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Hi, I just bought some Fennel Pills yesterday and on the bottle it says digestion support or something rather. Should I exchange them for Fenugreek? or just go ahead and attempt it?

I bought fennel and hops and in my opinion I think I would trade it for fenugreek or wild yam, whichever you prefer.
Hi Christy.

First, You did not tell us what kind of fennel pills you bought. Were they whole herbs or extract? Fennel seed can be bought at your local food stores in the spice section. Relatively cheap. That is what I use to make my teas and breast batter mix. I may later by an extract as it can be more potent. Essential oils are useful in making batter with oil.
So yes, based on your post I would exchange it for fenugreek.

Here are a few things for you to look at. I have used these pages for reference.

If you are male I would recommend adding saw palmetto. Current belief is that it blocks the formation of DHT.

Good luck

Fennel seed doesn't have nearly as many side effects as Fenugreek (blood sugar). Though, you can get growth with both. Also, scientifically speaking, fennel seed has performed better in mammary department than Fenugreek (one study about testing breast enhancement herbs and another one found in Iranian study about fennel cream). Fenugreek is much more popular (and available in stores)

Here it goes (I just found it ... you can google this as well to find original article):

* Fennel Seed - Fennel has been used for centuries as both food and medicine. It was used traditionally to increase the flow of breast milk in nursing women, enhance libido, and increase menstrual flow. There are no published studies examining the use of fennel seed for breast enhancement in humans. In the 1930s, there was some interest in fennel in the development of synthetic estrogens, due to compounds called dianethole and photoanethole.

One study found that after consuming fennel seed for 10 days, the weight of breast tissue in female rats increased. Higher doses increased the weight of the uterus, which suggests that fennel in high doses may stimulate the growth of uterine tissue. Fennel may decrease the effectiveness of the antibiotic Cipro (ciprofloxacin) and possibly other drugs in the ciprofloxacin family and should not be combined.

Antihirsutism activity that Fennel seeds might be capable of: