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Receipe for breast growth
April 19 2006 at 9:43 AM Tiger Lily (Login tiger.lily)
Hi everyone from Taiwan, I am new here, I just want to share my experience with you. My boobs are bigger since I followed breast enhancement, so I do believe that massages and herbs will help for sure. All I say here is just what happen to work on me or other Taiwan girls' succesful experiences. All the receipes and notions I got I tried and it worked. Mainly eat foods like soya and borage and chicken feet broth and massage with oil and just like you are getting a massage from a massagist. Since Sep I have grown a cup size so I can say it works. But it is only traditional Chinese common sense. Anyway that's my experience.

(Login Darisha)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 19 2006, 11:00 AM

Tiger Lily please tell us how you did this. Surely just eating soya foods and chicken feet broth alone without taking any herbs could do this. And what did you massage with and did you do chi massage. How long did it take for you to grow this extra cup size.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 19 2006, 4:40 PM

My booby project begain in Sep and I gained a size since then. No enhance pills were used and no supplement except borage oil. Mostly eat the right vegi, like soya most important, then next recommended lettece and asparagus, also potato, carrots, corns, eggplant, broccoli. So, some may not sound logical to you, please don't ask me to explain why or use science proof to tell me that it's wrong or doesn't make sense, because I don't know. I tried and it worked. It's advice from older person in China that knows traditional ways. I don't know if the massage is called chi massage because I am not a Chinese doctor, but it's medical massage like from a massagist. When massage, for sure I use lotion or oil so I won't hurt my skin. After massage, eat some helpful foods. I eat chicken feet everyday (make it as broth) with soya bean, very important after massage.

(Login unhappy80)
question: tiger lily
April 19 2006, 5:12 PM

tiger what is lettece? did you mean lettuce or something different?
and did you eat vegetables all you wrote everyday or from day to day?
chicken feet broth is a liquid. it's used to make soup I think. Do I know right?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 19 2006, 8:55 PM

Hi! Yes I meant lettuce, my English is not well. The only items I eat every day are chicken feet and soy. The others are just examples of the vegi you have to select from. You can't eat all foods every day. Also you can eat special boobie receipes, like naga and borage soup, very recommended. The more meals you make boobie friendly the better. But most effective in my and other girls'experience is chicken feet, I make as broth (not the same as soup I think). But most important, for all the right foods to work, you'll have to break the growth blockage with good massage, otherwise the stuff we eat doesn't have the right effect.

(Login landoline)
Recipe for NPE
April 20 2006, 4:00 AM

Hi Lily: what massage technique do you use? Can you please describe a bit? Do you have a picture or a video link?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 20 2006, 7:47 AM

Massage technique concerns lots of pressure points which will help boobs grow. The key is push the boobs deeply to break the growth blockage so the chi can flow. maybe this is what you call chi massage, but I am sorry I don't know. I learned this massage from a lady that said she grew from A to C, that's all and I don't know it has a name. to make a fist with the hand, and use the knuckles of fingers to make little circles on boob. use right hand for left boob and vice versa. Then use both of your palms to slap your boob with some strength. the key is when your palms are slapping your boob, your fingers have to grab your boob in the same time. Then pinch you boobs from the outside up to the nipples, do not pinch the nipples. and do it hard so you can get the pressure points around the boobs. then put your left hand at the bottom of your left boob holding it up. then use your right hand to make circles and massage on the upper part of your boob. vice versa for your right boob. put your palm around the bottom of your boobs, your whole hand cover as much as they can of your boobs, then push them up and to the center to make a cleavage, then squezze them with fingertips. It's also good to do some stretches. and I also do 20 push-ups before I start my massages. Always support the process with boob friendly food. Taiwan has very ladies with flat chests, is known fact, but these technique work. I tried it myself and saw it with my eyes.

(no login)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 20 2006, 10:24 AM

So first..massage with your knuckles, kinda kard, then slap, then pinch but not the nipples? have I got it right?
I never want scientific explanations, i believe what happened to others, if it works for them that's all the proof I need Smile

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 21 2006, 8:07 AM

Maybe you could put all this in a personal program page. I don't know if there is any way you could give the massage information in more detail or if there are possibly any pictures anywhere which would help?

(no login)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 21 2006, 1:32 PM

I've done this a day and my nipple is already bigger...hmm nice! thanks for this

Tiger Lilly
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 21 2006, 4:18 PM

katarina, I think you got it right. I learn from older person in Taiwan who been successful. It worked for them and I am happy to believe. now I seen the result myself. I'm sorry if my english gives you a headach. Epiphany, I will make a program as you suggested and enter massage there. I will make the description in more detail and hope it's more clear to everyone. Thanks for your interest in Chinese ways. I help if I can.

(Login unhappy80)
re: Tigerlily
April 21 2006, 6:01 PM

Thanks tigerlily!
I searched chicken feet broth on dictionary. I think we talk about same thing. Chicken feet broth is not a soup. it's used to make a soup and it's a liquid form.
take care of you and I think so you can make your own personal program page and write detailed what you did to grow your breast.
take care of you

(Login Darish)
April 22 2006, 2:14 AM

Hi Tiger Lily
First of all thank you so much for bringing some new and interesting methods of nbe to this forum. I am fascinated. I would love to know about these recipes you use for your broths. Are you able to post some actual recipes that you have been using. I am sure most of the women here would be interested in this also. Thanks so much

(Login Darisha)
April 22 2006, 4:32 AM

I forgot to ask also, when you say soya do you mean soya beans in the broth or soya sauce or soya milk. what type of soya are you referring to. Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question but I am Australian and this sort of food isn't that popular in this country.

(no login)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 22 2006, 4:38 AM

Hi Lily: where you write your personal program, some pictures/diagrams for the massage would be helpful. Thanks!

(no login)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 22 2006, 7:09 AM

I've done this massage just two day, not eating anything that Lily sais, except for loads of protein, and from the massages alone I m fuller. Smile

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Receipe for breast growth
April 23 2006, 8:41 AM

Hi to everyone. I try to find the english to make the receipes as detailed as possible, will add this info, and i try aswell to make diagram of the massage procedure. For soya all soy product is helpful. Eat soy bean in meal, drink soy milk, all soy product can help project. In Chinese tradition and advice of older person if eat helpful food it not needs much supplement to help booby growth. This is what your grandma tells you.
TigerLily massage technic question
April 23 2006 at 1:19 PM
happy80 (Login unhappy80)
Hi Tigerlily!
First I want to thank you like all people in this forum to teach a method about breast growth and share your info and experience. I hope this method works for us like works for you. Smile
I read your writing on the personal program page. Especially massage technique. Your english is not too bad but I didn't understand something and I want to ask you.
First about part II of massage.
I try to use my imagination but I'm little confused. When we are slapping the breasts should we use left and right hands at the same time and slap all at once? I mean should we do it like slapping a face? and I tried to do it but when I use my left palms on my breast I can't grab it with my fingers because my fingers standing outside. I think I did it wrong. And I didn't understand this expression:

"upwards in turns."

And my second question
I didn't understand the following part of a sentence;

" keep reaching as far as you can go to your back. push the fat on the back all the way into your left cup."

I didn't understand compeletely because my english is not perfect. Smile

if you or someone can write a little explanatory again I will be glad to you.

take care of you.


Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: TigerLily massage technic question
April 24 2006, 6:27 PM

For massage part II you do like this. On contact with the breasts with the slap, you move or curl your fingers in to make a grabbing action. Not at the same time, but in turns. Use one plam slap upwards from the bottom of the breast, then curl in your fingers for grabbing. so, it's the plam first, then fingers. as you are slapping and curling (grabbing) so fast, they are almost like happenning in the same time. Upwards in turns means slap and grab upwards each hand in turn, not both hands at the same time. Hope this is clearer. now about bra adjustmet, using left breast for example. after putting on a bra, i use the the thumb and the index finger of left hand to press down the bra-wire keeping the wire in place, then put my right hand into the left cup and keep reaching to the leftside of the left breast to your back then push the fat on the back back into your left cup. after you right hand is back in the left cup (don't let go yet) I use my left thumb to press down the wire then take out the right hand (then you can let go the thumb and index finger). It will be easier to do if you lean forward a little. When I get more minutes I will add this explanation to the program page.
To Tigerlily
December 14 2006 at 8:14 PM princessglitter (Login princessglitter)
Hi Tigerlily, I would like to check with you. If I do feel pain when I massage, does it mean I have alot of blockage? And if i do, how do I remove them? Does it mean it is more difficult for me to growth if i have blockage?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 15 2006, 8:37 AM

If feel pain when massage yes you found blockage and this blockage not good for growth, maybe stopped it in the past. But massage provide the chi to remove blockage, so if keep massaging blockage is removed.

(Login Mingmei)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 15 2006, 7:07 PM

Tiger Lily, is it okay to use my finger tips for massage? I think you have recommended using knuckles.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 15 2006, 7:44 PM

You can use finger, but I like to use the knuckle of my thumps. Its good for me this way, but finger is good too, you can do like that, no problem.

(Login princessglitter)
How long to see growth?
December 15 2006, 8:17 PM

Hi Tigerlily,
I have been massaging for about 1 and a half month now. But I still haven't seen any progress. =( Maybe my boobs are rounder now, but other than that, there's no difference. Is one and a half month too fast to tell if this program works for me? I have been alternating between soy bean, chicken feet soup and whitefungus with papaya soup and I was thinking I should just stick to one for consistency. How much boobie food should we take for it to be effective? Is one bowl of chicken feet soup enough? Thank you for reply in advance! You have really been such a great help!

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 16 2006, 9:37 AM

Much depends on how much blockage, because more blockage you have takes more time to remove. Also depends on how well you hit pressure points, but anyway if you have much blockage takes time to remove. I ate chicken feet soup and soya every day. One bowl is enough but need every day. Soya needs every day too.

(Login princessglitter)
lesser blockage
December 21 2006, 7:26 PM

Hey Tigerlily,
I thought you might want to know this. My boobs feel less painful nowadays when I massaged them, although they still feel sore after massaging. But it doesn't hurt the way it used to. So does it mean that my blockage are lesser? I really hope to see growth soon. This is my second month but there still isn't any growth shown on measurement tape but i am definitely rounder and fuller!

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 22 2006, 8:35 AM

Yes if doen't hurt the same anymore it means your blockage is lesser. Well done your massage must be good. Keep doing all massages. I'm happy to know you are rounder and fuller and hope for your more progress.

(Login princessglitter)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 30 2006, 5:50 AM

Hi Tigerlily, how have you been? Did your growth maintain?

I haven't seen you around for quite awhile and and was wondering if you still frequent this forum. Anyway, if you do not, can I have your email address? Just in case I do have some questions for you. Thanks for all the encouragement and knowledge you have given to us!
I have been in this for 2 months now and I am still a small A. Really hope things will speed up soon and I want to be a C!

Tiger Lilly
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 30 2006, 10:11 AM

I stop massaging 4 weeks ago and my growth maintain, but 4 weeks is not a long time. I watch carefully to see any problem. I still visit forum one time every day, I will tell you if I decide to stop visiting. For now I still visit every day, no need to think I go away.

(Login loraine12)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 30 2006, 11:58 PM

Hey tigerlily! Nice results! I was wondering if you had gained any weight on your program? I looked at your pitures and while you don't seem significantly bigger in your second pic, I notice that some bones that are visible in your first pic are not visible in the second. Like the bone under your neck in the first one can't be seem in your after pic, and with the position you have in your second pic, if anything it should show even more than in the first one.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
December 31 2006, 7:58 AM

Really I didn't gain any significant weight. I am little heavier but really not much. Of course boob increase means some weight gain is expected, so difficult to know how much to expect, but I think really not much extra. It's true I gain little weight more, but in clothes I'm not sure if anyone know any difference.
To Tiger lily: pressure point massage
December 4 2006 at 3:37 PM princessglitter (Login princessglitter)
Hi Tigerlily,
I would like to find out more about the pressure point massage. Feng Shui mentions that it will be good to press the pressure points 20 times. I would like to find out if we have to press down towards our bones or press in towards the direction of our nipple? Is there any movement involved or is it simply applying pressure on one point?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tiger lily: pressure point massage
December 4 2006, 6:38 PM

The pressure points on boobs you press in to boob. Example, the pressure point at bottom of boob you press upwards towards nipple. Use the knuckle of your thump, right thump to left boob, vicey versa. Press in firmly towards boob. There's no movement, it's not a massage, press in firmly that's all. I hope it's clear.

(Login princessglitter)
Re: To Tiger lily: pressure point massage
December 4 2006, 6:57 PM

So the pressure point that is below the nipple is the only one which we have to move upwards? The rest of the pressure point we just press down into the boob, am I right?

Also, how do we locate the pressure point that is at the sides of the boob and the top of the boob? or do we simply try at any point?

Thanks so much in advance! I just want to make sure I am doing it right.

(Login SoCal.grl)
another question about massages
December 5 2006, 5:55 PM

Hi Tiger Lily, congratulations on your amazing growth. I would like to know what is your opinion on using heat or a heating pad with massages? Is there a general consensus among the holistic community (i.e acupuncturists etc.) that it is helpful or it doesn't make a difference? Thank you.

(no login)
Re: To Tiger lily: pressure point massage
December 5 2006, 9:32 PM

sorry to jump in on the post but where exactly are the pressure points? I've not heard about it before

(Login dandelion1)
tiger lily!!!!
December 5 2006, 11:31 PM

hi! could you tell me, are the pressure points AROUND the boob, or <IN> the boob as well?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tiger lily: pressure point massage
December 6 2006, 12:53 PM

I try to answer all points. But I'm not medicinist, I don't know all and follow advice of others.

Pressure point at side have to press in from side, not press down. You can find pressure point in line with nipple.

About heat pad I don't know. I know important for body to be warm. Always do stretch and press up before start massage to make body warm. Also eat warm foods not cool foods because body need the warm. Nobody advise me to use heat direct on boob, so I not do this. About if general consensus on subject, I don't know. I'm not medicinist or massagist and never claim to be expert. I don't know what medicinist say, I only know heat used in Chinese medicine, that important for some treatments. Often I hear about heat used for therapy reason, normal in Chinese medicine, but nobody told me to use heat on boob direct, so I don't know anymore. I don't know, I'm not expert, but if eating warm foods and do warm exercises, maybe does the same thing.

Pressure points are described in general reference page under Fengshui explanation of massage. See also Pansyclub page.

Some pressure points are around boob, some pressure points are in boob area. See Fengshui and Pansyclub explanation of massage, I hope it's clear.

I answer everything as I can.
To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 17 2007 at 1:12 AM Dogfreak (Login dogfreak)
Dear Tigerlily,

I have never done massages before and now i plan to start doing it.

I have again read thru your massage instructions and tried to visualise. I hope I can rephrase in my own words and appreciate if you could help me tp review and do not hesitate to correct me if any of the methods which i m goin to mention is wrong:

1) First, u start off with 20 push ups.
2) Massage 1: With 1 hand made into a fist-shaped, use knuckles on fingers to make movements of little circles on breast. Left hand for left breast and right hand for right.
Can i know how much time do u spend in performing massage technique 1 alone? Or do u calculate the no. of times? Also, can i simply perform movements in circles on anywhere on the breast?
3) Massage 2: Perform for one breast at a time. Use both palms to slap one breast from down to upwards. U mentioned that at the same time i need to make use of my fingers to grab those breasts. Do i need to grab my breasts hard? How much time do u perform massage technique 2 alone? Or do u calculate the no. of times?
4) Massage Technique 3: Lean forward for fuller grabbing of breasts. Place palm on one breast and grab boobs outwards. Again, How much time do u perform massage technique 3 alone? Or do u calculate the no. of times?

After massage, drink/ eat some booby food. can i just drink a cup of full cream milk? what other convenient foods/ drinks would u recommend? if i am not talking any food, can i just consume flax/ borage oil after massaging?

Before sleep: place palm below breast and push up towards the centre with hand and squeese with fingertip 10x

SOme additional queries:
1) U mentioned tat u spend 20 mins daily on massaging. Do u spread it into twice per day ( 10 mins 1 time) or one shot for 20 mins at 1 time?
2) Your personal program is very much dependable on booby foods. DO u think it is the food that contributes to much of your growth? Have u or anyone u know ever carried out a control experiment to for-go either booby food or massaging to view effect, as in which is contributing more or less?
3) Also, the reason i am asking how much time u spent on doing per technique is becox i hope to know how do u spead your 2o mins session. I hope it is fine for you.

Thank You and look forward to your reply


Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 17 2007, 9:00 PM

I didn't come to the forum for these last 3 days. I will try to answer all for you but my English is not perfect. If I can't answer something I will try to answer later.

First, I massage for 20 minures each day, just one time. This time was when I get home in the evening. Second, I think that massage is the more important than eating the booby food. I don't know if anyone has proven this, but it's what I always think. Third, about the number of repetitions, each massage I make 20 times. It is not a question of how much time for each massage technique, but each repetition I make 20 times.

After massage, I always eat booby food, especially chicken feet soup and soy dish. I don't know about full cream milk? What is that idea? I don't say that booby food is convenient, but I think it's important, even if not as important as massage.

I will comment more later.

(Login dogfreak)
August 19 2007, 12:52 PM

Dear Tigerlily,

I have performed the techniques and unsure if i have performed wrongly because after the repetitions of all the massage techniques, i have barely used up to 10 mins even. appreciate if u could help to review and correct my techniques.

Also, do u go braless after the massage in the evening?


Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 20 2007, 7:56 AM

I'm not sure how you can do all in 10 minutes. To me it seems that is only 2 or 3 seconds for each repetition, which is very quick. Don't rush the massages because you have to press in deeply. Don't forget you have to do 20 repetitions each massage for each breast, so I think you can only do all in 10 minutes if you hurry.

(Login peonyflower)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 24 2007, 10:31 AM

It helps to be deliberate with massages. If you are doing all that Tiger Lily has listed you could not really complete it in less than 10 minutes, unless you are hurrying through it and not being very deliberate.

Black Sheep
(no login)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 24 2007, 12:16 PM

Hi Tigerlily, I was just wondering if what you meant is that you do each massage 20 times for each boob, and then keep repeating the pattern untill 20 minutes has passed?

(Login lindyrose)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 24 2007, 6:43 PM

Hi Tigerlily
I was wondering if you massage every day? -Thanks

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 25 2007, 7:20 AM

No I don't mean you should repeat anything. To do each massage 20 times x 2 always took me 20 minutes. But I guess it's OK if you can do it quicker than that.

Yes when I did massage I did it every day without any fail.

(Login peonyflower)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 30 2007, 8:12 AM

I think to be worthwhile any massage method you follow should be done every day.

(Login fengshuiTW)
to dogFreak
August 30 2007, 9:28 AM

2) Massage 1: With 1 hand made into a fist-shaped, use knuckles on fingers to make movements of little circles on breast. Left hand for left breast and right hand for right.

It should be right hand for left breast, left hand for right breast.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: To Tigerlily: Rephrasin of your massage techniques
August 30 2007, 9:37 AM

3) Massage 2: Perform for one breast at a time. Use both palms to slap one breast from down to upwards. U mentioned that at the same time i need to make use of my fingers to grab those breasts. Do i need to grab my breasts hard? How much time do u perform massage technique 2 alone? Or do u calculate the no. of times?[quote]

not very hard, just kinda hard, when you do this movement, you can do it pretty fast, usually you do it 20 times on each breast, I read there were girls did 50 times each with this technique only and got growth (from TW website.)

(Login fengshuiTW)
to DogFreak
August 30 2007, 9:47 AM

4) Massage Technique 3: Lean forward for fuller grabbing of breasts. Place palm on one breast and grab boobs outwards. Again, How much time do u perform massage technique 3 alone? Or do u calculate the no. of times?

Do you mean the "claw" technique? I would suggest at least 10 times in a row. Actually, just do whatever you feel comfortable with (for ex. you got bored with this motion, do a different one, or your arms got tired, change to another massage), switch them around, doesn't matter, 10 min in the morning, 10 min at night, it's fine. It's more important that you do it everyday. It's fine you drink whole milk afterwards. You know, just something that's boobie helpful.
Tiger Lily
July 26 2007 at 4:10 AM
Kari (Login PinkNika)

I just bought a bag of organic soy beans, how much would you recommend me eating daily for growth??? Thanks a lot!!

*~Viva la Cleavage!!~*

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Tiger Lily
July 26 2007, 9:12 AM

Hi Kari. When I ate soya bean, I used to eat one fifth of cup each day.

(Login PinkNika)
July 26 2007, 9:14 PM

I have one more question, is there a difference between soy and soya??? I thought they were the same...thanks again!

*~Viva la Cleavage!!~*

(Login Halome)
Re: Tiger Lily
July 26 2007, 11:56 PM

Soy and Soya are the same thing. Soy is how we tend to say it in the USA, it's Soya every where else, lol.

(Login Victoria)
Re: Tiger Lily
July 29 2007, 6:18 PM

Can you use any old soya beans or does it have to be the black soya beans I've seen in Chinese medical stores?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Tiger Lily
July 29 2007, 9:27 PM

Hi Victoria. Any color soy bean will do. The beans vary in color depending if ripe or not. The black one is a different variety, but not better than other color bean.
To Tigerlily
July 27 2007 at 4:37 AM boob obsession (no login)

Hi tigerlily, i apologize if you have already answered my question but i want to be 100% sure that i understand your program thoroughly. I had asked about borage oil in my previous post...i wanted to know what lotion or cream you used for the actual massage in addition to taking oral capsules? I think you said you also took 1000 mg capsules of borage oil once a day. Are those the only 2 things you did besides changing your diet?

I started breaking the borage oil capsules and applying the oil from the capsules on my breasts. I'm using the 500 mg capsules so maybe i should use two instead of one? I am also mixing the borage oil with vitamin E oil to massage. Any suggestions? I am not taking any soy products but i eat either meat or chicken for lunch and dinner every day so i know i'm getting adequate protien from that.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: To Tigerlily
July 27 2007, 8:21 PM

For massage I used baby oil. About the borage oil, I took 1000mg capsule twice a day, not once a day. Also I took ginseng, although I never counted this in my program, because I took it before already. Eating soya is not for protein in my program, but because it is very booby friendly food. That is the reason.
to Tigerlily - borage oil
August 7 2007 at 5:45 AM xian'g (Login xian66)

I have came across your posts and knew that you were having 2x1000mg borage oil a day. Isn't the suggested dosage 1x1000mg a day? I'm not sure whether it is said to be overdosed, anyway, did you feel any side effects with such high dose? like headache etc

any opinion will be very very much appreciated!!!
Thank you in advance Smile

(Login xian66)
Re: to Tigerlily - borage oil
August 7 2007, 7:21 AM

Tongue another question,

for how long have you take borage oil as your supplement? I mean how long is your borage oil supplement program? ie 6 months? 9 months?

I heard that borage oil is toxin in some extent. I'm hoping not to take it for too long. Smile

thanks ^0^

(Login fengshuiTW)
please check the link for more detail
August 7 2007, 7:50 AM,00.html

In fact, the aerial parts of borage contain small quantities of toxic chemicals known as pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which have been associated with causing liver injury when they are consumed in large amounts.......

However, oil from the seeds of the borage plant does not contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. About 20% of borage oil is composed of a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which may help reduce inflammation. ] Quote

If you check the supplement facts on your bottle of borage oil, it should say "borage(seed) oil", it's not toxic.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: to Tigerlily - borage oil
August 7 2007, 8:23 AM

I don't know what is the suggested dose or who decides that. And I don't think the amount of borage oil I took is a high dose. I didn't ever think that.

Then about the time of my project, it was 15 months.

(Login xian66)
August 8 2007, 4:21 AM

thanks soooo much tigerlily and fengshui!!!

It's very helpful for me!! Smile muackx