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Full Version: Questions about UB and Vitamin supplements
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Hi all, I'm new here and I just wanted to ask a question about BO use.

I just started UB the past friday and already feel the tingling and soreness on DAY ONE! I decided to try it since I saw that many of you have had some success with it. However I have a question. I take a couple other supplements and medications and I was wondering if any of you could tell me if these would hinder my growth on UB.

Here's what I take:

Fish Oil (1000 mg)
B-Vitamin Complex (Improves my mood and helps with PMS for me)
Apri Birth Control Pill (ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel)

Also, any pointers for a first time UB user? Should I do massage too? Is there any foods I should avoid?

I'm think of doing the same thing! I'm on Apri as well and was thinking of getting UB or some sort of BO. I heard that there's a body temp requirement and that you need to keep up the protein. Anyhoo! I'd love to know about this two before I decide to spend my $$$ Tongue
Yeah, I was wondering about the B Vitamins since they're supposed to increase metabolism. I read somewhere that UB metabolizes fat from your body and helps deposit it in your breasts (not sure if that is true or not).
I was hoping the vitamin B wouldn't stop that from working... and also wondering if it would help it along. *shrugs* I guess I won't know anything for a couple more weeks or months. Wink

I haven't had any adverse effects from UB and Apri so far though, and it's been about two weeks. I'll keep you posted if I do though, if you're worried about the apri and BO interaction.
That would be awesome! Yea, I was worried about my metabolism as well considering mine is supposedly pretty high. I've been trying to gain a little more weight in my butt and boobs but no success. But then again, I don't get a lot of protein lol.