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Magnetically melting fat
January 17 2008 at 5:05 AM trendyaznchica  (Login trendyaznchica)


I was reading a section of the NBA manual that I hadn't read before about "Magnetically Melting Fat," which states that the magnetic field created by application of the negative pole to the fat deposit will cause the fat to become water soluble. Isn't fat by its very nature a lipid and therefore not water soluble? Isn't such a phenomenon a scientific impossibility or at the very least, improbability? I suppose if the claim were that the negative pole causes the fat cells to loosen, allowing them to be carried away and flushed from the body, I would be more open to that suggestion.

I know this is only very barely related to NBE, but if anyone has any insight into this, I'd be interested to hear.


Author Reply
(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Magnetically melting fat January 17 2008, 6:17 AM 

I think most of the NBA stuff is scientifically dubious at best, however the magnets are cheap, I do the energising for about 10mins while I get ready in the morning then wear positive on the boobs all day with negative on the thighs - I can't really say if it makes much difference as I'm doing so much other stuff. Even if it doesn't burn fat, if it can just encourage new fat from my diet to go to the boobs not the legs that's a start and I don't think they can do any harm.