Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: Starting BO after getting off Loestrin BCP?
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So I WAS taking the birth control pill Loestrin24e, which basically contains equally small amounts of estrogen and progesterone to create a lighter period(I was taking it to treat dysmenorrhea). Well in the process I gained weight and it became hard to lose, but I didn't notice any significant chanes in acne or hair growth. My breasts were also a TINY bit bigger, but that could also just be a result of noogling. Although the pill made my debilitating periods lighter, many other more personal reasons prompted me to stop taking it. And now I am back to my normal weight. So now I am wondering after about a month of stopping BCP if it would be ok to take BO? I asked my doctor about getting my hormone levels checked but she declined /:
Btw I'm turning 19 this year, making it 10 years since my first period and here I am stuck with Bs when I want D's.
Please help!