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I'm currently taking SP, fenugreek, wild yam, and maca root. Is it ok to take these everyday consistently, or do I need to cycle them? If so, how? Thank you! =)
SP is most definitely a constant dose, the rest of it I believe can be and have been cycled in various plans.

I don't think any of them are strong enough to NEED to be, but they can be.

Especially the fenugreek, as your phytoestrogen component probably ought to be taken at a higher dose during luteal than during follicular.
what's sp?
SP stands for saw palmetto, which is an herb that blocks the reduction of testosterone to the supposed-to-be-male-only form known as dihydrotestosterone. It also has slightly milder effects on blocking testosterone receptors and blocking the production of androgens from further up the synthesis pathway. It also contains a VERY mild and minute dose of a phytoestrogenic chemical.

Generally, it is used as a relatively safe anti-androgen by people who don't want to subject themselves to any of the much harsher stuff out there.
Are there any herbs that should NOT be taken together, or that work better at certain times of the month? I want to take fennel seed, fenugreek, wild yam, maca, and saw palmetto.