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Full Version: Woman body shamed for big natural breasts
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This is all too common... it is really sad. You can tell in the article that the girl who shamed her was jealous of her. 

It is really a shame that other women will be so jealous of another that they will put them down. These women who put themselves into comparison mode with every other women will never rise in their own femininity.. and are probably stunting their own gains. I felt my own mother never taught me how to be self-confident so I found it easier to be a jealous, manipulative, and judgmental towards other women, which definitely left me bitter and deflated. It's a hard cycle to escape but self-awareness is an important first step and setting an intention to love yourself and be okay with coexisting with other beautiful and amazing women. I feel like operating in the nurturing, caring, and loving feminine makes you so much more feminine as a result.