01-03-2016, 01:45
Revolutionizing massage!? 
November 25 2006 at 12:22 PM Moon (Login -Moon-)
Hey girls, I would just like to shere with you something that I figured out about massage. I may not be right, but this is something that holds true for myself. The regular chi massage with movements of your palm in a circle arround the boob upwards and inwards in my oppinion isn't the best technique. I was reading Tiger Lilly's massage technique and one of the steps is to use your knuckles to make little circles arround your breasts. I started to massage like that and I get more growing pains. And yes, I'm certain they are not massage pains. I somehow feel that this way of massage stimulates my boobs more. We know that massage isn't only for blood circulation, but that it stimulates prolactin secretion. So physical stimulation does stimulate our boobs and the described technique gives more physical stimulation. Especially the point at the bottom of each boob in the middle (below the nipple) is one that gives me the most sensations after massaged. If you girls want, try it out and see if you feel a difference!
(Login wonderbride)
Hi Moon!
November 26 2006, 12:38 AM
Thank you for sharing your experience. Keep us posted!
Aloha & happy growing
"Whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right." Henry Ford
(Login cherasia)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 27 2006, 11:02 AM
yes. true. it helps my boobs to grow better also
(Login transformed)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 27 2006, 3:12 PM
Could you please explain what you mean by "making small circles around your breast". Do I use the knuckles of my hand to make circles around my nipple? How small are your circles? Do you mean to have your knucles very close to the nipple? Thanks!
(Login Laniboo)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 27 2006, 4:29 PM
yes i agree! I feel that this had definitely made a difference for me. I get more sensations and they look fuller! (hopefully it's not just pre-period swelling though) When I did this on my first try on WU a few months ago, I noticed more change in 3 weeks than I had in 2 months when I wasn't doing this type of massage. I just kind of make small circles with my knuckles (in a fist) all around my breast and breast area. I do it kinda firmly because I feel like it gets the blood flowing better. Supposedly this breaks down toxins that could be blocking and kind of flow/drainage in the breast. I also do the pressure points below the nipples because I notice more sensations.
(Login valeryblack)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 27 2006, 9:49 PM
Do you do the masage with right hand for right boob and left for left? Is it a kind of chi massage but with knuckles instead of palms?
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 28 2006, 11:59 AM
Wow, good to hear some of you girls are experiencing the same sensations, I'm quite sure now that there's something to this techinque.
@Laniboo - I've heard before about pressure points, but I don't know exactly what they are and where, could you please describe? Though I kind of defined my own pressure points, according to what made me feel most tingles, but it would be good to know where they are supposed to be in theory :p
Anyway, for everyone wanting more details, I'll explain thourougly how I do it:
First, I make a fist with my hand and I massage with the second line of knuckles. Small circles means that the circle reaches from the outter edge of your boob to somewhere close to the nipple (but we're not supposed to massage the nipple!). Like imagine a point that lies on the same line as your nipple, but lower, about half way between the nipple and the lower edge of the boob, I massage that point with my knuckles, making circles over it and arround it. That is the most important point anyway, but there are others of course. Two following points are next to this one, one a bit more to the center and the other one a bit more to outter edge (if you imagine they lie on the same circular curve, not straight line). I massage these three points with the hand on the same side as the boob. This is good cause you can do both boobs at the time. But it's also good to concentrate on one boob, switching the hands, and so deliver a lot of uninterrupted stimulation at once, which I feel makes a difference. So to put it short - the bottom of the boob is probably the most important. But the rest of the boob is imortant too! I usually start making these circles all arround the boob, starting at the bottom and then moving arround the boob, so making circles in a cicle. Then I concentrate on the three points at the bottom of the boob, usually I first make 20 circles to each of these points with both hands to both boobs at the same time and then one boob at the time 40 circles to each point uninterupted, switching hands (when one gets tired, lol). Then I massage the outter portion of the boob, with the hand on the same side, both a the time and then also with the opposite hand one at the time (on this part of the boob one and the other hand really bring a very different stimulation). And then what remains is the upper and inner part of the boob with is also important. I massage this the same way - with both hands, both boobs at the time, making circles and moving them on the area from the upper part to the inside part, and then also one boob at the time with the opposite hand. The latter is the most important for the inner, medial part of the boob - here it's good to come very close to the nipple with the opposite hand.
The whole idea is to reach deep into the boob with stimulation. You must press a bit harder than with the usual chi massage, not so much that it hurst you of course, but as much that you feel the pressure deep inside the boob. And this is also easy to achieve with knuckles, so we use knuckles.
One very notable thing I must add is that with this technique of massage I get pains not only at the side and bottom of the boobs, where it's usual to get the most of them, but also in the upper and inner parts of the boob.
(Login Alcest)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 28 2006, 5:04 PM
Hhahaha, it's so funny reading something like that, that is supposed to be some sort of routine/exercise to enhance breast health, etc, and to read it with the word "boob" everywhere. Sounds like Beavis and Butthead or something, lol!
Anyway I try to do the chi massage every so often, but usually I just movethem around however.
Question- Why can't we massage the nipples? I thought that helped if we did....
(Login Laniboo)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 28 2006, 5:29 PM
Hi Moon! The only pressure points I know of are the ones right below the nipples. I think you are supposed to use the knuckles of both thumbs and push right under there. I read it a loooong time ago on the other forum... i think? I think you are supposed to push up and in kind of. I would go with how it feels. Usually when I do it, there is a little sensitvity so I know I'm getting that pressure point. Well, I think I am... You are supposed to do this 20 times on each breast if I remember correctly. I'm not sure how much it helps exactly, but im pretty sure the knuckle circles around the breast help. I'm not sure where the other presure points are, those are the only ones that I "practice." I think they are supposed to just be everywhere, so going with what feels right is probably a pretty good way of telling.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 28 2006, 6:14 PM
@Alcest - Actually I don't know why we aren't supposed to massage the nipple, so I read in Tiger Lilly's program that so the chinese people say who first came up with this massage technique (well another one, the one which I developed into this) and the points and so on. I wouldn't bet that it's actually a bad thing tho. But I too used to think that stimulating the nipples may be good for NBE, but when I did research and I've only found info saying more that it doesn't really matter, that it doesn't stimulate the release of prolactin any more.
@Laniboo - I very much agree that it's good to follow how it feels. The point you describe is probably the same that I describe as the one in the middle of the boob below the nipple, that is where I get most feeling when massaging.
(Login valeryblack)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 28 2006, 9:30 PM
Where exactly are the other 2 points? Ican't imagine
And what do you mean you do circles around them?? there sure isn't enough space to do that, is it ? But then again, my boobs are very small 
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 8:20 AM
You know what, it doesn't really matter about the points. Long story short, you massage with circles in a circle (arround the boob) and the bottom of the boob is the most important, the point under the nipple, but give enough stimulation to whole boob and switch hands. You go with what makes you feel the most. If you feel small bumps in the depth it's also good to massage them, according to the chinese people who knew about this they are blockages. I thought I noticed less of them after I've started doing these massages, but might have been only my imagination. But maybe it's true, they could be lumps of breast tissue which is too compact and has poor blood circulation and you loosen it with massage. Andway, go with what fells right, in the end I came up with this technicque simply by doing so. Lots of boobie luck to everyone!
(Login faith_full)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 9:22 AM
I've tried this massarge and it does definatly work them more than the ordinary palms massarge
(Login valeryblack)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 12:31 PM
ok, thanks
(Login Holly34)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 1:56 PM
Just thought I would mention that if you check out Pansyclub's Massage page it shows you the pressure points they use.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 2:11 PM
Hi holly! I saw thoase pressure points drawn there, but I kind of don't agree they really matter. What that shows is I think improving blood circulation manually and that would be kind of hard and a lot less effective than doing it with herbs like ginko biloba and excercise. I was thinking about the points in the breasts, I kind of imagine there must be some 'growing centres', like points where stimulation causes the most prolacin secretion and the most cell proliferation, like group of cells in the glandular tissue which are like buds. Lol, I know silly
But I think there might be, from what I know about tissues from my study anyway.
(Login Holly34)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 4:04 PM
Hi Moon, I know what you mean. I try to use my knuckles as well..although it doesn't seem to increase my pains I did lactate a little on my smaller breast from doing it. I did not breastfeed any children. Maybe I hit some point??
I'm happy to hear you are still having pains on your routine. Mine went away..so dissapointing. I did change my bcp and just started nettle and ginko. I hope something kicks in soon!!
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?
November 29 2006, 4:59 PM
@Holly - Lactating shouldn't be good. I wonder what it means, maybe too much prolactin and progesterone compared to estrogen? And about the pains, note that there are days in the cycle when we are supposed to have most of them - particulary the luteal phase, towards the end of the cycle, possibly also arround ovulation, and then there are days when most don't have any because the hormones levels are the lowest - particulary during period. I remeber you are on single herbs, but anyway Ginger's experience makes me even more inclined to believe now that the dose of ginko biloba in WU maybe isn't quite high enough and therefore that ginko should make a difference for most of people. Anyway maybe you are in that pert of the cycle when thare's normally less or no pains, so keep it up girl!

November 25 2006 at 12:22 PM Moon (Login -Moon-)
Hey girls, I would just like to shere with you something that I figured out about massage. I may not be right, but this is something that holds true for myself. The regular chi massage with movements of your palm in a circle arround the boob upwards and inwards in my oppinion isn't the best technique. I was reading Tiger Lilly's massage technique and one of the steps is to use your knuckles to make little circles arround your breasts. I started to massage like that and I get more growing pains. And yes, I'm certain they are not massage pains. I somehow feel that this way of massage stimulates my boobs more. We know that massage isn't only for blood circulation, but that it stimulates prolactin secretion. So physical stimulation does stimulate our boobs and the described technique gives more physical stimulation. Especially the point at the bottom of each boob in the middle (below the nipple) is one that gives me the most sensations after massaged. If you girls want, try it out and see if you feel a difference!

(Login wonderbride)
Hi Moon!
November 26 2006, 12:38 AM
Thank you for sharing your experience. Keep us posted!
Aloha & happy growing
"Whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right." Henry Ford
(Login cherasia)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 27 2006, 11:02 AM
yes. true. it helps my boobs to grow better also

(Login transformed)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 27 2006, 3:12 PM
Could you please explain what you mean by "making small circles around your breast". Do I use the knuckles of my hand to make circles around my nipple? How small are your circles? Do you mean to have your knucles very close to the nipple? Thanks!
(Login Laniboo)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 27 2006, 4:29 PM
yes i agree! I feel that this had definitely made a difference for me. I get more sensations and they look fuller! (hopefully it's not just pre-period swelling though) When I did this on my first try on WU a few months ago, I noticed more change in 3 weeks than I had in 2 months when I wasn't doing this type of massage. I just kind of make small circles with my knuckles (in a fist) all around my breast and breast area. I do it kinda firmly because I feel like it gets the blood flowing better. Supposedly this breaks down toxins that could be blocking and kind of flow/drainage in the breast. I also do the pressure points below the nipples because I notice more sensations.
(Login valeryblack)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 27 2006, 9:49 PM
Do you do the masage with right hand for right boob and left for left? Is it a kind of chi massage but with knuckles instead of palms?
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 28 2006, 11:59 AM
Wow, good to hear some of you girls are experiencing the same sensations, I'm quite sure now that there's something to this techinque.
@Laniboo - I've heard before about pressure points, but I don't know exactly what they are and where, could you please describe? Though I kind of defined my own pressure points, according to what made me feel most tingles, but it would be good to know where they are supposed to be in theory :p
Anyway, for everyone wanting more details, I'll explain thourougly how I do it:
First, I make a fist with my hand and I massage with the second line of knuckles. Small circles means that the circle reaches from the outter edge of your boob to somewhere close to the nipple (but we're not supposed to massage the nipple!). Like imagine a point that lies on the same line as your nipple, but lower, about half way between the nipple and the lower edge of the boob, I massage that point with my knuckles, making circles over it and arround it. That is the most important point anyway, but there are others of course. Two following points are next to this one, one a bit more to the center and the other one a bit more to outter edge (if you imagine they lie on the same circular curve, not straight line). I massage these three points with the hand on the same side as the boob. This is good cause you can do both boobs at the time. But it's also good to concentrate on one boob, switching the hands, and so deliver a lot of uninterrupted stimulation at once, which I feel makes a difference. So to put it short - the bottom of the boob is probably the most important. But the rest of the boob is imortant too! I usually start making these circles all arround the boob, starting at the bottom and then moving arround the boob, so making circles in a cicle. Then I concentrate on the three points at the bottom of the boob, usually I first make 20 circles to each of these points with both hands to both boobs at the same time and then one boob at the time 40 circles to each point uninterupted, switching hands (when one gets tired, lol). Then I massage the outter portion of the boob, with the hand on the same side, both a the time and then also with the opposite hand one at the time (on this part of the boob one and the other hand really bring a very different stimulation). And then what remains is the upper and inner part of the boob with is also important. I massage this the same way - with both hands, both boobs at the time, making circles and moving them on the area from the upper part to the inside part, and then also one boob at the time with the opposite hand. The latter is the most important for the inner, medial part of the boob - here it's good to come very close to the nipple with the opposite hand.
The whole idea is to reach deep into the boob with stimulation. You must press a bit harder than with the usual chi massage, not so much that it hurst you of course, but as much that you feel the pressure deep inside the boob. And this is also easy to achieve with knuckles, so we use knuckles.
One very notable thing I must add is that with this technique of massage I get pains not only at the side and bottom of the boobs, where it's usual to get the most of them, but also in the upper and inner parts of the boob.
(Login Alcest)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 28 2006, 5:04 PM
Hhahaha, it's so funny reading something like that, that is supposed to be some sort of routine/exercise to enhance breast health, etc, and to read it with the word "boob" everywhere. Sounds like Beavis and Butthead or something, lol!
Anyway I try to do the chi massage every so often, but usually I just movethem around however.
Question- Why can't we massage the nipples? I thought that helped if we did....
(Login Laniboo)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 28 2006, 5:29 PM
Hi Moon! The only pressure points I know of are the ones right below the nipples. I think you are supposed to use the knuckles of both thumbs and push right under there. I read it a loooong time ago on the other forum... i think? I think you are supposed to push up and in kind of. I would go with how it feels. Usually when I do it, there is a little sensitvity so I know I'm getting that pressure point. Well, I think I am... You are supposed to do this 20 times on each breast if I remember correctly. I'm not sure how much it helps exactly, but im pretty sure the knuckle circles around the breast help. I'm not sure where the other presure points are, those are the only ones that I "practice." I think they are supposed to just be everywhere, so going with what feels right is probably a pretty good way of telling.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 28 2006, 6:14 PM
@Alcest - Actually I don't know why we aren't supposed to massage the nipple, so I read in Tiger Lilly's program that so the chinese people say who first came up with this massage technique (well another one, the one which I developed into this) and the points and so on. I wouldn't bet that it's actually a bad thing tho. But I too used to think that stimulating the nipples may be good for NBE, but when I did research and I've only found info saying more that it doesn't really matter, that it doesn't stimulate the release of prolactin any more.
@Laniboo - I very much agree that it's good to follow how it feels. The point you describe is probably the same that I describe as the one in the middle of the boob below the nipple, that is where I get most feeling when massaging.
(Login valeryblack)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 28 2006, 9:30 PM
Where exactly are the other 2 points? Ican't imagine

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 8:20 AM
You know what, it doesn't really matter about the points. Long story short, you massage with circles in a circle (arround the boob) and the bottom of the boob is the most important, the point under the nipple, but give enough stimulation to whole boob and switch hands. You go with what makes you feel the most. If you feel small bumps in the depth it's also good to massage them, according to the chinese people who knew about this they are blockages. I thought I noticed less of them after I've started doing these massages, but might have been only my imagination. But maybe it's true, they could be lumps of breast tissue which is too compact and has poor blood circulation and you loosen it with massage. Andway, go with what fells right, in the end I came up with this technicque simply by doing so. Lots of boobie luck to everyone!

(Login faith_full)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 9:22 AM
I've tried this massarge and it does definatly work them more than the ordinary palms massarge
(Login valeryblack)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 12:31 PM
ok, thanks

(Login Holly34)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 1:56 PM
Just thought I would mention that if you check out Pansyclub's Massage page it shows you the pressure points they use.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 2:11 PM
Hi holly! I saw thoase pressure points drawn there, but I kind of don't agree they really matter. What that shows is I think improving blood circulation manually and that would be kind of hard and a lot less effective than doing it with herbs like ginko biloba and excercise. I was thinking about the points in the breasts, I kind of imagine there must be some 'growing centres', like points where stimulation causes the most prolacin secretion and the most cell proliferation, like group of cells in the glandular tissue which are like buds. Lol, I know silly

(Login Holly34)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 4:04 PM
Hi Moon, I know what you mean. I try to use my knuckles as well..although it doesn't seem to increase my pains I did lactate a little on my smaller breast from doing it. I did not breastfeed any children. Maybe I hit some point??
I'm happy to hear you are still having pains on your routine. Mine went away..so dissapointing. I did change my bcp and just started nettle and ginko. I hope something kicks in soon!!
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Revolutionizing massage!?

November 29 2006, 4:59 PM
@Holly - Lactating shouldn't be good. I wonder what it means, maybe too much prolactin and progesterone compared to estrogen? And about the pains, note that there are days in the cycle when we are supposed to have most of them - particulary the luteal phase, towards the end of the cycle, possibly also arround ovulation, and then there are days when most don't have any because the hormones levels are the lowest - particulary during period. I remeber you are on single herbs, but anyway Ginger's experience makes me even more inclined to believe now that the dose of ginko biloba in WU maybe isn't quite high enough and therefore that ginko should make a difference for most of people. Anyway maybe you are in that pert of the cycle when thare's normally less or no pains, so keep it up girl!