4 2007, 2:58 PM

Hi Katherine,

Ok, you have me in stitches over here... lol Well, seems like you have had an abundance of bad luck with that computer. Don't you just hate when the PC doesn't work. I swear they all think for themselves. lol Good luck with the new one. I hope it behaves for you for many years to come.

Let me ask you, when you refer to the oral arsenal, are you referring to boobie arsenal or just regular everyday oral health boosting items? I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again anyway, I am a little apprehensive to try anything orally to boost the boobs. Although, I wish I wasn't such a chicken. After all the information I've read, it seems like a wise decision to take the PM orally, especially at my stage of the game. I wonder if this is what Suzanne Sommers took to combat her breast cancer? I wonder!

I've not felt anything significant from the nano serum at all. I couldn't even tell you if the sensations I'm feeling are from the estrodiol I'm taking or still the soap. I am very tender, as a matter of fact when someone tries to hug me, I cringe... :o( I even told my boss, who I've known for years and is also a very dear friend, to be careful not to squoosh me too hard when he hugs me. I'm afraid they are going to POP! lol He happens to be very Italian, and loves to hug everyone he comes in contact with, so I don't feel especially high on his list of friends because he hugs me every morning (too hard I might add)... lol

Anyway, I no longer go through any monthly cycles, and I find the boobs are just as sensitive no matter what day it is. I will also say, happily, that the nips are back in shape and no longer have any sensitivity to anything. The rash has faded and gone and things seem well with the world. lol I do have to say that the soap has improved the skin on my chin. Just as a pecautionary word of advice, if I had a tan, like you do, I wouldn't allow one soap bubble near my face, for the fear of any sort of lightening effect taking place, and yes, I would laugh my butt off if that did indeeed happen. I have to add that even if this soap isn't doing anything for my boobs, it certainly is helping the skin on my chin. I wouldn't recommend it for all over the face, but just on the forehead or chin area seems to be doing the trick for me. I once read that the chin and forehead were hormonal stress points on women. Ha, maybe that's why I broke out on my chin and forehead, between the hormones and stress in my life, I'm surprised I'm not one big zit. lol

So, can I assume you did feel a difference when you stopped the routine? If so, I find that amazing. I wonder if a woman reaches full growth potential at any time in her life, as far as the growth of her breasts? How would you know such a thing... When I was going through the different threads here some of the women stated that it took almost 6 months to see progress. I wonder if it will take that long, if at all, for us... I also wonder if I'm too old for this now. God, I never thought I'd say that "too old" ha! At some point in a woman's life things have to start going in the other direction. Right? I'm just not ready for that one yet. lol

Well, Katherine, it seems we are in the same boob-boat. lol Now what's next, wait it out for 6 months, or....?

I'm glad you're back up and running.. Good luck with the new PC, and of course with the boobie routine. Keep in touch, I look forward to hearing good and encouraging news from you. Take care. I'll talk to you soon.

Cynthia :o)

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi 2ba May 4 2007, 3:04 PM


Did you feel anything when you first used the soap? With my experience I felt tingles, and my skin felt weird. After a couple of uses, I broke out with a rash, but used some cream and changed my method a bit, and the rash went away. I have check a few other threads and some girls don't feel anything. Your best bet is to take pictures for yourself and measure, so in a month or two, you can compare. I wish I could tell you more, but maybe someone with a little more experience will be able to shed a little more light on your situation for you. Good luck with everything.


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(Login BObabe) pueraria Soap May 4 2007, 3:27 PM

Ah! There you are!

So far so good with the computer...anything happens now I swear it's going straight out the window. Then it can have wings to go with it's mind!

Yeah, by oral arsenal I do take BO and the like, but no real results that I would give it any credit for at this stage in the game. Definately have some company in that frustrating ,waiting booby-boat! Drat! Where's the life raft! I know you're hesitant to take internals, and I don't blame you. PM capsules would definately be the real option if you were but if your other is from your Doc, you would probably want to talk to someone in the "know" first. but YOU ARE NOT TOO OLD!!!!! Silly, it's amazing how things can suddenly kick in for anyone, but I love reading the successes of the peri- and post meno. set! It's these (you'd think) exceptional responses that give this slow poke hope! cause whoda thunk!

There are those who have elevated the air kiss to an art form.....maybe you'll be the one to revolutionize the "air hug"! LOL! rather poopy to be that uncomfortable with them on a daily basis, though. Maybe you need to think of them as unruly teenagers, grumbling and complaining at everything you suggest, but then they come up to you one day and say "thanks, you were right" and *poof* well-rounded citizens (boobies) that others find a delight to be in the company of!!! I'm such a fruit! Is that what the zen folks refer to as visualization?! Works for me!LOL!

So happy the chin is as a baby's bottom, and I think your stress areas make sense. Even if I didn't have to worry about the soap on tan effect, I don't think it would help my zits. 1. they're very random, like a beginners guide to connect the dots-mine would be a sailboat! 2. I don't get surface stuff so much, but the nasty underground 'moles' that would rather tunnel around underneath than risk poking a head up to get wacked by a Peuraria mallet! Buggers. Internally might help though. (I am a victim of poor lifestyle choices!)

Here's to carrying on carrying on......Air hug headed your way! Smile

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(Login tugba1905)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap May 4 2007, 9:51 PM

Thanks Cynthia! No, I did not feel anything? How do you use the soap`? You just use it on the breast area, and let in on 5-10min? Or do you massage with the soap? I'm so confused! =(

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(Login BObabe) pueraria soap May 5 2007, 2:06 PM

hiya 2ba!

All of this can be SOOOOOO frustrating, can't it?

Yep, lather up the soap good on your breasts and let it sit for 5-10. I like to message with it as it's nice and slippery, smells good, and feels good, and then let it sit on the skin. I do this sitting on my couch, mind you, not in the shower as I find it runs off from the spray and water dripping off my nose Smile I also do this out of the shower so I can carefully wipe the suds off of my nipples while it's sitting on the rest of my breasts, as my nips were getting a bit sore. Again, just personal preference.

It sounds to me like you're doing everything right, and I know it's hard to keep at it when it feels like nothing is happening and it's hard to know what to expect, but keep it up! You'll get there!

best of luck to you Smile


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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Soap issues! May 6 2007, 6:56 PM

Hi tba,
Yup, Katherine is right! Hi Katherine! I do mine in the shower thou, too many adults running around my house to sit on the couch, if you know what I I also massage as long as I can while in the shower. I try to protect my nipples due to the fact I thought they would fall off if I didn't, they did get so sore from using the soap. lol I found after a while, and some protection, they got used to it. I don't think you're doing anything wrong either, I just think it's so frustrating when you don't see any effects right away. Hang in there, and good luck.


(Login MissFartyPants)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap May 9 2007, 8:59 PM

Definitely seeing progress from using this soap. I don't know why I stopped using it for a while but anyway, I started massaging with it again briefly while in the shower and its looking like it has given my boobs new hope Smile

Yay! There is hope for me yet after all. I have ordered the pills and cream too. Here's hoping to booby growth! Smile

White Sheep
(Login MissFartyPants)
SENIOR MEMBER Shooting pains May 16 2007, 7:42 PM

Has anybody else experienced shooting pains since using this soap? I'm not alarmed or anything, I am more curious as I hope it's a good sign. I know I can't be having growth in just a week of using the soap again, but it does feel as if my smaller breast is catching up.

(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Shooting pains May 17 2007, 2:17 PM


I don't experience shooting pains, but I am constantly sore. I always have a sore full feeling, and I break out with a rash every now and then. I can take care of the rash, but feeling like I'm close to getting a period with the fullness and the soreness has been a challenge, especially when someone tries to hug Thankfully I can handle it all. Basically that's the only discomfort I've experienced. Now that I think about it, occasionally I've experienced some pains too, but not often. How long have you been using the soap?


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(Login MissFartyPants)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Cynthia Smile May 17 2007, 11:04 PM

I've used the soap for a month then took a break from all herbs, including the soap for a month also. I was doing GY massages for almost 3 weeks then stopped doing the intense 40 minute massages 2 weeks ago. I don't know, but either the break made a difference or the combination of the massages and soap has made the sides and bottom of my breasts firmer and fuller. My breasts are feeling lumpy too, I can feel the disc behind my nipples.

Since taking a break from the herbs, my hormones were obviously trown off balance too, thus I'm having breakouts especially behind my neck and back, but I notice that leaving the soap on my back helps in drying it out.

So I'm a happy puppy! lol

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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Wow! May 18 2007, 4:28 PM


It sounds like you really have something going on there. So, I'm understanding that this is all new for you too? My routine is definitely not as intense as yours is, that's for sure. I may just be a little too lazy for all of that extra massage. lol

I noticed fullness as well as soreness with my breasts, and yes, under neith and on the sides as soon as I started using the soap. Hopefully the top will catch up. lol I have to say that I was very lumpy before, and I'm not now, which is good for me. When I use the soap in the shower I do massage, but I also use a round slightly abrashive cloth for better penetration. I don't know if it helps, but I'm hoping. :o)

I too use the soap on my chin for breakouts. It does dry it, and then before bed, I use tea tree oil, now that dries the breakout area really thoroughly.

Because I'm going through menopause, and am on an estrogen pill, I haven't tried the Stherb pills, as this has been a real concern of mine, but I am almost tempted to give it a try, like Deb, one a day just to maintain.

I do wish that my doctors knew more about this. They don't, so it leaves me with no professional to consult. I really do wish I could speak with a doctor who knew about this herb. Any suggestions?

Good luck with growth!

Cynthia :o)

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(Login MissFartyPants)
SENIOR MEMBER Not really new May 18 2007, 8:14 PM

I've been on and off NBE for almost a year now I think. lol... I'm so impatient I don't get to see anything through and I'm always on the next new thing to NBE. lol...

I ordered individual herbs from Vitamin World - good for 6mos supply. I just finished a whole month then my impatience got the better of me. lol... This time it's looking like I'm going to stick to PM. I've googled before jumping to the PM bandwagon. There seem to be nothing but good benefits from taking it. I have not taken the pills yet since I haven't gotten my period yet. But the combination of soap and cream is just nothing short of impressive. I've never had shooting pains in my breast before taking a break then using the soap again.

I'll keep you posted on my progress with PM Smile

Here's to speedy booby growth! lol

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(Login MissFartyPants)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Soap May 18 2007, 8:25 PM

From what I read so far, doctors wouldn't know much about it I'm afraid Sad I tried to find info and yet to find any negative info or extreme side effects from using it. Hey, I'm no herb or science expert here - all I know is from Googling and from browsing here. lol

(Login forme2know) Talking to Doctors??? about PM. May 20 2007, 6:58 PM

I fear that anyone who tries to consult your average doctor with questions about PM will not only get no answers, the may get inaccurate information. Doctors in the west are not only unfamiliar with the research and informtion on PM, they may be biased against it...this is maily because PM is poorly understood as of yet. May doctors will assume it is similar to other plant estrogens that are not bio-identical or strong enough to have any biological activity in humans. The best information to date is on some of the st herb sites that sell the raw materials...I will post the site on the forum for all to access.
Hope this is helpful.


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(Login Baste4562)
SENIOR MEMBER Pm Soap, cream, pills May 22 2007, 4:03 PM

Yes I have to agree the soap and cream are very impressive. I am seriously thinking about adding the pills too. I did look in different places besides Deb's site for more info, and it is tough to come by. I have made different inquiries and have gotten some wonderful replys. People in Thialand are very willing to give you the information you're looking for, and yes, I have not heard one bad thing about taking it internally, except for the 2 girls with blood clots, and I'd like to make sure that doesn't happen to me. I just can't believe that doctors here have no clue.

So you've been at this for a while hey! I'm new at this, very inquisitive, and I'm looking for some awsome results. :o) I can only hope. I am now looking to start taking some pills, but because I no longer get a period, thank the stars above... lol... I should only take one a day along with my HRT. I'm just trying to check around to see if anyone else is in the same situation as I am and how they feel.

Please keep me posted, it is truly amazing how this stuff works.

Good luck.