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Last night after noogling, I felt pain on the left side of my chest, (where the heart is). Then I got to thinking about the organ directly under where we pump, our heart. Could there be a possibility that we're affecting our hearts to any degree? Since we pump on that side, are we forcing the heart to pump blood harder? Or is it possible to swell the heart? Maybe someone with a similar experience (pain on left side of chest after pumping) or with medical knowledge knows something?
Then again, if it was unsafe, why would the doctors that recommend brava not think of this right?
The heart isn't affceted since we are not pumping more than our breasts can bare.Remember pumping is not supposed to be painful.When it gets to the point were you feel pain you should release a little bit of the pressure.
If we pump to a level that would affect the organs or the heart in this case this means we are pumping on a very high pressure to a limit that is sucking the breasts and the whole heart.And this required a lot of pressure which NB doesn't give nor our body bares.So don't worry Shy
It doesn't seem logical that it would effect the heart, you have to remember, the breast sits on top of what? Our pectoral muscles, and that sits on top of the... RIBS!!! The ribs are there to protect not only the lungs, but the other organs there as well, including the heart. And as others said, we are not pumping hard enough to effect the heart, our breasts would explode/rip off before you could ever get to the heart or effect it. And in order to have that much pressure to hurt the breasts that much, you would be in more pain then you could bare way before then. So no worries. The easy way to tell if you are overpumping is if your breasts are turning purple, your breasts should not turn purple, pink or reddish maybe, depending on your skin tone, but not purple. So if they are turning purple while you pump, release some pressure.

Now what is logical to your left side hurting is... growing pains! Sometimes growing pains can be so intense that they feel very deep within the chest. Even girls not doing NBE said they experienced similar growing pains during puberty. Let me ask you, is your left side the side that is bigger on you? If so, that side on me is also my bigger side and that breast always gets more growing pains and hurts more than my right side. Hope this helps, and happy pumping Big Grin
No actually I totally know what you mean by the heart thing. It's not growing pains. It's definitely applying too much pressure to the area, just release how much you are pumping. But I have experienced the same thing. It's kinda scary, for me its like my heart starts beating very hard. That sorta thing.