Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: PingPong's Program
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Basic Info

Age: 25
Nationality: Scottish/English...Canadian
Height 5'4"
Weight 122 (Goal 118)
BMI 20.9 (Goal 20.3)


Above bust: 33”
Bust: 36” (if I miss 2-3 days of FG/FN I can go down to 35.5”)
Under Bust: 27.5
Bra Size 32D (Canada)
Waist 24.5
Hips 35
Butt 36.5
Body Type Hourglass (my lower half appears larger so I would like to balance out my figure Smile )

Current Super Simple Program

FG + FN tea 2x/day (about an hour before or after meals)

Booby Batter

FG + FN + Sunflower or Olive Oil + cover with a heating pad for 20 mins (left on overnight)


360 Chi Rotations 2-3x/day

Notes - Current Program

Although my breasts are definitely fuller & firmer on this program, I need a stronger phyto-estrogen in order to have any growth… Once my life settles down a bit (lots of major changes atm including work, home, travel, on/off relationship has gone off again, working through major anxiety, issues with my parents, etc.) I will begin using PM & Goats Rue in conjunction with other supplements and hopefully have bigger titas by the end of the year! Big Grin

Future Program

Follicular Phase

*PM Pill (Days 1-5 = 1 pill; Days 6-10 = 2 pills; Day 11 = 3 pills; Day 12 = 2 pills; Day 13 = 1pill)
*PM Cream (right breast only)
*PM Spray (right breast only)
Goats Rue (except on days 12-14)
Calcium (taken with PM)
Vitamin D (taken with PM)
Magnesium (taken with PM)
Hyaluronic Acid (for skin)
Ginkgo Biloba (for circulation)
MSM (taken with Vitamin C to aid absorption)
Gelatin (taken with Vitamin C to aid absorption)
Collagen (taken with Vitamin C to aid absorption)
Amino Acids (L-Proline, L-Threonine, & L-Lysine taken after meals)

Luteal Phase

FG (one dose/day 20 mins before lunch which is my most carb-laden meal)
FN tea
Vitamin E (stimulates progesterone production)
Hyaluronic Acid (for skin)
Ginkgo Biloba (for circulation)
MSM (taken with Vitamin C to aid absorption)
Gelatin (taken with Vitamin C to aid absorption)
Collagen (taken with Vitamin C to aid absorption)
Amino Acids (L-Proline, L-Threonine, & L-Lysine taken after meals)
**Progesterone Cream (left breast only // one that contains 450 to 500 milligrams of USP Natural Progesterone per ounce)

*I’m not sure which brands of PM to use yet...
**Not 100% sold on PC Cream yet…

Notes - Future Program

I plan on doing this for three month intervals, followed by a month of milk thistle to cleanse my liver. I’m still unclear on whether I can continue to take the herbs for my Luteal phase, a different herbal regimen, or if I should stop taking everything except the non-herbal supplements (ie: collagen, MSM, amino acids, etc.) during this time… Luckily, I have plenty of time to look into this before making a decision Smile.


Split Weight Training Schedule 2-4x/week
45 mins - 2 hours of cardio 4-6x/week (hiking, running, or aerobics)
Agility Training daily


360 Chi rotations 2-3x/day

Booby Batter

Follicular Phase

Undecided as I have a feeling that the PM Cream & Spray might be enough to forego a booby batter concoction…

Luteal Phase

FG + FN + Sunflower or Olive Oil + plastic wrap (uuugh I hate the idea of absorbing chemicals but I can’t think of a non-toxic alternative) cover for 20 mins with a heating pad (left on overnight)


High Protein (turkey, chicken, salmon, nuts, goat's cheese...)
Organic Fruit 2-4 servings/day (never combined with other foods for easy digestion/elimination)
Unlimited Organic Vegetables (usually 6-8 servings/day)
Gluten-free (well, almost gluten-free but this is proving difficult during the evening)
Alcohol: 1-2 glasses of red wine or 1-3 beers 3-4x/week (trying to limit wine to one glass sporadically and cut out beer since it contains gluten and so many yummy calories...booo!)

Special Considerations:

I am just getting back into shape after returning to Vancouver (I lived in Spain for 5 months) and have drastically changed from a carb-laden, vegetarian diet to a high protein omnivorous diet in order to alleviate the food-intolerances I’ve developed, improve digestion, ease excessive bloating (I have a very small waist but my lower abdomen was always distended on my veggie diet,) improve the condition of my skin (very sensitive, acne and eczema,) increase energy levels, improve my mood (I’m a very sensitive soul so I’m prone to anxiety and stress,) and sleep (I've had insomnia since I was 8 years old – eek!)

One of my breasts appears to be estrogen dominant and the other progesterone dominant (ie: my left breast seems larger as it protrudes more but isn't as round, whereas my right breast is very round and seems smaller as it protrudes reality they’re the same size just shaped differently) so I'm wondering if it's just a matter of balancing my muscles by working out or if I should apply PM to my right breast and PC to my left breast...?
They used to be perfectly symmetrical but around 23 I began to notice the imbalance so I hope that I can regain a symmetrical look.

My Mom’s side of the family have HUGE breasts and flat bums, whereas my Dad’s side have flat chests and HUGE bums so I seem to have wound up with a mixture of the two sides and wound up with an hourglass shape. I’m hoping to lose about 5 lbs. and gain some lean muscle just to tone up, and improve athletic performance (this is a personal goal, not professional, just to see what my body is capable of Big Grin I figure if I can manage to run a 5 minute mile, then I won’t care if my legs are a little thick or that my bum jiggles the whole time! Blush )

I was at my heaviest weight when I was 22 at 129lbs. and my breasts were a luscious 34DD (perfect size for my tiny torso and big hips) so I aspire to reach 38” which I believe will make me a 32E (since 34DD = 32E = 30F) and anything extra will be icing on the cake!

Woohoooo I'm excited to start my new program asap!
So I've lost 3lbs. (happy dance!) but I skipped my herbs about four times in the last two weeks and my breasts haven't hurt at all lately Sad

My measurements have barely changed but for some reason both breasts seem to have evened out nicely and look pretty symmetrical - maybe massaging has helped a bit? Not sure but in any case I'm a happy little clam!

Above bust: 33” (no change)
Bust: 36” (no change)
Under Bust: 27.25" (-.25")
Bra Size 32D (no change)
Waist 24" (-.5")
Hips 35" (no change)
Butt 36.25" (-.25")

I keep researching PM and am a little worried about it being so strong thus how to cycle it properly... I've ruled out PC now that I know more about it, along with collagen as I believe that the other supplements will be sufficient for collagen synthesis, and I don't know what to do about a PM cream/spray as I will need to make my own in order to avoid harmful/irritating ingredients, wompwomp... The search continues!