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June 16 2007 at 7:49 PM Laura  (no login)
Hello everyone,

Anyone using the mirena here, if so any side effects and is it ok with NBE I have been advised to use it, periods are too heavy but I am concerned about it.


(Login Kittyluv09)
June 16 2007, 9:53 PM

I'm also thinking about using it. But I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about it. For example if you look up "mirena iud lawsuit" in a google search you can find discussion boards about the problems women have had with it (major weight gain, bleeding for 2 months to a year after the iud is put in, major depression, mood swings, and anxiety, body rejecting iud, painful cramps). However, some women do awesome with it without any problems at all (iud stays in place, periods become shorter or even stop, no mood or weight changes).

I still can't decide if I want to get one. I've realized from discussion boards that after I get it I should expect at least 2 months of spotting that could interfer with my sex life, which would suck.

(Login sadkow)
June 17 2007, 6:34 AM

Hi, I've had a Mirena IUD for the last two and a half years, and have had absolutely no problems with it. The only cramping I have felt was for an hour or so on the day I had it put in, but nothing since. I don't get periods and have had very miniscule spotting every four months or so, gone in less than a day. I haven't gained any weight with it, which I did when using Microgynan 30 and don't feel any mood swings like you do on a normal cycle. I used WU for over 5 months and gained over an inch, so it is o.k with NBE. I know that what suits some doesn't necessarily suit others, but for me this is perfect - hope this helps !!!!

(no login)
June 17 2007, 11:37 AM

Hi Donna,

Thats great to hear as there are so many negative stories about it, and yes, what will work for one may may not be suitable for another, may I ask you how old you are? I'm 47 and does this mean no periods, no estrogeon?

(Login sadkow)
Hey Laura
June 18 2007, 12:56 AM

I am 41. Mirena is a low dose progesterone based contraceptive and both my obgyn and GP have said that it is a great contraceptive and is very good for getting people through pre-menopause and menopause as well. My youngest child is 2 and a half and my obgyn suggested using the Mirena after his birth. I had problems with bloating and weight gain etc. on the combined pill but have had no such probs with this - nothing negative at all. I think that the fact that it is progesterone based cuts out some of the estrogen overload symptoms associated with other contraceptives. They last for 5 years and I will have it replaced with another one the same when that time is up. I checked with WU before I ordered to see if it would counteract it, but was told that it was actually a good contraceptive to use with it because it is progesterone based. Have also checked with a pharmacist re: herbs etc and Mirena and there should be no probs with using both either. I guess it's like a lot of things - you don't know until you try - if it doesn't suit you, it is easily removed.

(Login Ann5)
June 19 2007, 2:59 AM

I've had the mirena for almost 2 years. Like Donna I'm having no problems with it. My periods stopped after a couple of months of inserting the mirena. Though after doing a liver cleanse I've got my periods back. They are much lighter. That's the only side effect I have. No moodiness, no weight gain (although I need it), etc. As stated before if it doesn't turn out to be good for your body then you could always take it out. Good luck to you.

Black Sheep
(Login mari_lyn)
June 20 2007, 3:51 PM

I have also had this for over 2 years. No problems, no periods, no weight gain...nothing. I think it is wonderful. I too was concerned about getting it when I read some things on the net, but my doctor said if I had any sort of problems he would just remove it immediately. He said it is the only IUD he uses in his patients.

(no login)
June 20 2007, 4:38 PM

Well, I can't go on with the heavy bleeding so I may give this a try for a few months. its nice to hear good news regarding it.

(no login)
The IUD was my living Nightmare
July 12 2007, 8:13 AM

it caused me to gain weight, have cramps, my back to lock up, cysts, hair loss, mood swings, acne, depression, I got pregnant with an ectopic, had to have surgery and a form of chemo, now I am infertile and will never have children again. I guess some ppl do like it, but I will never suggest it. The nueva ring is good tho.

(no login)
July 12 2007, 9:00 AM

Amber, How long did you use it for?
All those side effects you mentioned I have been reading about although some ladies here are doing well on it.
I still can't make up my mind about it, how bad was the hair loss and weight gain?

(Login Kittyluv09)
July 13 2007, 3:37 AM

Amber that's really scary! I have an appointment next month to have one put in... and now I'm kinda scared to do it.

(Login hm10134)
Angels sing!
July 13 2007, 7:47 AM

I've had Mirena for almost three years now and I think its fabulous. I think you have to realize that all birth control methods are not fool proof and will not work for everyone, but I stand by Mirena. Don't like it, have it taken out.