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So the past two days my breasts have been extremely sore and very firm. I measured and my measurements didn't change, but hubby says they look bigger. I also wanted to give a rundown of what I'm taking supplement wise:

~Omega 3-6-9 Complex, one softgel 400mg each of fish oil, flax oil, and borage oil

~MSM capsule 1000mg

~1 Ainterol capsule

~Daily Multi-Vitamin

~garlic capsule 1,000mg

~2 hair skin and nail vitamins with biotin (spring valley brand)

~Omega 3-6-9 Complex, one softgel 400mg each of fish oil, flax oil, and borage oil

~MSM capsule 1000mg

~1 Ainterol capsule

~ 1 echinacea capsule

~garlic capsule 1,000mg

~1 hair skin and nail vitamins with biotin (spring valley brand)

~2 teaspoons of L-Arginine powder mixed in grape and lemon juice (equivalent to 10g of L-Arginine)

Keep in mind some of the things I take are not for NBE, I take supplements for other things and for general health. My blood pressure is now in normal range and has been for 2-3 weeks now! Last I checked it was 118/78

Also I have been going to the gym for weight training 3 times per week, doing yoga and dance cardio at home 2 times per week for the past 2 weeks. I am now 138 lbs :/ want to get down lower, I also have 31% body fat :/ So I took some "before" pics today in a bikini to also track my fitness goals. I plan to get down to about 117 lbs and 18% body fat, but also keep my butt and breast measurement, right now my measurements are:

37 1/2 inches bust
30 inches waist
40 inches hips/butt

Goal measurements:
maintain bust size or go to 38-39 inches
26 inches waist
39-40 inch hips/butt

I'm also on a high protein diet, lots of veggies also, 6 small meals per day. I'll post my "before" pic before for the fitness goal.
Ok so been measuring at 38 inches lately Smile so hopefully that stays, I start my period next week so we'll see after then. I've continued to take my BC and PM at the same time, haven't had any issues and I massage and pump every night basically, some nights I have skipped, but I'm trying to be as consistent as I can be. I workout 5 days per week, 3 days weight training at the gym, 2 days at home either Zumba, dance, yoga, etc. So far I haven't lost any weight, but I feel like I'm gaining some good muscle, especially in the lower body.
Posted this on the NBE General Discussion section, but wanted to say it here also...

I get tons of questions sent to my personal messages, often ones that the answer can be easily found by reading my program pages, for example: "what program are you currently doing?". Often other questions like "how much of ____ should I take, how do I do ____?" etc. I have a very busy lifestyle. I work in sales and have a hectic schedule, I have a kid and a husband, I try my best to workout 5 days a week AND do my own NBE routine. So it's extremely hard for me to fit in additional time to answer the same questions over and over and over. So newbies, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read my program pages or any other veteran members pages before asking questions about their experience or programs, also if any questions could be directed to my program pages I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not trying to ignore anyone, but it often gets overwhelming. Also asking the right person about certain things is key also. I DO NOT HAVE GOOD EXPERIENCE WITH INDIVIDUAL HERBAL PROGRAMS. The gurus for that are Isabelle, Wahaika, etc etc. I have experience with Noogleberry, Zoft gum, BO (Ultra Breast), and currently PM (Ainterol). So asking me how much fenugreek and saw palmetto you should take and when, I will not be able to answer it as well as others. Please direct your questions to the right members to get the most accurate answers.

Sorry if this seems like a rant, not trying for it to, I try to help where I can, just wish more would read before asking questions :/
On my cycle since Thursday and I'm measuring at 37 1/4 inches, so seems I gained 3/4th of an inch so far since normally around now is when I measure the smallest during the entire month. So I've been working out at the gym with weights 3 times per week and doing Zumba, dance, etc at home 2 times per week. So far I haven't lost any weight, I actually gained a pound, but I lost 1 inch on my waist, I'm now at 29 inches when I was at 30. I know that this is how my body is though, anytime I weight train, I lose fat and gain muscle and I end up gaining weight before I lost anything. Which is fine with me, my main focus is to get rid of fat, make my waist smaller, etc.

I'm a little concerned that I'm going to lose some boobage though :/ hopefully not. I haven't been 100% consistent with pumping but have been with my supplements.

I've also been kinda in the dumps lately. My husband says my breasts look bigger/rounder, but I don't see it myself. They don't look as round as I'd like. And I keep thinking I should just go for the fat transfer surgery. But if I lose too much weight I might not have that option. So a friend of mine suggested "cohesive gel implants" aka "gummy bear implants" which are supposedly safer than regular silicone implants because they don't leak, and more natural feeling and looking also. But eh. I don't know. I must admit I looked into them, did a little research and I'm tempted to consult with a Dr in LA for them, but then I think... maybe if I committed more to NBE, I could be like chiyomilk and get where I want to be. But I guess we'll see. I'm going to wait until I lose the fat I want to lose, get my body where I want it to be fit wise, then see how I feel after that. I'm going to continue PM, PM cream, and the other supplements I take. Been thinking about mixing the L-Arginine with my protein shake for an afterworkout drink, we'll see. And I want to try to get more pumping time in. So hopefully I maintain size or get a big bigger/rounder then I will stop even thinking about surgery, blah!

Maybe after my cycle, I'll take some more progress pics to get me motivated more.
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