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Full Version: Anyone on a mission for weight gain?
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I'm just curious if anyone else on here is on a mission to add on a few extra pounds in order for NBE to work.

I'm 5 feet tall and my healthy weight was at 95 lbs. Even at that weight I still aimed to add on 5 pounds to be 100 lbs. even. Now, due to a severe case of double pneumonia and other stuff I went through last summer, I've dropped to an unhealthy 80-83 lbs.! I'm trying so desperately to put the weight back on but it's not staying. Working 10 hours shifts a day doesn't help either.

Does anyone know of any supplements that stimulate the appetite or have any suggestions of what I can do to pack on the pounds? Any advice would be appreciated! I need body fat, and muscle. I do weight training (squats/lunges/ benches etc.) to keep toned.
I have a hard time gaining weight myself. My lowest was 89lb years ago. I am 5" and currently 95lb, gained couple of pounds from whey protein powder in the past 7-10 days. I am thinking, after I stop for a break from my herbs will start using maca, I read everywhere it helps with weight gain and balances hormones. Do you snack between meals? I am asking bc I don't but I should.only recently started snacking on nuts.
Just the opposite. Want some?
Hey guys. I'm 5 ft and 1/2 in and 94-95 lbs. and this has been my heaviest.Big Grin
Hoping to gain some more though.

I'm a hard gainer myself. So it's also making my growth slower than others.
Interesting article, maybe we should add ginger, We need it for our blood circulation anyway
I never considered ginger... interesting to know! So whey protein powder huh? Anyway Hayuhi, to answer your question, yes I snack ALL DAY LONG.
Maybe I should stop that, seeing as how it keeps my metabolism going. Rolleyes

When I was in highschool I used to drink a 16 oz. shake every morning that consisted of milk, 2 raw eggs, and 2 scoops of Naturade Weight Gain powder. I was fairly active then (walked for 45 minutes from school every day and had dance classes) and I think the shake helped maintain my weight at 95lbs. I want to try it again but other than online, I can't seem to find it!
Hi there!

Eating high caloric foods such as avocado, olive oil, nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter), and other healthy fats will help put on weight.

also, healthy complex carbs like oatmeal, whole wheat bread & pasta, & most beans, have lots of calories =]]

good luck sweetie xoxox