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I noticed a few weeks ago something that looks like it might be stretch marks on one of my breasts. I can't tell if they are stretch marks because I have so much acne scarring on my breasts it is hard to tell. When I pull on the skin of the opposite breast it looks like stretch marks, though. I don't know if these were always there and I didn't notice or if I got the stretch marks from pumping. But now I am worried about continuing pumping.

I read that aloe vera, vitamin E and vitamin A will help reduce stretch marks, so I bought a cream with 2.5% retinol, vitamin E and the main ingredient is aloe vera and apply it once a day to my breasts.

I am a little worried if it is stretch marks though and if I should stop pumping. I would regret it so much if I caused any damage whatever good results I was seeing. But like I said I can't even completely tell if it is stretch marks because I have so many raised scars on my breast already. And I only see the stretch marks on one breast which isn't the breast that I pumped longer to even my breasts out, so it would seem a little strange to have stretch marks on that one and not the other. But I am unsure. How can you tell if you have stretch marks ?