Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 17 2007 at 4:23 PM Louise (Login Louise1982)
I understand from previous posts that fats and proteins can't be absorbed through the skin but steroids can which is why people use progesterone cream. Pueraria and soy both contain isoflavones which apparently are non-steroidal but similar in structure to estrogen (polyphenols) - can these penetrate intact skin? I've been at this for hours with no luck!
(Login Davi-lee)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 19 2007, 7:23 AM
Hey,good question Louise. That's like the things that I muse on all the time.
I just don't have time to go searching.
I hope that someone else is interested in trying to find an answer.
(Login Louise1982)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 19 2007, 7:50 PM
This is what I found today:
Drug Deliv. ;13 (6):411-5 17002968
Evaluation of ex vivo human skin permeation of genistein and daidzein.
[My paper] Paola Minghetti , Francesco Cilurzo , Antonella Casiraghi , Luisa Montanari
The percutaneous absorption of genistein (GEN) and daidzein (DAI), whose oestrogenic-like activity is well known, is scantily investigated. In this work the ability of GEN and DAI to reach therapeutic steady-state plasma concentrations following transdermal administration was studied. The skin permeation studies were conducted by using modified Franz diffusion cell and human epidermis as a membrane. PEG400 was the most effective vehicle for both molecules. On the basis of the ex vivo permeation results and estimating therapeutic plasma concentration, we assume that pure GEN can be efficaciously administered by the transdermal route.
Don't think we'll be able to get hold of PEG400 without some industrial reason and it'd be a huge quantity but does appear that phytoestrogens are absorbed, funny the wonderup people don't really make much of this and they are trying to sell a topical product - they just say it's for skin tone not growth.
.....on to my next there any advantage of topical application to the actual breast? - You don't put progesterone on the breast you put it elsewhere so why are we putting the estrogenics on the breasts?
(Login Davi-lee)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 20 2007, 3:59 AM
Wow....err.whats PEG400?? It doesnt 'ring a bell'.
Havent you read that research was quoted by Dr.John Lee that shows that breast tissues more readily absorb estrogenic compounds than other tissues? , features loads of hormone info. from Dr.Lee.
Perhaps it is due to the fat tissue.
uhm...well,I apply my estriol/progesterone directly to my breasts,and I get aches and firmness and growth ever since after adding it to my regimine.
??I dunno??..hahaha
I am trying to complete a theory I have been forming,you have added a bit of info to my musings.Its about the interactions of progesterone and estrogens and how they are stored in the body and how they are retreived from fats.
I was just rereading some info. that I had that,says some estrogens are produced in the fat tissues.
(Login Louise1982)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 20 2007, 7:31 AM
PEG400's an industrial solvent by the look of it...but I have other ideas as to delivery methods, just wanted to know if herbs were worth delivering before I start crushing up birth control pills!
Will be having a good look at your program page - but the xxy is going to make you kinda unique...still I genuinely believe there is a general formula for this that works, always works and works for everyone - we just don't know what it is yet
Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 20 2007, 8:44 AM
Louise, you may remember that a news story was posted here recently reporting that use of Lavender and Tea Tree Oils was considered to have caused breast development in boys. This suggests that the phytoestrogens in these products must have penetrated the skin and did not need to be eaten and digested.
Moaning Sheep
(Login Alexia1981)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 20 2007, 10:52 AM
Louise, estrogen is also a steroid, and I think it is very similar in structure as progesterone
Groaning Sheep
(no login)
October 20 2007, 5:05 PM
If u r looking for a topical delivery agent than dmso solution(50 percent dmso plus 50 percent water)with 10 percent herbs fg wy diamania ect applied to breast 1 time a day will give u that.
If u take cayenne pepper along with this it should ramp up this dose significantly.
check out NBA SYSTEM
This mix makes it 1000 times stronger and delivers it directly to breast.
U dont need to massage on this program if u dont want to
The base of program is magnets hope that helps
(Login Louise1982)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 20 2007, 7:43 PM
I've read that pytoestrogens are non-steroidal, at least isoflavones are anyway which wa what made me wonder.
So it's delivery into fatty tissue rather than the breast itself - shouldn't we all be rubbing this stuff on our butts?!
(Login WiccanWoman123)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 20 2007, 11:06 PM
Hmm yeah but I can keep my boobs off my sofa and bed sheets.. I'd have the entire house smelling like pancakes if I put it on my butt LOL !
(Login Davi-lee)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 21 2007, 2:01 PM
HAHAHA!....Great Wiccanwoman!
I rub my Prog on my butt.
My side experiment, to see if it will help with accumulating more fat on me bum.HAHA...Im a slender person,I need all the help I can.
There are women who are gluteus maximus-ly challenged.

Somethings been working for me. Maybe its all the pastries.HA!
The Doctor's Natural Therapy cream,sent papers with the bottles that said to apply it to only the fatty spots.So,I put it on my thighs,belly,butt,and boobs
There is an slim explanation about the Prog.and estriol needs to go to the fat tissues then it is utilized from there.
It makes sense as I read other things about hormones being stored in fats,or produced in the fat tissues.
The reason I started putting it on my boobage is I had seen several people,on different places say that it worked for them to do that.
So, I thought what the heck,I like an experiment or two anyway.
Well, for me it works good so far.
Hey good stuff on the solvents,**although Im quite hesitant to use something called an industrial solvent.Doesnt sound very healthy to apply to your bod.Does anyone know what problems it can cause??
Louise,my friend and I were talking about the lavender and Tea tree episodes,and he suggested that the tea tree must have properties that cause better absorption into the skin.Its sorta like the cayenne and Vit.C action,they also energize the herb effects.
Thats great stuff Groaning Sheep...whats NBA System??
Yes you are right about the cayenne,Ive read that it causes those effects with any health supplements internally.
(Login Louise1982)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 21 2007, 5:28 PM
That's great about the tea tree, I don't think I can use cayenne as I've been warned the meds I take are bad for the stomach lining and I have quite sensitive skin, so I think internally or externally it may cause a problem, but I've used a tea tree based lotion when I had a rash and it was like a miracle.
I'm going to post about cautions of DMSO.
NBA system is basically DMSO + herbal booby lotion, short massage 5x daily (every 3 hours, so not really for anyone with a job) + superstrong magnets (which you shouldn't use near other people). I didn't bother with this as the main appeal was that I thought you just stuck the magnets in your bra but it's a lot more involved. Would rather steal their ideas about topicals and do my own massage.
(Login Davi-lee)
Re: Skin Absorption of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens
October 22 2007, 8:24 AM
Oh cayenne is actually good for the stomach because it causes more mucus to be excreted in the stomach and intestines and this also causes ulcers to heal.
Yah,I know it sounds wrong but I have a book by Dr,William Christopher all about what cayenne can do and its really amazing.
Some people are allergic to it. The capsicum oil,can cause more intense reactions in some folks.
Yes,what I was trying to say about the tea tree is that it is like the herbal equivalent to DMSO or sorta like that.
Dont take it by mouth,unless its in small quantities,as it is toxic full strength. Im sure you know that already.
Oh great on the NBA Sys....thanks for the info.