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Full Version: I think I had a breast massage
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A few days ago, I decided to treat myself to a massage. During my massages, I only wear my underwear, no bra. Laying down on my front was hard at first, my boobs were quite sore that day, and I could feel them spilling out from my sides. My masseuse did the usual, working the knots out of my back and helped me relax. When it came to lay on my back, my nipples were covered, she worked my shoulders, moving below my collarbone. Where my girls had flatten out quite significantly.

Since I have quite large breasts, she couldn't help but massage them! I felt guilty, I couldn't help but enjoy it, her movements were very gentle, then using her knuckles to get into the muscle for lymph drainage. I felt all the blood dispersing, it was wonderful! 

When I came home, I noticed I was still a little swollen, I measured myself to find I had almost grown 3/4 of an inch!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed my fun experience!
Glad you enjoyed. Think you're a lucky one to have a message therapist with courage. Most are afraid to venture.
(30-10-2015, 02:32)Tinkerbells Wrote: [ -> ]A few days ago, I decided to treat myself to a massage. During my massages, I only wear my underwear, no bra. Laying down on my front was hard at first, my boobs were quite sore that day, and I could feel them spilling out from my sides. My masseuse did the usual, working the knots out of my back and helped me relax. When it came to lay on my back, my nipples were covered, she worked my shoulders, moving below my collarbone. Where my girls had flatten out quite significantly.

Since I have quite large breasts, she couldn't help but massage them! I felt guilty, I couldn't help but enjoy it, her movements were very gentle, then using her knuckles to get into the muscle for lymph drainage. I felt all the blood dispersing, it was wonderful! 

When I came home, I noticed I was still a little swollen, I measured myself to find I had almost grown 3/4 of an inch!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed my fun experience!
Well Tink,if it was permanant growth , ill never quaff another shake,,or ever take another suppliment,, lol, that has got to be the most pleasant solution ive heard yet.. my my my,,
Thank you for the feedback, I might go again soon, since I do have a knot in my upper back (probably because my chest haha). We shall have to see if I'm lucky again!