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Just wondering if any one knows how to prevent the red marks that you get after using the NB. I brought the foam rings to put on the domes but they dont stop the marks!! They r good for getting suction but mine slip on the domes. ThanksXX
Are you talking about red marks that stay, like hicky marks or the red marks the cups leave behind that fade after an hour or so?

for the hicky marks it's normally a sign that you overpumped and we have all done it a time or two and just have to be more watchful for it.

For the red cup marks, there are several padding solutions people have come up with. using yoga mats that have been cut to fit, using blue tac, using camper insulation tape and the one I use, that I came up with awhile back involves foam pipe insulation. As far as I can tell, this last one leaves the least marks and fades the quickest, but all of them help, so it's a matter of what you feel comfortable trying. There are lots of soultions discussed on this forum and on the noogleberry forum that will give more details on how to try one of them.

I recommend itsjust4fun's padding solution. My ring marks would last hours, and sometimes were still noticeable the next day! The pipe insulation gives me virtually NO marks unless I pump too hard and it was pretty easy to make.