Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Does aloe vera gel help breast enlargment?
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well, i have heard that herbs help breast development, and aloe Vera is an herb.i cant get a hold of capsules or other creams, but i do have aloe Vera gel.would rubbing and massaging aloe Vera on my breasts help them grow?
if so, how much should i put on my breasts?
Haven't read anything about Aloe Vera helping breast enlargement directly. Used as a carrier for other things, yes, like a massage cream: add in estrogenic substances, such as phytoestrogens. Use the Aloe as a carrier medium, or a substrate, and it will help the skin, too.
But it doesn't cause any growth by itself, so far as I know.

ive read it offers a lift and some claim growth.
Worth a read