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I just thought I'd share the below thread about PCOS and breast underdevelopment. I can relate to the first post even though I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS. I wonder how many other people feel they have some symptoms of PCOS without a diagnosis? Or that perhaps it's the reason for their small breasts? I know it's possible to have a missed diagnosis on blood tests (usually a scan is more accurate) and as I have oily skin and acne, I suspect my testosterone may be high. Maybe it's not high enough for me to have PCOS, but the link to breast underdevelopment is certainly interesting. You can be slim and not have hirsutism and still have PCOS - I think a lot of people get missed that way and may not even realise they have PCOS.  

I may try treating myself for PCOS/high testosterone (i.e. using herbs or vitamins that may help etc) as I fit some of the symptoms. I have a testosterone test booked so we'll see, but I just wonder if those with PCOS and have taken supplements to help their growth/symptoms may help me as well.  

Any tips on growth from PCOS ladies and what has worked/helped you?
This is a very interesting link and a very interesting exchange of views. Towards the end of that discussion, someone says "I have done a lot of research about breast growth and found it is incredibly related and affected by PCOS". My feeling exactly!
The two questions that occur to me are how many women have PCOS without knowing it and even if they do know they have PCOS how many women have underdeveloped breasts without realizing that PCOS is the cause.
It appears that the majority of women with PCOS remain undiagnosed.
Yes that link is interesting, but the idea that undeveloped breasts may be caused by PCOS seems to be generally accepted here anyway, so there isn't much that's actually new there. Still it's nice to know that the link between underdeveloped breasts and PCOS isn't only made in the NBE community.