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Natural breast enlargement, also known as natural breast enhancement, is a method of breast augmentation without surgery. It is designed to help women increase both the size and firmness of their breasts, as well as increasing their general health and fitness. Not only is it safe, but also highly effective, with more scientific evidence mounting as to the ability of herbal supplements to enhance bust size. Natural enlargement is an alternative to potentially dangerous surgery, and a dream come true for many women.

Danger! Animal Hormones and Natural Breast Enlargement

Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and prolactin control tissue growth, particularly during puberty. Once past puberty a woman's body begins to produce decreasing amounts of these hormones. During pregnancy, however, the amount of hormones will once again increase in order to facilitate milk retention in the breasts. These animal hormones, as they are known, are not suitable for natural enlargement, as increases in the hormones can also stimulate abnormal cell growth in the breast, and possibly lead to breast cancer. Beware of any products that contain animal hormones.

Safe Plant Power for Natural Breasts!

Natural enhancement generally uses plant estrogens to produce results. Breast enlargement pills and creams contain phytoestrogens, which are a naturally occurring non-hormonal plant estrogen that stimulate the female body to produce new tissue growth. Herbal studies have shown that Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek and Mexican Wild Yam, contain the highest levels of these natural estrogens, and have shown the best results for maximum enlargement.

Natural breast enhancement uses herbs such as wild yam, palmetto, and fenugreek that contain phytoestrogens and have none of the risks associated with animal hormones. Naturopaths and many native cultures have used these herbs safely for thousands of years. By stimulating with phytoestrogens, a woman's body will produce more prostaglandin, leading to increased breast tissue growth, and thus larger and firmer breasts. Research has shown that by stimulating the estrogen receptors in breasts with phytoestrogens, it is possible to increase the size of a woman's breasts by as much as 150%.

The Role of Diet & Exercise

Diet and exercise are also important in a natural breast enhancement program. Resistance training, such as weight lifting, can tone and firm the underlying muscle tissue that supports the breast. A common myth is that weight training and a fitness regimen will lead to weight loss that results in smaller breasts. That would only be true if the breast is unnaturally large due to increased fatty tissues. By following an exercise program that included upper body exercises, however, the muscles which support the breasts will tighten and increase support to the breast, thus reducing breast 'sag' and achieving a rounder, fuller breast.

Diet is essential to any natural alternative program, including natural breast enhancement. By regulating food intake, you are also regulating hormone production in the body. The skin is the largest organ, and also the body's best way of detoxifying, through perspiration. A healthy body on the inside means glowing, healthy skin on the outside. Natural breast enhancement benefits from a healthy diet by tightening the skin tissue surrounding the breast, increasing firmness and lift.

Natural breast enhancement is now more popular than ever, but many women still opt for a surgical procedure. Despite the dangers associated with surgical implants, breast augmentation surgery continues to be popular. Natural breast enlargement is a way for women to enhance their breasts without risking potentially harmful surgery, and is an excellent option to explore before resorting to a surgical procedure. As an alternative to implants, natural breast enlargement is painless, safe, affordable, convenient and discreet. Natural breast enhancement is a perfect solution for women who value their healthy bodies.

If you would like to improve your breasts naturally..Click Here

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