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Full Version: Cups leave a painful ring :( need better ones
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I bought a knock-off noogleberry because I wasn't sure if pumping was for me or not, but the cups vacuum doesn't really pull my skin (initially) as much as it digs the cup's edges into my skin, which stay for almost an hour! For some these knock-off cups might work, but they are not what I expected at all... I also think my nipples are a bit far apart, while the cup is on the edge of my armpits (should I put it directly above my nipple or not?)

The airlock is also kind of shitty, and I sometimes 4 pumps feel as strong as 3 pumps. I saw that NB has a pressure gauge handle and much nicer airlocks, but it's very hard to see on pictures what actual noogleberry cup edges look like.

Can anyone give me a close-up picture of the cup and/or silicone ring before I spend so much money on a noogleberry system?
Are you using any kind of lubricant?   I have used and made all kinds of domes and have yet to use one or make one that does that.  I just use a body lotion of good hand cream on my breasts before i put them on.   and those pumps are pretty crappy.   And you really don't need to use one because the normal human can draw as much vacuum as you need using your mouth as that pump will produce.   I don't even use the air locks but use a fish tank air valve and manually sut them after I reached my desired pressure.    Make the system tight enough that I can go 4 or 5 hours over night without pumping.  I also use an automotive vacuum line from the auto parts store.   I hate to have to pump, and pump, and pump!!
(19-10-2023, 15:24)altsquad Wrote: [ -> ]I bought a knock-off noogleberry because I wasn't sure if pumping was for me or not, but the cups vacuum doesn't really pull my skin (initially) as much as it digs the cup's edges into my skin, which stay for almost an hour! For some these knock-off cups might work, but they are not what I expected at all... I also think my nipples are a bit far apart, while the cup is on the edge of my armpits (should I put it directly above my nipple or not?)

The airlock is also kind of shitty, and I sometimes 4 pumps feel as strong as 3 pumps. I saw that NB has a pressure gauge handle and much nicer airlocks, but it's very hard to see on pictures what actual noogleberry cup edges look like.

Can anyone give me a close-up picture of the cup and/or silicone ring before I spend so much money on a noogleberry system?
I believe  these are the same ones I got from amazon used coconut oil as Smile a lubricant all over my boobs. I got a good vacuum but the domes are very thin plastic and did not last long and cracked --thus no suction.  Went with some of the butt domes which are a heavier plastic. Used a lawnmower gas shutt off valve which works -, get them at any lawn and garden supply shop.  Smile