Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Should I give up on my NBE journey?
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Hi, I am new here but I am not new to the NBE world! My breast was a 32 B so I decided that I wanted to make them bigger. I took maca root pills once a day, ate 2-3 TSP of flax seeds every day, did breast excerises, breast messages, and drank a lot of protein shakes just to grow into a 34 B in two weeks! Which is great and all but now it feels as if it's shrinking! It doesn't feel fuller anymore but I shall say it is tender to touch. I don't know what I should do! I don't want my breast to keep shrinking and what not. Should I keep going or just stop? Any tips? A friend of mine told me I might need to drink herbal teas as an detox to keep all the items I'm using to keep working. Help!
No I won't give up if I were in your shoes. There are much more methods: noogleberry, orher herbs.
2 weeks are nothing. I personally think that was just swelling - that will turn into permanent growth if you keep going.
I agree with the previous comment, 2 weeks are nothing........i took herbs for six months, and the results came only a month ago.
Did you gain weight you wrote 32b to 34b I'm not sure that means your boobs are bigger well a big but you shouldn't go up in the band unless you gained like 30lbs haha
Do you know your measurements?
Assuming you just messed up the size or got 'measure' in vs but you did go up a cup that's a great sign it means you should continue you program for at least 3 months because some may be swelling but swelling is a really good thing its how growth normally happens. Your choice of nbe is unusual but if is working or you keep at it bit longer.