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Progesterone Info; Characteristics of excess & deficiency
February 21 2007 at 8:56 PM Surf  (Login Surf.)


Women need natural progesterone to counter-balance the effects of estrogen dominance. Progesterone therapy is successfully used by health care professionals to relieve symptoms of both PMS, help the transitions of menopause, improve moods, or low libido when progesterone levels are low and/or estrogen is dominant. In menopause, both estrogen and progesterone decrease.

According to medical Harvard medical trained expert Dr. John Lee, author of What your Doctor My not tell you about Perimenopause, many women have estrogen dominance, which is out of balance hormones due to an over abundance of estrogen and estrogen substances in the food we eat. This is known as estrogen dominance. Medical experts believe the out of balance hormones are due to the lack of progesterone in women. Clinical studies show that PMS, menopausal problems, breast cancer and fibrocystic breast have a direct relationship with estrogen dominance. Progesterone is needed for the proper function of the adrenal glands. Stress on the adrenal glands may lead to progesterone deficiency, often causing symptoms of nervous disorders, depression, irritability, fatigue and mood swings.

Medical practitioners reports many of these issues are helped through the use of a high quality natural progesterone creme, as Wild Yam & Progesterone+ or Ultra Harmony -a plant estrogen creme. Blood tests do not show an increase of estrogen with progesterone or plant estrogens. We do know that progesterone and estrogen, like many of the hormones in the body, work synergistically. The presence of progesterone sensitizes estrogen receptors in the body, making circulating estrogen levels work better without changing the actual levels of estrogens.

High Progesterone Symptoms:
Somnolence (Somnolence: Sleepiness, the state of feeling drowsy, ready to fall asleep.)

Low Progesterone Symptoms:

Low Libido
Swollen Breasts
Fuzzy Thinking
Food Cravings
Water Retention
PMS Symptoms
Emotional Swings
Painful Breasts
Weight Gain
Inability to Concentrate
Early Menstruation
Painful Joints