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Been Thinking...........
January 11 2008 at 12:08 PM Henri  (Login henriettahippo)


If one doesn’t do the inertia treatment at the end of the day as it says, how long does the body stay in its proposed grow mode? Meaning, I haven’t done magnets in a few days, and didn’t turn them off either, just did the grow treatments, are they still in grow mode? Or do they require on a consistent basis the magnets being applied to keep it in grow mode? I am really confused, as it says you need to turn them off, but wouldn’t they just naturally turn off as the magnetic force subsided?


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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Been Thinking........... January 14 2008, 2:03 PM 

Hi Henri,
I can't give a really reliable answer, but my guess is that the ''turn on'' mode wears of after a while. That is probably why it's recquired to do several growing treatments a day. I think the inertia treatment is like an amplification of the ''turn off and heal'' mode.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Been Thinking........... January 14 2008, 6:26 PM 

I do the energising for about 10mins while I get ready for work then put the growth ones on for the day. I get a lot of tingles for about 30-60mins then nothing but maybe it's psychological and I've just got to work and been thinking about other things.

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(no login) Been thinking January 17 2008, 1:29 AM 

Because I'm afraid to mess with magnets and end up with some other problems other than small boobs; I won't wear them all day.
I don't have the time to do the many treatments he suggests but after 2 weeks of CVS for 10-20 minutes in the morning along with the magnets on my bra the proper way it's stated in the manual and the same thing at night before bed.
I can honestly say that I'm firmer (and since my hubby doesn't know I'm doing this - I shower in the am and have a bath in the pm) his comments on them feeling heavier and firmer and what have I been doing? - I've been drinking more water is my excuse. I need to know if it's working and he lied when I asked if they were growing when I took the herbs. I do take vitex (2 in the am) and cayenne at lunch.