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I'm quite excited about this since I use Kelp twice a day. But last night on the news they said that Sea Kelp has been linked to weight loss. Apparently it prevents fat absorbtion of something like that.

I've lost 2 kilo's (4.5 pounds) in the last 2 weeks without even hardly trying. I'm wondering if it's because I've upped my kelp to twice a day. And the best part is I haven't had any boobie shrinkage. Yayyyy.

Sorry if this kelp weight loss has been raised before but I hadn't seen it any where.
This has been mentioned before, in the old forum...but a reminder is always good. Some who are new may not know said you take two a day...what are the mgs each?
Both my mother and sister are on thyroid medication from their Dr's. I've always suffered from low body temp and low blood pressure but have never had my thyroid tested as it's never been an issue in my life.

However since starting BO i've wanted to raise my body temp. I was taking kelp and L-Tyrosine and raw adrenal. There was slight improvement but still not regularly in the zone, so i decided to up my kelp to morning and night. Now I am consistantly in the right body temp.

My kelp is Deep Sea Kelp 1000mg, containing 240mcg of iodine per tablet.

It's more than the recommended dosage but hey, it's working for me Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
I'm with laisegirl on this one. Too much iodine has bad side effects. You say your thyroid hasn't been an issue, but if you continue to overdose on kelp, you may induce hypothyroidism and other medical complications. Although it's a natural supplement, it's still dangerous if abused. Please be careful and always follow recommendations.
Thanks for the advice girls. I'm a little disappointed if I have to cut back because I think that's how I've achieved consistant temps. I wonder if 2 would be too much.

I'll go back to 1 and see what happens. :s
I think I'm going to buy some kelp, if it's good for weight loss especially. It's meant to be good for your hair too Smile
Sorry to burst your bubble, I'm having trouble with my temp too. It's up to you how much you want to take. I just wanted to warn you of the side effects. I hope your temp stays upBig Grin
So I went down to the 1 tablet for 2 days and my temp went down. I'm going to go back up to 2 and see if it goes up again.

I wonder how much kelp is too much :idea:

I wouldn't imagine 2 a day would be too bad. Might google it and see what I can come up with.
The U.S RDA of iodine is actually 150mcg. 1 tablet of kelp supplement contain higher dosage than the recommended daily allowance already, and by taking too much of kelp (iodine) can cause toxicity and you are endangering your body in long run.

There are other methods to raise body temperature . Do check it out cause it is so so useful. You can raise it through your consumption of certain food and also different kind of supplement such as cayenne or ginger (Chinese take a lot of it during the first 2 months of confinement after birth as it helps to get rid of wind and keep the body warm after sudden drop of body temperature after the baby it out).

Happy growing!!
The rda is 150 for iodine...the upper limit for people 18 and over is 1100 mcg. They suggest that you don't excede the upper limit.
Realize that most of your table salt is iodized, ntm the huge amount in prepackaged foods and soups.
Kinda making me wonder about my kelp amounts. I've been taking 225 mcg twice daily. I'll cut it to once a day, and next time I order I'll look into a lower dose, or maybe some alternative.
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