Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Heart skips a beat after noogling
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Hello, i have recently started noogling more seriously and a few days ago after noogling i felt my heart was like skipping a beat and then the beat was harder like it struggled for that heat., tonight i have felt that again..i am quite scared rn and not sure what to do...i dont pump a lot just for like 15 min, and i pump, keep it for like 10 -15 seconds and then release...has anyone experienced anything similar? I have read soemthing about blood vessels getting weaker and heart struggling more to pump but i don't know, thank you
The only thing I've heard about blood vessels getting weaker is that if the pressure of the pump is too high it can compress the capillaries supplying blood to the breast area and restrict blood flow. That wouldn't or shouldn't affect the heart though.