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I have been trying noogleberry for 6 months now and no improvements at all just some selling before periods..I see all these success stories and I wonder if there are true that's why I am considering the brava system since there's some studies on it before seriously considering fay transfer... #discouraged
(31-10-2023, 13:45)MissMel Wrote: [ -> ]I have been trying noogleberry for 6 months now and no improvements at all just some selling before periods..I see all these success stories and I wonder if there are true that's why I am considering the brava system since there's some studies on it before seriously considering fay transfer... #discouraged
Some people insist that vacuum tissue expansion works for everybody, even if it sometimes works very slowly, but I’m not convinced. Some people are non-responders regardless of weight or body fat percentage IMHO, and other people are just too lean to see results, but at least being lean is fixable. If you’re naturally slim, with very low body fat, you may have to gain weight before anything will work. If you’re already at a healthy weight and don’t have very low body fat, I think there’s a good chance that your a non-responder if 6 months of consistent pumping hasn’t given you any lasting results. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try “low and slow” pumping. I’m just saying that buying the wound vac that was mentioned in another comment, and a set of NB silicone rings, might be a better idea than spending $2000 on something that may not work you. On the other hand, based on my own experience with a real Brava, I do think that the Evebra is probably a lot better than anything most people could make at home, so if you can comfortably afford to “waste” $2000 on something that has a decent chance of not working, their system seems like a solid investment. If you would deeply regret flushing $2000 down the toilet, a wound vac is the way to go.
I see the Deroyal Pro II wound vac on Ebay for $290 right now, and you can probably get 10-15% discount by either wishlisting it and waiting for the seller to email you a discount, or making a reasonable counteroffer:
You might want to double check with OP that this is really the wound vac she owns. I wouldn’t want to accidentally make you buy the wrong thing. There are plenty of other wound vacs available, but most of them don’t seem suitable for our purposes.
(31-10-2023, 04:56)ShelaVenna Wrote: [ -> ]That’s a great find. Combining a wound therapy vac with Noogleberry rings and cups is probably the most cost effective way to recreate a Brava. I would love to try anatomically correct domes, rather then the typical round domes, but it’s not worth $2,000 for the privilege. Have you tried out the small size Noogleberry domes? They were the only cups that would fit me back when I was 105 pounds, literally board flat, no breast tissue, and had a 28” rib cage. I’ll admit, they were still difficult to put on. The first night I tried them, many, many years ago, I just could not get them to form a seal no matter what I tried, but after several more tries the next day I finally got it to happen. Back then they still sold “extra small” domees which would have probably been a lot easier to use. It’s a shame they don’t sell the XS domes, but the smalls might still be worth a try for you.

I haven't tried the Noogleberry domes, but I did buy the tubing and pressure gauge pump from them to use with the Kangzhu domes. I thought since the Kangzhus were contoured they might fit better. They were also a bit smaller than Noogleberry, but they still hurt or didn't suction when I resorted to the camper tape and plumbing insulation tricks.

Like you, I never really liked the round domes and preferred a tear drop design as well. The ones I have now are tear drop shaped and I like that it pulls the top of the breast in addition to the breast itself. They're actually pretty solidly built and good quality - although I still think they're overcharging esp. to get the whole system.

The link on Ebay you included in the other post is the exact make and model of the pump I bought. There's actually several listings for them. I bet if someone made an offer at $200 it would be accepted even though they are priced at $300 and above.

I did find a video of the silicone rings and they look nice and squishy soft. Still not sure if they would stay on my domes since there's no lip on the rim. They're on the Amazon US site so I might buy them to see if they will fit or else return them and the domes. 

I also found an old (2021) video of the Evebra here: 

The domes look different than the ones on the site and are more Brava-like with the soft sticky silicone rims and there's a different pump. 

I might contact Evebra again to get more info on their domes and rims and whether they can be purchased separately from the system.
Quick update: I was able to confirm that you can only buy the entire system and not just components. Also, it has been redesigned since the initial version of the eve bra and the current version is the one you see on the video with Dr. Khouri on the evebra site. The rim skirts are a soft flexible silicone that flails out so the pressure is evenly distributed over a wider plane and it should cause less irritation, be more comfortable, and not be as big as the Brava.

They've updated the return policy since I first posted (it wasn't showing anything then). You can return it in 30 days for a full refund if it is unused or within 30 days with a 30% restocking fee if it is used.

Depending on what happens in the next month or so, I may purchase it and hope it is more tolerable than the other domes I've used. 

If so, I'll update again.
(11-11-2023, 03:17)breast4success Wrote: [ -> ]Quick update: I was able to confirm that you can only buy the entire system and not just components. Also, it has been redesigned since the initial version of the eve bra and the current version is the one you see on the video with Dr. Khouri on the evebra site. The rim skirts are a soft flexible silicone that flails out so the pressure is evenly distributed over a wider plane and it should cause less irritation, be more comfortable, and not be as big as the Brava.

They've updated the return policy since I first posted (it wasn't showing anything then). You can return it in 30 days for a full refund if it is unused or within 30 days with a 30% restocking fee if it is used.

Depending on what happens in the next month or so, I may purchase it and hope it is more tolerable than the other domes I've used. 

If so, I'll update again.

I hope you do. I’m interested to see what happens. I don’t know how many people have actually posted about using the Brava system on this forum, but it’s extremely rarely mentioned. You will probably be the first to ever post results from the Evebra, if you choose to. I doubt anyone will beat you to it. If it works for you, your review could be really helpful to people, especially since there are more affordable ways to replicate the system. 

Also, I should really learn to read, because the site clearly states that the “skin seal” included with the system is a lubricant, not an adhesive. That’s awesome. I’m sure you can just replace it with an oil or lotion when it runs out, since they don’t sell it separately. Just don’t use any products that contain petroleum jelly or mineral oil, unless the creator confirms that none of the systems components will be damaged by them.

At first I didn’t bother reading the explanation of how the system works, because I already understand the gist of it. I finally did read it and he makes some interesting claims. He seems to say that less than 12 hours of wear time will produce either no growth or a vanishingly small amount. That’s really daunting if true. I still almost never achieve anywhere near that amount of wear time. He claims that the new system is easier to hide under clothing, but I just can’t believe it’s not obvious under clothes. Some people really did wear the Brava system out in public, but I can’t imagine doing that. The Brava looked very odd under clothes, and the system “farts” if it looses suction, which is a strange thing to have to explain. If I can’t do it night, I can’t do it at all.

He also claims that continuous uninterrupted swelling is essential for growth. I always wondered whether swelling was just a side effect of pumping unrelated to actual growth, or if it actually causes growth. He seems to firmly believe that swelling does directly cause growth, if it’s continuous, and he thinks that you should wear the system often enough and long enough to maintain some degree of swelling at all times. He believes you should ideally still be very slightly swollen 12 hours after removing the system, when it’s time to put it back on. He seems to think that if you’re not swollen 24 hours a day, you won’t progress at all. According to him, swelling is not a side effect, it’s the mechanism of action. This is the part that caught my eye: “ Scientists have proven that chronic edema is “adipogenic’; meaning the body tends to replace the fluid in the edema distended tissue with our natural filler which is fat.” At first glance, this seems to contradict the experiences of people who achieved growth by pumping at a higher pressure for much, much shorter periods of time with systems like the Noogleberry. I wonder if the people who respond well to the high pressure/short duration style of pumping are all people who swell easily and maintain a small amount of swelling for a very long time. I swell very, very little and the swelling I do achieve disappears very quickly, so that could explain why I seem to be a non-responder, or at least a very poor responder, to that kind of pumping. I have always thought that most Noogleberry forum members massively overestimate the percentage of users who actually have success with the system, but I’m a bit biased. There are even some longterm members who insist that infrequent pumping with lots of breaks is the most effective method, but I secretly thought they were crazy to say that if I’m being honest. There’s almost no anecdotal evidence that that’s true, at least not that I’ve seen on any forum, without even bringing science into the discussion.
I asked the creator of Evebra some questions, and to his credit, he did answer me and he did it surprisingly quickly. I asked him whether the pump has disposable filters, or some other similar part that will need frequent replacement, since they don’t sell any replacement parts on their site. I also asked whether the systems components are resistant to petroleum products like vaseline, and whether the pump runs on batteries. He said that all of the above questions are answered in the instruction manual that comes with the system. That’s fair enough, because it’s very common for details like that to only be available in the product manual after purchase. On the other hand, it’s not unreasonable to hope that they add that information to their FAQ or product page.

I asked him to let me know either the dimensions of all 4 cups, or the minimum and maximum underbust measurements and cup sizes that the system can accommodate. That was a mistake. I should have just asked for the dimensions of every cup and left it at that, because the answer I ended up getting is not as useful as I would have hoped.

He says that the system fits  28” to 44” underbust measurements, and AA to D cup sizes. Does that mean that the system fits every single bra size between 28AA and 44D? Maybe, but it seems pretty unlikely. I’m just happy to hear that the smallest cups are very tiny. What worries me is the possible width of the 2 largest sets of domes. I doubt anyone will ever use all 4 sets,  but if the incremental volume increase between dome sizes. is similar to Noogleberry, some people will probably manage to progress through 3 of the dome sizes, and if the last 2 cup sizes are extremely wide, there will probably a significant number of slim women who can’t fit both large cups on to their chest at the same time, or can’t achieve a seal with either set of larger cups at all. Brava came in both narrow and wide sizes, and I still wish they’d create separate narrow and wide versions of the Evebra, but I’m not holding my breath. They may not ever sell enough units to make that worth doing.

The Brava company succeeded for a while, despite being incredibly daunting for the average person to use, because they managed to build a tremendous amount of media hype around it. For a year or two it was all over the news and morning talk shows. There’s no way the Evebra will ever achieve even 1% of that hype on mainstream news media. Doctors are also, for the most part, uninterested in external breast tissue expansion because they typically only used the Brava to improve the survival rate of transplanted fat, and it apparently wasn’t even all that useful for that purpose, and most patients hated using it. Unless the Evebra miraculously goes viral on tiktok or something, the consumer base for this product is basically nonexistent IMHO. They’d better start giving out free systems to popular influencers if they wanna stay in business. Otherwise, anyone who’s interested in this product should probably snap it up while it’s still available, because I can’t imagine Evebra will be in business for long. There’s just not enough public interest in this type of product anymore.
I'm back. I did buy the Evebra and may be able to answer some questions.

First, it only took them 3 business days from my ordering it to ship it out. I received the product in 1 business day (it ships out of Miami).

So far, I'm impressed. It is a lot more comfortable than the few pumping systems I've used. The rims are a very soft flexible silicone (feels like those stress balls you can buy at the drug store). It's not firm at all, but squishy and kind of sticky on the outside but no adhesive at all. The rims are one size fits all. Its very thick at the base and tapers to a thin outer edge and it splays out over your chest and slightly under your arms. The instructions say not to apply any deodorant before you put the domes on. 

The way the domes are placed in the rims is similar to the gel rings that Noogleberry has - there is a channel at the base and the domes have a lip so you insert the dome lip/edge into the channel and secure it with the elastic band then secure the whole thing into the adjustable bra. It is much thicker than the noogleberry gel rims and again the rims splay out and hug your body.  

Because the outer edges are so thin you can overlap them if necessary and they keep the seal. The suction doesn't really hurt and doesn't leave any deep rings (at least when using the smart box). The pressure is dissipated because the rim spreads out across the area by inches so it is not concentrated on a narrow area like the plastic domes. On my first night I was able to wear them for 12 hours straight as recommended and when I removed them there was just a slight pinkish hue where the rims sat. The pinkness was mostly gone by the time I put them on for the 2nd session. I'm sure it would clear up entirely in 2 days (less for others with thicker skin). 

It doesn't really matter what the size of each dome is because you are inserting them into the silicone rims so each dome is not that much different in circumference but they are deeper from one another. The booklet says you can order size 5 and size 6 domes separately if you outgrow the 1-4 domes. I started with 1 but found after the first session that it was a little small. I am on 2 now.

The skin seal is just petroleum jelly in a tube (with a little oil but not enough to change the consistency). I'm guessing the two tubes you get are enough for 1 month. The instructions say to put it on the inside of the rims that touch your skin but on the third session I just applied it directly to my body with a light coating on the rims. 

There was still some unwanted pressure on my rib cage but the rims are so large on me I can put the lower edge below my rib cage and I still have good placement on my chest. Tonight, I decided to use some silicone bandages with padding on the rib cage to see if it works and so far, so good. The way this product is made I can apply padding where I need it, slather on some petroleum jelly, and still get a complete seal as long as the edge of the rims are contacting my skin. [The instructions say not to use bandages other than some thin clear silicone product (forgot the name but it's in the booklet), but I remember people were able to use bandages or panty liners with Brava so I took a shot.]

Much of the info on the website is in the book and it does recommend 12 hours for 6 months to double the size of the breast for the average person (aka you'll go up about 1 cup size/100-130 ccs) although the visible swelling will be twice the actual growth. I'm also going to use the rule of thumb in the Brava book that says you'll know you're halfway done with the program when the retained swelling you have before putting the domes on for the next session is the size you want. That isn't mentioned in the Evebra book but the swelling and growth charts are the same in both manuals, except 10 hours has been switched out with 12 hours for evebra.

You just wash everything with Ivory soap or something similar, no antibacterial soap.

You can't wear this under clothes at all, lol. Maybe the domes are flatter than Brava but you have to put them in the bra to wear them and there is a circular ridge that juts out and you can definitely see it under a shirt. And yes the pump makes noise when it needs to suction and if you move around a bit, the suction will kick on. Sometimes, air does escape if you move enough or change positions.

I work from home although I am wearing it mostly at night and then a few hours during the day to get at least 12 hours. I've been doing 14 hours mostly  - so again it is pretty comfortable esp. after the first few days of getting used to the sensation. The suction isn't as strong when I sit up so I've been sleeping sitting up rather than using my regular wedge pillows. I might try lying down flat to see how that feels and test whether the domes stay in place. Assuming acid reflux doesn't kick in.

I've been using the evebra pump since it is quieter than the other pump I have (the NPWT machine does a lot of clicking when there is no vacuuming whereas the evebra pump is pretty much silent). Only issue with the evebra pump is that it doesn't seem to like recyclable batteries. I have to switch them out for freshly charged batteries every 4 hours or so or the device will start beeping although there is no leak.

On the first session I did get about 1 to 1.5 inch initial swelling and by the time I was ready to do the next session I had about 1/4 inch swelling left. I've only had the unit a few days but that seems to be the baseline for now. I didn't get any swelling with the stwics but then I couldn't tolerate them for such a long period and gave up after exhausting all ideas on how to make them more comfortable.

Overall -
Likes: Very soft, no adhesive, no irritation, adaptable, no dark marks after pumping, pump is quiet as long as there are no leaks (I only get them when I move too much and they are small, not enough to make the domes release), easy to get a seal even if you have a narrow chest.

Dislikes: Petroleum jelly is very sticky/messy and the rims tend to slide a bit because of it when the pump is active despite the bra (at least on me) - it does cut down on irritation though, the pump didn't come with much instructions (I don't think it has a filter but there is nothing about needing to change parts out like the Brava pump), the pump is much bigger than the Brava pump and there's no way to conveniently carry it around except in your hand, the pump probably goes through a lot of batteries and there is no AC jack, I don't like that you need to wear it more hours and for a longer time period

Hope this helps someone.
I put the system on for the first time this evening. It is very comfortable to wear and gives a glorious feeling when fitted and operating: that it is working as intended. Have been a past Brava user and this is a huge leap in comfort.

Will keep you updated on any developments.
(12-12-2023, 05:11)breast4success Wrote: [ -> ]I'm back. I did buy the Evebra and may be able to answer some questions.

First, it only took them 3 business days from my ordering it to ship it out. I received the product in 1 business day (it ships out of Miami).

So far, I'm impressed. It is a lot more comfortable than the few pumping systems I've used. The rims are a very soft flexible silicone (feels like those stress balls you can buy at the drug store). It's not firm at all, but squishy and kind of sticky on the outside but no adhesive at all. The rims are one size fits all. Its very thick at the base and tapers to a thin outer edge and it splays out over your chest and slightly under your arms. The instructions say not to apply any deodorant before you put the domes on. 

The way the domes are placed in the rims is similar to the gel rings that Noogleberry has - there is a channel at the base and the domes have a lip so you insert the dome lip/edge into the channel and secure it with the elastic band then secure the whole thing into the adjustable bra. It is much thicker than the noogleberry gel rims and again the rims splay out and hug your body.  

Because the outer edges are so thin you can overlap them if necessary and they keep the seal. The suction doesn't really hurt and doesn't leave any deep rings (at least when using the smart box). The pressure is dissipated because the rim spreads out across the area by inches so it is not concentrated on a narrow area like the plastic domes. On my first night I was able to wear them for 12 hours straight as recommended and when I removed them there was just a slight pinkish hue where the rims sat. The pinkness was mostly gone by the time I put them on for the 2nd session. I'm sure it would clear up entirely in 2 days (less for others with thicker skin). 

It doesn't really matter what the size of each dome is because you are inserting them into the silicone rims so each dome is not that much different in circumference but they are deeper from one another. The booklet says you can order size 5 and size 6 domes separately if you outgrow the 1-4 domes. I started with 1 but found after the first session that it was a little small. I am on 2 now.

The skin seal is just petroleum jelly in a tube (with a little oil but not enough to change the consistency). I'm guessing the two tubes you get are enough for 1 month. The instructions say to put it on the inside of the rims that touch your skin but on the third session I just applied it directly to my body with a light coating on the rims. 

There was still some unwanted pressure on my rib cage but the rims are so large on me I can put the lower edge below my rib cage and I still have good placement on my chest. Tonight, I decided to use some silicone bandages with padding on the rib cage to see if it works and so far, so good. The way this product is made I can apply padding where I need it, slather on some petroleum jelly, and still get a complete seal as long as the edge of the rims are contacting my skin. [The instructions say not to use bandages other than some thin clear silicone product (forgot the name but it's in the booklet), but I remember people were able to use bandages or panty liners with Brava so I took a shot.]

Much of the info on the website is in the book and it does recommend 12 hours for 6 months to double the size of the breast for the average person (aka you'll go up about 1 cup size/100-130 ccs) although the visible swelling will be twice the actual growth. I'm also going to use the rule of thumb in the Brava book that says you'll know you're halfway done with the program when the retained swelling you have before putting the domes on for the next session is the size you want. That isn't mentioned in the Evebra book but the swelling and growth charts are the same in both manuals, except 10 hours has been switched out with 12 hours for evebra.

You just wash everything with Ivory soap or something similar, no antibacterial soap.

You can't wear this under clothes at all, lol. Maybe the domes are flatter than Brava but you have to put them in the bra to wear them and there is a circular ridge that juts out and you can definitely see it under a shirt. And yes the pump makes noise when it needs to suction and if you move around a bit, the suction will kick on. Sometimes, air does escape if you move enough or change positions.

I work from home although I am wearing it mostly at night and then a few hours during the day to get at least 12 hours. I've been doing 14 hours mostly  - so again it is pretty comfortable esp. after the first few days of getting used to the sensation. The suction isn't as strong when I sit up so I've been sleeping sitting up rather than using my regular wedge pillows. I might try lying down flat to see how that feels and test whether the domes stay in place. Assuming acid reflux doesn't kick in.

I've been using the evebra pump since it is quieter than the other pump I have (the NPWT machine does a lot of clicking when there is no vacuuming whereas the evebra pump is pretty much silent). Only issue with the evebra pump is that it doesn't seem to like recyclable batteries. I have to switch them out for freshly charged batteries every 4 hours or so or the device will start beeping although there is no leak.

On the first session I did get about 1 to 1.5 inch initial swelling and by the time I was ready to do the next session I had about 1/4 inch swelling left. I've only had the unit a few days but that seems to be the baseline for now. I didn't get any swelling with the stwics but then I couldn't tolerate them for such a long period and gave up after exhausting all ideas on how to make them more comfortable.

Overall -
Likes: Very soft, no adhesive, no irritation, adaptable, no dark marks after pumping, pump is quiet as long as there are no leaks (I only get them when I move too much and they are small, not enough to make the domes release), easy to get a seal even if you have a narrow chest.

Dislikes: Petroleum jelly is very sticky/messy and the rims tend to slide a bit because of it when the pump is active despite the bra (at least on me) - it does cut down on irritation though, the pump didn't come with much instructions (I don't think it has a filter but there is nothing about needing to change parts out like the Brava pump), the pump is much bigger than the Brava pump and there's no way to conveniently carry it around except in your hand, the pump probably goes through a lot of batteries and there is no AC jack, I don't like that you need to wear it more hours and for a longer time period

Hope this helps someone.

This is so helpful!! I haven't bought the system yet because I've been uncertain if it would work for me. I emailed their info address a while back with some questions about fit (I'm a 34AA and was worried it might not fit someone like me on the extremely small end of the spectrum). Dr. Khouri emailed back and said:

"We have significantly improved the engineering of EVEBra to specifically make it more much more concealable than the original Brava. The rim skirt is the part that contacts your skin to secure the vacuum seal, it does not add any significant bulk. It is a one size fits all. It is the dome that increases the projection and brings bulk. This is why EVEBra comes with progressively larger domes. You will start with the #1 which is barely larger than your AA bra, and as your breasts grow, you will graduate to the #2, 3 & then the largest # 4. As your breasts grow, EVEBra will never be much more prominent than your normal Bra."

It sounds like based on your experience, the domes are more prominent than Dr. Khouri is describing here. Would you say that's the case? Based on the photos and videos on the website, the rim skirts looked pretty bulky to me! It's hard to imagine that the rim skirt plus #1 domes will barely project more than a AA bra.

I don't work from home and I've been trying to come up with ways to possibly conceal the bra during the day before I commit to buying it. The best I've come up with so far is an oversized hoodie, and if I make a small cut on the inside of the front pocket, maybe I could thread the tubing through the that hole and keep the vacuum pump in the front pocket of the hoodie. Is this a crazy idea? It sounds like the bra is pretty noticeable under just a t-shirt. Does it seem like a thicker, looser piece of clothing might actually hide it?

Thanks again for your helpful review!
(23-12-2023, 08:50)here2learn Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-12-2023, 05:11)breast4success Wrote: [ -> ]I'm back. I did buy the Evebra and may be able to answer some questions.

First, it only took them 3 business days from my ordering it to ship it out. I received the product in 1 business day (it ships out of Miami).

So far, I'm impressed. It is a lot more comfortable than the few pumping systems I've used. The rims are a very soft flexible silicone (feels like those stress balls you can buy at the drug store). It's not firm at all, but squishy and kind of sticky on the outside but no adhesive at all. The rims are one size fits all. Its very thick at the base and tapers to a thin outer edge and it splays out over your chest and slightly under your arms. The instructions say not to apply any deodorant before you put the domes on. 

The way the domes are placed in the rims is similar to the gel rings that Noogleberry has - there is a channel at the base and the domes have a lip so you insert the dome lip/edge into the channel and secure it with the elastic band then secure the whole thing into the adjustable bra. It is much thicker than the noogleberry gel rims and again the rims splay out and hug your body.  

Because the outer edges are so thin you can overlap them if necessary and they keep the seal. The suction doesn't really hurt and doesn't leave any deep rings (at least when using the smart box). The pressure is dissipated because the rim spreads out across the area by inches so it is not concentrated on a narrow area like the plastic domes. On my first night I was able to wear them for 12 hours straight as recommended and when I removed them there was just a slight pinkish hue where the rims sat. The pinkness was mostly gone by the time I put them on for the 2nd session. I'm sure it would clear up entirely in 2 days (less for others with thicker skin). 

It doesn't really matter what the size of each dome is because you are inserting them into the silicone rims so each dome is not that much different in circumference but they are deeper from one another. The booklet says you can order size 5 and size 6 domes separately if you outgrow the 1-4 domes. I started with 1 but found after the first session that it was a little small. I am on 2 now.

The skin seal is just petroleum jelly in a tube (with a little oil but not enough to change the consistency). I'm guessing the two tubes you get are enough for 1 month. The instructions say to put it on the inside of the rims that touch your skin but on the third session I just applied it directly to my body with a light coating on the rims. 

There was still some unwanted pressure on my rib cage but the rims are so large on me I can put the lower edge below my rib cage and I still have good placement on my chest. Tonight, I decided to use some silicone bandages with padding on the rib cage to see if it works and so far, so good. The way this product is made I can apply padding where I need it, slather on some petroleum jelly, and still get a complete seal as long as the edge of the rims are contacting my skin. [The instructions say not to use bandages other than some thin clear silicone product (forgot the name but it's in the booklet), but I remember people were able to use bandages or panty liners with Brava so I took a shot.]

Much of the info on the website is in the book and it does recommend 12 hours for 6 months to double the size of the breast for the average person (aka you'll go up about 1 cup size/100-130 ccs) although the visible swelling will be twice the actual growth. I'm also going to use the rule of thumb in the Brava book that says you'll know you're halfway done with the program when the retained swelling you have before putting the domes on for the next session is the size you want. That isn't mentioned in the Evebra book but the swelling and growth charts are the same in both manuals, except 10 hours has been switched out with 12 hours for evebra.

You just wash everything with Ivory soap or something similar, no antibacterial soap.

You can't wear this under clothes at all, lol. Maybe the domes are flatter than Brava but you have to put them in the bra to wear them and there is a circular ridge that juts out and you can definitely see it under a shirt. And yes the pump makes noise when it needs to suction and if you move around a bit, the suction will kick on. Sometimes, air does escape if you move enough or change positions.

I work from home although I am wearing it mostly at night and then a few hours during the day to get at least 12 hours. I've been doing 14 hours mostly  - so again it is pretty comfortable esp. after the first few days of getting used to the sensation. The suction isn't as strong when I sit up so I've been sleeping sitting up rather than using my regular wedge pillows. I might try lying down flat to see how that feels and test whether the domes stay in place. Assuming acid reflux doesn't kick in.

I've been using the evebra pump since it is quieter than the other pump I have (the NPWT machine does a lot of clicking when there is no vacuuming whereas the evebra pump is pretty much silent). Only issue with the evebra pump is that it doesn't seem to like recyclable batteries. I have to switch them out for freshly charged batteries every 4 hours or so or the device will start beeping although there is no leak.

On the first session I did get about 1 to 1.5 inch initial swelling and by the time I was ready to do the next session I had about 1/4 inch swelling left. I've only had the unit a few days but that seems to be the baseline for now. I didn't get any swelling with the stwics but then I couldn't tolerate them for such a long period and gave up after exhausting all ideas on how to make them more comfortable.

Overall -
Likes: Very soft, no adhesive, no irritation, adaptable, no dark marks after pumping, pump is quiet as long as there are no leaks (I only get them when I move too much and they are small, not enough to make the domes release), easy to get a seal even if you have a narrow chest.

Dislikes: Petroleum jelly is very sticky/messy and the rims tend to slide a bit because of it when the pump is active despite the bra (at least on me) - it does cut down on irritation though, the pump didn't come with much instructions (I don't think it has a filter but there is nothing about needing to change parts out like the Brava pump), the pump is much bigger than the Brava pump and there's no way to conveniently carry it around except in your hand, the pump probably goes through a lot of batteries and there is no AC jack, I don't like that you need to wear it more hours and for a longer time period

Hope this helps someone.

This is so helpful!! I haven't bought the system yet because I've been uncertain if it would work for me. I emailed their info address a while back with some questions about fit (I'm a 34AA and was worried it might not fit someone like me on the extremely small end of the spectrum). Dr. Khouri emailed back and said:

"We have significantly improved the engineering of EVEBra to specifically make it more much more concealable than the original Brava. The rim skirt is the part that contacts your skin to secure the vacuum seal, it does not add any significant bulk. It is a one size fits all. It is the dome that increases the projection and brings bulk. This is why EVEBra comes with progressively larger domes. You will start with the #1 which is barely larger than your AA bra, and as your breasts grow, you will graduate to the #2, 3 & then the largest # 4. As your breasts grow, EVEBra will never be much more prominent than your normal Bra."

It sounds like based on your experience, the domes are more prominent than Dr. Khouri is describing here. Would you say that's the case? Based on the photos and videos on the website, the rim skirts looked pretty bulky to me! It's hard to imagine that the rim skirt plus #1 domes will barely project more than a AA bra.

I don't work from home and I've been trying to come up with ways to possibly conceal the bra during the day before I commit to buying it. The best I've come up with so far is an oversized hoodie, and if I make a small cut on the inside of the front pocket, maybe I could thread the tubing through the that hole and keep the vacuum pump in the front pocket of the hoodie. Is this a crazy idea? It sounds like the bra is pretty noticeable under just a t-shirt. Does it seem like a thicker, looser piece of clothing might actually hide it?

Thanks again for your helpful review!
Happy Holidays! Sorry about the late response. I didn't get an email notification and was coming to give an update when I saw your post.

As for Dr. Khouri's response, I have to say for me it isn't true. It is true that the domes themselves don't jut out much and have a slightly flattened appearance. However, they still are prominent enough for people to know you are wearing something, esp. people who are used to seeing how you look. The rim skirts are a bit bulky if you are small/narrow chested. When you combine it with the domes (even the smallest one) it gives off a weird shape under clothes because it is not a smooth transition from the rim skirt to the dome. 

You can sort of tell from the picture on the website and I tried to explain it above. I'm attaching a photo with circles showing the issue - the rim sits out a bit, then part of the rim that sticks out from the bra is raised so it is higher than the dome, then you get the curve of the dome. You end up with these weird, raised circles on your chest that can be seen under blouses and loose shirts. 

The rims are also wide. I feel a bit like a bodybuilder with really muscular arms and chest because I have to keep my arms out a bit to do anything. And as indicated in an earlier post, if suction is lost, the domes will make a little burp/fart noise. If I raise my arms up a little I always get that noise. Plus, you will hear the smart box go off whenever it needs to regain suction. It will beep incessantly and loudly if you loose suction. It beeps loudly when you turn it off or turn it on. 

I don't know if you could wear this at work unless you have your own office or you are a bit big despite your small bra size. I'm short and weigh about 110 to 115 lbs. The only way I could wear these outside is under a very bulky coat - and there would still be the noise issues. On me, they project more of a C cup appearance than a AA even on the smallest dome.
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