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Full Version: depressed. hormonal imbalance
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Hello everyone, Cindy here.. 
Heavy periods,
intolerable painful periods (went to hospital with ambulance),
insomnia (it has been acute in past, now it is sparingly and sometimes in PMS)
9kilos underweight,
cannot store fat even if eat a lot,
Lack of femininity,
Face not very feminine, (no cheeks, sometimes feel like I have that "child-like androginy", it make me depressed, but some day it looks a little bit more feminine, thus I think it's hormonal..)
strong mandible bone,
Breast size is the lowest..
Huge depression.. barely move feet from house.
I'd like to cure with some herbs... I'd like at least a more feminine face and more fat in the right parts like breasts.. but I don't want to use meds.. I think I have high T.. I don't know. What can I do???
Don't use any herbs.  Won't really help and could cause more trouble.

Get a masticating juicer (centrifugal juicers do a poor job on leaves), plus cilantro and/or parsley and start juicing.  Add 100 mg calcium from calcium powder per pound of produce.  This isn't to give you calcium, it's important to neutralize the oxalic acid in the produce.  So they must be combined.  Drink at least a cup and a half a day.  You may add other produce for flavor such as apples to sweeten.  But this doesn't really count towards the cup and a half since cilantro/parsley are far more nutritious.  If you fill bottles to overflowing you can get the air out and it will last 3-6 days in the refrigerator.  You may top it off with water if you want.

Other daily stuff: Google how to sprout brown rice.  Eat at least 3/4 cup a day (measured when dry).  Eat 1 tbsp. chia seeds per day.  Soak in water for 5 minutes and drink together with the water.  Unlike most other foods, chewing is optional for chia seeds.  Take enough kelp to get 200-400 mcg iodine.  Take 2,000-4,000 i.u. vitamin D.

Eat a dozen whole omega 3 eggs and 2 lbs. of salmon a week.  Or instead of salmon 2 tsp. fish oil a day.

Eat at least half a dozen oysters per month.

In my sig thread there's also a list of healthy foods near the end in case you want other ideas for meals or snacks.  But just the above should already cover everything so that you don't have to guess on the right combination.  When first starting with the above use much less so that your stomach may get used to it.  This will verify that the above has complete nutrition: .  It also has a large amount and variety of antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, enzymes and so on not shown in the nutrition information.

That should fix everything listed except maybe face shape.  Yes fatigue, bad periods, all hormonal problems, insomnia, being underweight, small breast size and depression should all go away.  Your face bones won't change of course, and shape may not change much, but you might at least get cheeks.  Please allow at least 4 months to see a major difference.  And perhaps longer than that for the full effects.

After those are all fixed you may use herbs for even more breast size if you still want more.  Not sooner, that would only cause trouble.  You might be able to apply cocoa butter to your cheeks and do cheek exercises if they still haven't filled out, I'm not sure.

Specifically herbs won't work because they stimulate your body to do things and your body can't.  All those issues are interconnected: Development, weight, hormones and mood.  All share the same resources.  Even if you could barely squeeze out one of them with herbs, all the others would suffer.  That and/or you have a major thyroid problem and need to be put on a TSH replacement.  You need nutrients, mostly the developmental&etc. nutrients found in whole grain foods.  But I put in everything above to be safe.