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Full Version: This is great :)
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so this was my like tenth day or so using progesterone cream which i am seeing some small results boob wise with it i have been only using is on my smaller side. but the thing is.... since i went through puberty i have struggled with anxiety and depression a LOT which subsided when i became pregnant in my 20's then relapsed after the pregnancy then subsided again at my second pregnancy 4 years later then came back again after that pregnancy. now only recently have i had relief of the anxiety and depression has anyone else had this side effect with progesterone cream? i feel great i have been Craving to go places and do things (which is not typically me) i have been relaxed and comfortable (which is not me i'm usually fidgety everywhere i go) i have not had insomnia like crazy (which is not me). I'm beginning to think that it's been a progesterone imbalance since my teen years that has caused all my problems to begin with! And that Doctors need to stop diagnosing depression and anxiety and start taking blood work to find the cause of it! i have also had the benefit of wanting to eat food (which is not me ever i usually eat 1 meal a day 2 if i'm lucky) now i'm like eat everything yummy! honestly i feel as good as i do when i'm pregnant which is REALLY GREAT! but without all the morning sickness and puking guts part. i am still taking my fenugreek and pureria merifica also which have not been very effective but i only take a low dose of each.i think they made my butt grow instead cuz it got bigger. i just wanted to share how awesome i feel with everyone if this stays in me for a long time i will be very content with life! <3 hoping the best for all my nexus ladies