Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Help please
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So I am a mom of two children and have very underdeveloped breasts even after two pregnancies. I was a 32A bordering 32B in high school. Now after my son who's almost two I'm a 32aa maybe even smaller... I'm so depressed... I've tried Natureday for a couple months, a few weeks of massage, and greenbush enhancement blend and just nothing has helped. I'm now doing 1 capsule 3 times a day of each fenugreek, saw palmetto, and red clover...any advice? I'm 5'9 and fluctuate between 120-125 I know I'm thin. Also is the chi massage hands going down the middle and up the sides in other words right hand on right breast clockwise when looking down and left going opposite? Ugh so frustrated some help be nice...