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I have a quick question about the it just an audio recording we listen to, and if so is this more of a hypnosis thing?

Also if this is a hypnosis thing, how do we not know the audio is just "hypnotizing" us (and only us) into seeing our breasts differently, although it hasn't really changed?

Sorry if this question seems a bit odd, just curious
Yes, it's a hypnosis thing. He talks and puts you into a state of relaxation and then has you imagine things during each session. I feel like it would definitely make you physically grow. I felt all types of growing sensations during the first 4 weeks, now I don't which is why he's trying to help me through a mental block I personally have, just I haven't been able to coordinate a time for us to talk more on it, he just asked me to go back to week 2 which I have. The main reason I think it would actually make you physically change and not just in your mind is because...

I shared this story with him and I don't mind sharing it here in case someone else could benefit as well. But I believe the mind is a very powerful thing and tool in which to heal us and change us physically. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer after giving birth to my son, he was 6 weeks old. The doctor did my pap, came in and you could tell the look on his face, he was worried about how I was going to respond to whatever he was about to tell me. He of course before telling me said things to try to pre-calm me down, which I found funny. He then told me I had cervical cancer and if not treated immediately could spread to the uterus. I instantly said "okay, so what's the plan to get rid of it?". He told me that I would go through treatments where they freeze the cells with nitrogen and scrap them off (sorry forgot the term he used for the treatment), I would need to go through at least 7 and if that didn't get rid of it, then surgery, if it spread after, chemo. I took one look at him and said "no, it will only take one treatment, when are we scheduling it for?". He then told me I needed to be realistic that this would not go away overnight and I would need several treatments, but scheduled my first one for 2 days later. I said basically, no that it would only take one because I didn't have time to play sick. I had a newborn to take care of, his father was a piece of shit, so I really didn't have time. I then went home and concentrated non-stop on the cancer cells disappearing. That my body was killing them off. I had the treatment, and before it and after concentrated in my mind that the nitrogen killed them all for good. I went to my checkup appointment after the first treatment. My doctor came in with a shocked look on his face and told me that it was all gone. And of course I said, I told you so lol. I have been cancer free for over 8 years now. I get checked twice a year.

So, yes I believe the mind can grow or get rid of anything on your body. Now if this particular series of hypnosis is different and somehow tricks our minds into thinking our bodies are different when they really aren't. Who cares??? Aren't we doing this for ourselves? For us to feel better about ourselves? So, if this makes it so only I see myself as improved, so be it. I would be fine with that.
Is this offer still up then? I'd be interested Smile
It's been awhile and I was wondering if there is any new updates to this? Huh
Not yet sorry, I've been extremely busy with work lately and haven't had a chance to call him or anything. I'm off today though and plan to call him this evening or so.
Did you talk to him?
do i have to live in the states to join the group?
sweetpea, no unfortunately. My next days off are sunday and monday so will try again.

serena, no, he's actually Canadian and from what I hear his clients are from all over, so no worries.
Angry Changed my mind, sorry.
Sorry to hear that Shelly, I think the issue is, is my schedule is very hectic so it's hard for me to find time to contact him, and I believe he has a busy schedule also, so it's hard to coordinate everything. It also doesn't help that I've been getting sick recently. Last weekend I had strep throat, and this morning I caught some type of stomach bug and have been puking all day. So I apologize about that.
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