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October 20 2007 at 7:23 AM CuteLittleBunnie (Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Hey, I noticed that my boobs were slightly bigger when I use to eat barley soup. Do you think that this could have been a form of NBE? It was like a yr ago and I didn't really do anything. But, my boobs seems like they filled out the bras better. Should I start eating barley soup again?

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Barley
October 20 2007, 7:39 AM

One of the things Eve use was barley and think it's in some NBE products, not sure if it helps to retain fluid - try drinking a lot of water too. What else did you put in the soup?

(no login)
Re: Barley
October 23 2007, 8:46 AM

In Bavaria it's a tradition that the two most effective breast enhancers of all are hops and barley.

(no login)
Re: Barley
October 26 2007, 8:29 AM

Yes Hops and Barley are two of the oldest known and longest used breast enhancers. And both so common and easy to find and gentle on the body. These kind of things should be the basis of any NBE program.

(Login Davata)
Re: Barley
October 26 2007, 9:45 AM

Good to know.I'm going to try more barley.I already use hops.

(no login)
Re: Barley
October 26 2007, 12:20 PM

interesting history of barley.
in asia, barley was eaten by peasants who could not afford white rice. of course nowadays, everyone is adding barley to their rice because it is healthier for you. also, barley tea is very easy to make and delicious. better than fennel tea in my opinion. i had no idea it was good for NBE!
if anyone wants to try, barley tea can be found in asian grocery stores. buy the teabags because they are easier to make. i just make a whole kettle full and drink it all day, instead of water. kids drink it too ( not for nbe).
btw, i love this site!

(no login)
Re: Barley
July 15 2008, 7:45 AM

I love barley tea! if it helps with NBE then so much the better, I'll drink it every day.
I am the head brewer at a boutique brewery.
I nibble on a variety of malted barley all the time.
Maybe I should just have a bowl for breakfast every morning
A little confused about Barley
November 5 2007 at 9:33 AM Fran (no login)
Is the barley that people here buy a powder? I noticed some on the Vortex Health site, but it's tablets.
From what others have been saying, I thought barley always came as a powder.

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 5 2007, 9:38 AM

I'm sure it doesn't make the slightest difference, although tablets may be more convenient.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 5 2007, 8:01 PM

Make sure the latin name of the plant is Hordeum Vulgare as that is the type used in Wonderup. Personally I find swallowing capsules hard as everything other than Wonderup and my birth control are huge, also I'm veggie so I don't have anything in gelatine capsules which is why I don't get any of the separate herbs from vortex. I think that barley grass may be something different to normal barley like maybe the leaf not the seed as the barley grass powder I have is bright green and smells grassy - I doubt this will help NBE. If you're not worried about the gelatine you may want to buy from vortex as at least you'll know it's meant for boobs.

(Login bonnette)
barley flour, flakes and grain
November 5 2007, 8:12 PM

im a bit confused about barley. if it's the one used in beer then it's very common in northern Europa as flour, flakes and grain to make porridge. just yesterday i was checking it in foodstore not sure if to buy or not. i could eat the porridge every day and i remember i loved the porridge back in childhood when my mum cooked us in the morning. But the question is it's basicly a carbohydrate thus not recommended. or would barley be an exception? Would very cheap anyway.


Black Sheep
(no login)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 5 2007, 9:38 PM

barley plays a role in development and repair of body tissue. i guess this is why it's used in NBE. but it has other benefits as well, and i'm sticking to it...
apparently, hulled barley is the best to use.
good-luck ladies.

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 12 2007, 3:13 PM

Barley is a complex carbohydrate therefore it's considered to be a 'good' carb as opposed to a 'bad' carb like sugar and white flour etc.

(Login lil_dunny)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 17 2007, 1:30 AM

hmmm seems much easier just to eat it as a grain....

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 17 2007, 7:00 AM

To be on the safe side I eat 3 different types of barley- green powdered barley, hulled barley and pearl barley. Just in case I misunderstood somewhere along the way, I like having my bases covered.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 17 2007, 6:38 PM

I've asked Eve on her program about barley, what she used was barley grass which I think is the green powdered barley and although whole barley grains may be the same I think this may be the leaf compared to the seed. Pearl barley has had some of the ?bran removed to make it more white and shiny...not sure if this affects NBE.

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 18 2007, 4:27 AM

What type of barley is used for making beer? A while back there was a thread about someone who had spent some time in Bavaria and noticed that all the women seemed to have large breasts and was told it was because of the barley and hops used in the beer. I hate the taste of beer and generally avoid all alcohol but would consider the dealcoholized kind if I thought it might do any good.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 18 2007, 5:21 AM

Not sure but you'd probably be getting more actual barley if you just put half a teaspoon (appox 2g) in some herbal tea or even less than that in your food. I have powdered hops and oats too - they're really stong extracts 10:1, 15:1 so you don't need much for tea or in food. I got them from which is a good service and pretty cheap but don't order if you're outside the US or you'll get ripped off in tax and shippping.

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 18 2007, 6:39 AM

I have tea once a day and it consists of fennel (teabag), 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp hops, 1 tsp nettle and anything I have handy to mask the taste. It's not pleasant! After my massages, heating pad etc I mix in water 1 tbsp green barley powder (hordeum vulgare), 1 tbsp alfalfa powder, 1 tbsp brewers yeast (a galactagogue)and 1 tbsp gelatin (there goes my vegetarian status!) As for the other barleys I stew up equal portions hulled and pearl barley. It has a nice nutlike taste which I mix with soya milk. It's not bad. My cereal also has barley in it as well. My husband likes barley too so as soon as he comes home from working out of town I'll be using it in soups. I live outside the U.S. and know full well about all those nasty taxes and stuff. I live very close to the border so I sometimes shop for herbs, vitamins etc over there.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 18 2007, 4:53 PM

That all sounds very good for boobs even if it tastes pretty bad, the nettle needs to be nettle root not nettle leaf. You can buy flax seed as powdered seeds which is a lot nicer than the oils. I'm veggie too, did try marine collagen but they were huge to swallow and the powder iside is disgusting. I add a little bit of powdered soy to the cereal like you make with barley but I use oats as a base and put some barley powder and fruit in, it's really not bad.

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 18 2007, 10:28 PM

I take nettle root pills and the nettle leaf in my tea is basically filler. My morning cereal consists of whole grain oats, oat bran, brown rice, corn, soybeans, millet, barley, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed etc. I add an extra tbsp of ground flaxseed meal to it and have it with soy milk. I bought soya protein powder but I haven't used it yet. If I get hungry between meals I'll have the pearl/hulled barley mixture. I haven't tried marine collagen. What's it made of?

(Login Louise1982)
Re: A little confused about Barley
November 18 2007, 10:40 PM

Not sure what body part it is - probably muscle but it's made from fish and you can get veggie capsule so no gelatine. Apparently it's good for skin and prevents wrinkles and sagging as we get older etc etc I only took about 3 so can't say if it works.
Ah so eve did you consume 'barley grass' and not the wheat type barley ... I brought some of the barley tea bags and it certainly wasn't barley grass...
I took both barley grass and barley tea. I got the best of both worlds!
(20-01-2016, 12:14)Eve M Wrote: [ -> ]I took both barley grass and barley tea. I got the best of both worlds!

Oh wicked. Thank you. I know how good and cleansing barley grass is, maybe time to add that for health reasons. Searched high and low to mimick your programme but limited access to herbs ESP teas here in my country.
Reviving this thread!

Anyone have updates? Has anyone else taken/currently taking barley (the grain) and barley grass?