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Full Version: Vitex/chaste berry. Side effects or benefits? Thank you
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(27-04-2016, 08:08 PM)Kristin00 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree, most things I hear or see in the natural community promote Vitex for hormone balancing. My Nutritional Health Coach was the one who recommended it for me.
I'm also starting an auto immune diet the first on the month (by her recommendation). Hopefully getting my gut healthy will balance my hormones and adrenal issues too (and in turn help the acne and breast growth!). You're addressing some diet/ GI stuff too aren't you Ella?
Oh wow you too? I'm supposed to be doing that too but I don't know where to start! I'm two weeks into a herbal anitibiotics for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (sibo), how about you?? You are soo correct too. The gut is responsible for hormones, adrenals, immune etc. I actually suspected I was starting menopause cause it runs in the family, so either my gut issues are causing the shorter cycles or my HORMONES are declining causing the gut issues... Either way don't know whats going on at this stage.

But please do share if you don't mind what you're going through. PM me if you like, its not easy talking about gut stuff on here although I know for a fact a few of us have them and are trying to address them at the same time as boobs..
I just pm'd you a LONG message Ella!
(27-04-2016, 09:22 PM)Kristin00 Wrote: [ -> ]I just pm'd you a LONG message Ella!

look forward to reading, reply soon Smile
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