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(24-03-2014, 16:21)DianaSaturna Wrote: [ -> ]You might not succeed logging in for the download because the link in the post is "broken", by clicking on it you don't get the proper site Smile is where you have to log (courtesy of OP of the IDs Wink )

About meditations, I do all! The last one before going to bed because it makes me into deep relaxation and I fall asleep inevitably after.
The first is binaural beats.
Binaural beats, with special frequencies encoded, have the ability to make your brain enter a mode of specific types of waves that stimulate conditionment of cells according to the purpose of the track. It's not always really pleasant to listen to, but since it works on more or less of a subliminal level, you can use it background of a music you love more, as long as you can hear it (even very low).

How to meditate? Well personnaly I lay down in bed and give myself a rest, only that way I can reach the most deep state of muscular relaxation I need to have my mind at peace and opened to hypnotic suggestions, but if it seems unnatural for you especially during daytime, you can relax on a chair, feet to the ground, as long as your muscles can ease off. It's all up to your preferences.

I'd add that the key to success imo is to be deeply convinced until the subconscious layers of your mind that you will eventually grow. I just started my NBE journey so the results aren't there yet, but they will I am sure of it Wink Be asserted and be regular in your conscious acts in your program and I am sure all your stress troubles and doubts will flee away!

hmm.. it keeps saying something went wrong and I have to try again later :S weird.. same time happened last night.

The binaural beats concept so bizarre,but i love it! Few years ago when I read about them, I didn't quite understand how they worked but now I totally get it! As much as it is subliminal there actually is quite a bit of science behind it!

Okay great, I will give the meditation a go before bed tonight on my bed Smile I see, so I guess its all about submitting to it huh. Ah thank you so much! I will put this to good use! Big Grin

This is the article I was talking about in regards to how to use progesterone cream, pretty interesting, have a read:
That is an interesting article, thank you for sharing! I have seen someone on MyFitnessPal recommend vaginal application. I don't know of anyone on the forum doing that, though?
Hey Roro!

Welcome to the forum.

It's always lovely to find people to help you along on your journey! Joining here was the best decision I've made. I'm sure these ladies are far more knowledgeable about the herbals and stuff. But I noticed you mentioned some anxiety, and I wanted to kind of jump in to tell you that you're not alone. I know what it's like to struggle with anxiety along with other issues, and I know what it's like to try and keep yourself in the perfect mindset for boobie growing.

I wanted to ask a few questions and maybe offer some suggestions.

Are you currently medicated for anxiety? If so, what type of medication?

Also, have you considered alternative choices for help with your anxiety? Along my travels I've researched Damiana leaf tea, but unfortunately have never tried it. But I've read that it can be very effective at lowering anxiety levels.

Also, another product that I personally take for those issues is Gaba. Now gaba is good for two reasons in your case. I'm sure you could find plenty of articles about gaba raising HGH levels. It also helps your brain produce serotonin. Which is that lovely happy chemical that your brain struggles to make when you have a chemical imbalance. Which is generally what anxiety is, which is why they're treated with Ssri medications.

I began taking gaba along with my ssri medications, and within a week, I had felt the greatest I've felt in 6 years. I did have to change up my dosage because I was getting some crazy night sweats. But I will definitely say to give some research into gaba and decide whether it would work for you.

I wish I had put it into my plan sooner.

If you have any questions, or you would like someone to speak to, I will always reply to Pms. It's always handy to have someone as support during rough times.
(26-03-2014, 03:15)caitemh Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Roro!

Welcome to the forum.

It's always lovely to find people to help you along on your journey! Joining here was the best decision I've made. I'm sure these ladies are far more knowledgeable about the herbals and stuff. But I noticed you mentioned some anxiety, and I wanted to kind of jump in to tell you that you're not alone. I know what it's like to struggle with anxiety along with other issues, and I know what it's like to try and keep yourself in the perfect mindset for boobie growing.

I wanted to ask a few questions and maybe offer some suggestions.

Are you currently medicated for anxiety? If so, what type of medication?

Also, have you considered alternative choices for help with your anxiety? Along my travels I've researched Damiana leaf tea, but unfortunately have never tried it. But I've read that it can be very effective at lowering anxiety levels.

Also, another product that I personally take for those issues is Gaba. Now gaba is good for two reasons in your case. I'm sure you could find plenty of articles about gaba raising HGH levels. It also helps your brain produce serotonin. Which is that lovely happy chemical that your brain struggles to make when you have a chemical imbalance. Which is generally what anxiety is, which is why they're treated with Ssri medications.

I began taking gaba along with my ssri medications, and within a week, I had felt the greatest I've felt in 6 years. I did have to change up my dosage because I was getting some crazy night sweats. But I will definitely say to give some research into gaba and decide whether it would work for you.

I wish I had put it into my plan sooner.

If you have any questions, or you would like someone to speak to, I will always reply to Pms. It's always handy to have someone as support during rough times.

Hi caitemh!

Thanks so much for your post! And thank you for your support =)

To answer your questions, no I'm not taking anything for my anxiety at the moment. I was hoping that if I increased my progesterone I could decrease my anxiety (if I do have premenstrual dysphoria). I had a look into gaba from your recommendation, it's interesting! Apparently body builders use it too for muscle building?

The only thing is I'm scared of being reliant on supplements for my anxiety, or do you think it will be okay? how often do you take your gaba?
Got my progesterone cream today! And coincidentally i ovulate tomorrow according to my period app Smile (which is the 11th day for me) so perfect! Smile Massage is going well, boobs are firm, theres more meat at the top. Not heaps but a little more than usual Smile So I'm sure massage is working! I've also been listening to sapien med breast sounds while i massage. I can't say I feel anything when I just listen to it, but I have faith that it is doing something on a subliminal level so I will continue Smile. I dont think I can do hypnosis, it get really scared... and then i keep opening my eyes.. so I'll leave that for now. Tongue

Another thing, I will start looking in, is what I'm eating and try to make some easy changes, because lets all face it crash diets (even healthier diets) we struggle keeping it a constant thing.. so I will be making small changes. More research to be done!
Hey roro! Keep it up! What massage are you doing? I want to increase the tops of my breasts, too. All my volume is in the bottoms. I like the teardrop shape well enough, but I want some "squish" on top, too.

Hypnosis freaks me out, too, so you're not alone there! Have you ever tried the rockmelon ringtone? Lots of girls get tingles from it!
(09-04-2014, 15:37)blessedbreasts Wrote: [ -> ]Hey roro! Keep it up! What massage are you doing? I want to increase the tops of my breasts, too. All my volume is in the bottoms. I like the teardrop shape well enough, but I want some "squish" on top, too.

Hypnosis freaks me out, too, so you're not alone there! Have you ever tried the rockmelon ringtone? Lots of girls get tingles from it!

Hey Blessedbreasts!

sorry about the late reply i've been away.

I just do this variation i read somewhere, I push my boob up and use my knuckle to circulate the top flesh.

I've been doing tigerlily's massage techniques (knuckle in circular motion, slapping(although I've stopped doing this as much because I don't think its working for me), the grabbing to the nipple), deer massage (about 100 rotations each boob) and Chiyo milks fat brushing.

I started using progesterone cream I bought from Biovea (has anyone bought stuff from them before?). I think its grown some tissue on me, but I must say when I was using the cream my body felt really dehydrated, no amount of water quenched my feelings of dehydration, my skin was getting really really dry and I already have dry skin to begin with. Any thoughts?

I've still been listening to the binaural beats, I think the butt one is actually doing something. But I still listen to the boob one too.

I am half way through my 2nd month of NBE. I feels like I've done alot but I need to remind myself that it hasn't even been 2 months yet. I must have: Patience. haha
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