Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Cream/boobie batter of choice?? ;)
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Wow! Feels so good to be able to post again! I've been MIA for few weeks, we were gone from home for awhile and while I did check in every now and then, It was from my phone and that's just more frustrating than anything else!

Anyways, on to my question/poll...
What do you ladies use to massage with? (lotion, boobie batter, oils etc...)

I'm trying to decide between making wahaika's boobie batter, or just going the simple route and getting some Palmers with some added Fenugreek. I did a search and couldn't find a thread like this, but I think it could be beneficial info to some of the newbee's (including myself! Tongue) I've found some conflicting info regarding adding herbs to lotion and whether they are absorbed or not, which is why I'm questioning which route to go.
I'm using Wonderup since Saturday, twice a day (I'll continue this for three months and then reduce to once a day to see if I still have the same effects). I think I can see more fullness. At the moment, I am only massaging my smaller breast to try to even them up. I also take wonderup pills.
What is the best cream available in the market for the face massage?