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Alexandra- Oh wow I would have been so nervous too! The Brava coach told me that if they ever ask you about it, you can say, "can I speak to you in private about this?" and it's our right. Then just explain that it's a women's medical devise and show the manual. Thanks for sharing your experience- I like to hear about what others have gone through.

Mel- You are using Noogleberry, right? Because this is manual and not electrical, you will probably get less crap from customs than potentially one could for an electrical pump system such a Brava. Just pack carefully and bring your manual so you can explain if it comes up. Speaking of which, does Noogelberry come with a manual?

The noogleberry manual is really a sheet of paper with the directions ect. I probably would be more likely to take it if I was still using the L cups, but the XL are so massive, and way more noticable. I've still got a few weeks to decide. Heck I might not have any time to pump on vacation anyways, so it might not matter.
Well, I had to ship back the old domes and the UPS lady asked me "what is in the box?" I just burst laughing, I didn't know what to say, how to explain anyway I told her it was plastic cups! Anyway that was pretty funny...

Alexandra, how was your experience with Dr. Khouric? I went to see a Dr. trained by Dr. Malan from Arizona, but pretty much told me that I didn't have enough fat to gain a cup size, he said it could only help with shape (I have tuberous breast) I'm 5'5'', 114 lbs. So I'm pretty bummed, I don't know if I should send Dr. Khouric my pics, I really don't want to fly to Miami just to be told "sorry you're too skinny" Dodgy
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