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Full Version: Band aid vs tape vs silicon covers?
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Started noogling 4 days ago without taping my nipples down. Thinking of buying something to try to prevent nipple growth. 
So what's best thing out thing to use when taping them down. What stays stuck under pressure?

Please comment your experiences Smile
(05-12-2017, 19:18)Dark_Swan Wrote: [ -> ]Started noogling 4 days ago without taping my nipples down. Thinking of buying something to try to prevent nipple growth. 
So what's best thing out thing to use when taping them down. What stays stuck under pressure?

Please comment your experiences Smile

For those interested, I bought strapping sports tape and it seems to hold pretty well.
Band aids. Soft bit covers nipples . I guess as long as the adhesive chemicals aren’t too nasty or you get a rash where the sticky bits go ..
Tape them up with a band aid that covers your whole nipple
(07-12-2017, 06:44)nanakante Wrote: [ -> ]Tape them up with a band aid that covers your whole nipple

It does but it doesn't stay on when pumping :'(. I am using the usual band aids. Are there any special kind
So far I have not used anything to cover my nipples. I have inverted nipples so I like the way NB pulls them out while I'm pumping and they stay out for a little while but I have never seen them larger and so far they haven't grown only my breast. Good luck, I hope you find a solution for your Band-Aid search.