Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: newbie my program
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So I'm a newbie to nbe. I started just doing massages last month and gained a little less than half a inch in a month. I just bought fenugreek 610mg and wild yam 460mg and will be taking 4 of each daily. I also will be massaging with flakseed oil. Right now I am a 34b with room left in my bras. Goal is for a full c cup or a full d cup. I weigh 110lbs and and am 5'4. I might also try msm after a little while.
So I changed up my program. I am taking 4 610mg fenugreek capsules a day and 3 1000mg flaxseed oil a day. I am also doing 20min massages in the evening, I started on Monday and I already feel like they are fuller (My boyfriend swears that they have). They feel firmer for sure. The flaxseed oil is also to help my dry skin and exema. I will be updating as I go along. I am a 34b right now, i dont fill out my cups fully right now, I'm hoping for a C or D cup in the end. I am hoping to be close to a full B cup by the end of November or middle of December.